Since Statehood Caribou season has always started Aug 10th south of the Yukon river. Last year they moved opening day for the 40 mile herd only to Aug 29th so the Caribou have the opportunity to cross the roads and be away from the highways.
Yesterday at the lunchion we hold discussing Fish and Game Issues, the biologist informed us that the season had opened at midnight, and they were closing it at midnight. A 24 hour season. Seems the Caribou are standing in the Steese highway. Thousands of Caribou walking across the road, with hunters driving the road hunting Caribou. The migration is running two weeks late this year. They were expecting a slaughter to take place yesterday. Going to be a bunch of happy GIs. Have not heard what the damage has been yet, but I'm not too excited since the allowable harvest numbers were pretty high to begin with. I sat and laughed at the biologist as he sat there embarressed over the results of his changes, and how they did not work, again. I was against him changing the season in the first place.
The Army boys will be leaving soon, so they are really pushing to get some hunting in before they leave. They just got back this summer, and usually get reassignments to other bases following return from the big sand box. This will be the last chance to hunt in alaska for them. Mostly GIs hunting the Steese this year since it is close and easy to get to. This year they won't even have to unload their 4-wheelers.