Yep, the whole want something different strikes again. I had a .243 Handi, traded in for a bolt, lost my job and had to sell to fix my vehicle so I could go find another.... It's been rough, but my family and I are still afloat so I'm not complaining. In the mean time I traded a threaded 22 rifle for a Glenfield 30 so I still have a PA legal deer rifle. I'm not a lever fan, but if it works. That brings me full circle back to the Handi. Funny, irony, destiny, or whatever else you want to call it sure seems to apply.
I may end up being able to get a deal at an auction this weekend on a .223. If it was manufactured prior to 1987, is there any reason I would not be able to put a 22h, 357, 44, or 30-30 barrel on it? If after that date and before 2000, would I still be able to get the 357, 44, and shotgun barrels or just the shotgun? It appears on the website that all frames 1987-1999 are being treated as SB1's, but reads like they are not giving them even that high of a rating. I'm just trying to figure out if it is worth my time on Saturday. I don't need the .223, I'd just like the frame to get a versatile do everything gun.