I once got saddled with a phony $20 bill...Do I turn down all printed currency now?
NAH;... I just check it out a bit closer..same goes for a new puppy, butcher, church, mechanic, insurance policy or a new rifle..
IG. WEll put. In some folks case any excuse will do to stay out of Church, swampys is as good as any I reckon. POWDERMAN.
..And curiously, a local independent church will give you a much longer "trial period" than any gun, car, TV , couch, chair or computer. You can usually attend for months and not be asked to "join"..they may never ask you to join. Even if you do join..you can walk off at any time..and cut any strings. That's not "yoked'.
We had a church leadership meeting just last night before I taught Bible study. The mmeeting included all leadership and their soouses..planning directions for the next year and on out..with our newly hired pastor. In that meeting we each made a checklist as towhat we like about our church and what needs improving.. One very obvious point was our "church family"...much like an extension of our own, personal families. We all valued that very greatly.
Our church is completely open and Bible directed..the financial books are right there on a table in the rear..open to all members.
I don't know about Swampy, bur my experience proves as God said, " My yoke is easy, my burden is light"