This is where America is collectively. An argument over a flag on a privately owned boat. When I think it can't sink any lower on values and priorities, I get proven wrong, with still yet another minuscule, non-event bit of worthless trivia.
These two guys, (Romney & Obama) don't even deserve the attention I would give an ant crawlin across the side walk, but here we are, with the two sides doin verbal battle over a damn flag on a boat in another country.
The reason Obama is president, and the reason Romney is a candidate for replacing Obama is just this sort of thing. This website, and hundreds of others, are filled with forums concerning political issues, and candidates, most of which are not even worth discussion.
I guess the ones that confuse me the most, are the ones that claim they want change, but continually vote the same way, over and over, and condemn the voters that actually do change their priorities, for voting alternative candidates. They claim the others are wasting their vote, but we get the same damn mess every year, yet these ones wanting change yet voting the same, claim to be right in their thinking. How can that be?
What everyone needs to understand is, a very immoral man, can "claim" to be a Christian, and a very moral man can "not necessarily" be a Christian. Now I use this example to make a point. Both Obama, and Romney, have PROVEN to the voting public that scruples, honesty, and character have very little value in the winning of this election. BOTH! Yes BOTH, have proven that, to get where they are today. BOTH, have slaughtered the competition to win.
Does anyone here really believe that either candidate will "save you", from your worst fears of the what the other might do, in regards to your freedoms? Or is this flag issue something that you prefer to sink your beliefs of either candidate in, "as to whom they really are"? You have all, once again, MISSED YOUR CHANCE FOR CHANGE. Just sit back, and enjoy the "same ole, same ole". It is what America "collectively deserves". The "same ole, same ole voters", after all chose the candidates.