Author Topic: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.  (Read 333 times)

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Offline powderman

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Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« on: September 10, 2012, 05:23:41 AM »
Mind control at an early age, kinda like hitler did it. Train the children up in the ways of obama?? POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
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Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2012, 05:35:01 AM »
Need more detail. Concerning spreading the school wealth, that has been done in most places by local decree. Otherwise we will be right back to pre 1960 where the poor and minorities are left with no choice but to attend poorly facilities that are poorly staffed, etc. and will then receive a second rate education. The biggest federal government dictated educational mess that I have ever seen in education is the "No Child Left Behind" mandate. The primary school system I work for has finally worked around this mess and have received a waiver from the feds to use the ACT tests instead that are much more useful and meaningful to the students and a much better measure of student success IMHO.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2012, 06:31:28 AM »
Need more detail. Concerning spreading the school wealth, that has been done in most places by local decree. Otherwise we will be right back to pre 1960 where the poor and minorities are left with no choice but to attend poorly facilities that are poorly staffed, etc. and will then receive a second rate education. The biggest federal government dictated educational mess that I have ever seen in education is the "No Child Left Behind" mandate. The primary school system I work for has finally worked around this mess and have received a waiver from the feds to use the ACT tests instead that are much more useful and meaningful to the students and a much better measure of student success IMHO.
SO instead of the poor you want all the kids to have lousy access to education.
With the no child left behind what does it matter if the parrents do not care if their kids get an education, or indoctranation?  Why do we not punnish the parents for the kids that refuse to learn?

Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2012, 06:52:15 AM »
Quote from mcwoodduck:
"SO instead of the poor you want all the kids to have lousy access to education.With the no child left behind what does it matter if the parrents do not care if their kids get an education, or indoctranation?  Why do we not punnish the parents for the kids that refuse to learn?"

No, I want all children to have access to a good education. You are correct in that it is much more difficult for a child to do well if parents are not there or ensuring that they and their child do all they can to support the education. How can unmotivated parents and children become motivated by law or otherwise? You can do things in the classroom to help some with the student motivation but if the parents are not their backing the teacher it will not last.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2012, 11:31:11 AM »
Quote from mcwoodduck:
"SO instead of the poor you want all the kids to have lousy access to education.With the no child left behind what does it matter if the parrents do not care if their kids get an education, or indoctranation?  Why do we not punnish the parents for the kids that refuse to learn?"

No, I want all children to have access to a good education. You are correct in that it is much more difficult for a child to do well if parents are not there or ensuring that they and their child do all they can to support the education. How can unmotivated parents and children become motivated by law or otherwise? You can do things in the classroom to help some with the student motivation but if the parents are not their backing the teacher it will not last.
Agreed and no matter how much money you throw at the schools as long as the parents are not motivated to see their kids educated then nothing will happen.  You can pay every school teacher 500,000 a year and it will not raise the education level, the kids will still be reading below the grade and math is still at least a grade and a half below here in Los Angeles schools.  And now they want ot decriminalize skipping school and not punnish the kids and the parents.  Gee sounds to me as if more kids are going to skip school as there is no punishment.  And again why do we continue to listen to the liberals they are the ones in charge of education, or better the lack of education in our nation.  Too busy teachig Sara has two Mommies and Man Made global warming than math, real science, language arts, and real history.  once we stop usiong the schools as indocrtination centers and start teaching again and having teachers responsible for the grades the kids get on the standard tests.  Even if we assign them a bonus based on the tests.  Classes acheiving an 80% or higher gets you a 5% pay bonus.  90% and better gets you a 10% bonus.  Below 70% you get 90% of your pay.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2012, 12:14:05 PM »
Need more detail. Concerning spreading the school wealth, Yep.."spread the wealth around" ;D that has been done in most places by local decree. Most school taxes arer levied and collected on a LOCAL level. Otherwise we will be right back to pre 1960 where the poor and minorities are left with no choice but to attend poorly facilities that are poorly staffed, poorly staffed because of union demands and refusal to "clean their own house".etc. and will then receive a second rate education. By second rate teachers, protected in their incompetency. The biggest federal government dictated educational mess that I have ever seen in education is the "No Child Left Behind" mandate.  The biggest mess is that the Feds got involved at all! The primary school system I work for has finally worked around this mess and have received a waiver from the feds to use the ACT tests instead that are much more useful and meaningful to the students and a much better measure of student success IMHO.  Sure, when the students are failures..the tests show it..but what do you do with teachers who are failures?
   Sorry Guzzi;
   ...But you just posted a bunch of union/political tripe! 
  We have all heard those horror stories as to how.. "more expenditures of tax monies buys better education"..BALDERDASH!!! The amount of capital expended has little or NO effect upon the educational experience.
 I don't have to prove this, everybody  on this forum of any experience have witnessed the wasteful spending and irresponsible programs which school districts have participated in.
    I spent my first two years in rural, one & two room of them didn't even have running water.  The teacher in school #2 taught 8 grades by herself (about 25-30 students in all).  Every chiold who left that school for high school could read, write and spell passably well.  They could name all the 48 states and their capitals along with the neighboring countries & caps, and provide a reasonable account of current events. They could do this without benefit of TV, computers or 24 hour cable news.
  My daughter-in-law homeschools my teenaged grandaughter at no cost to the government..and still pays "school taxes"..
   Let's face it.. "operation headstart"is more appropriately "operation headSHRINK"; nothing more than a leftist, government sponsored child indoctrination program.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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Re: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2012, 12:27:10 PM »
     Money spent has no relationship to education received.  Here's a list of public education costs..state-by-state, please read carefully.
 Scale: $7,217 - $18,068
United States$11,665
Alabama$10,320Barchart image
Alaska$16,174Barchart image
Arizona$8,655Barchart image
Arkansas$10,757Barchart image
California$8,667Barchart image
Colorado$9,155Barchart image
Connecticut$13,959Barchart image
Delaware$11,905Barchart image
Florida$9,576Barchart image
Georgia$9,827Barchart image
Hawaii$13,090Barchart image
Idaho$8,840Barchart image
Illinois$11,229Barchart image
Indiana$10,419Barchart image
Iowa$12,007Barchart image
Kansas$12,056Barchart image
Kentucky$10,231Barchart image
Louisiana$12,253Barchart image
Maine$14,591Barchart image
Maryland$12,703Barchart image
Massachusetts$13,361Barchart image
Michigan$10,624Barchart image
Minnesota$11,472Barchart image
Mississippi$9,708Barchart image
Missouri$10,935Barchart image
Montana$13,773Barchart image
Nebraska$12,823Barchart image
Nevada$8,363Barchart image
New Hampshire$13,519Barchart image
New Jersey$15,116Barchart image
New Mexico$11,001Barchart image
New York$15,863Barchart image
North Carolina$9,024Barchart image
North Dakota$12,225Barchart image
Ohio$11,382Barchart image
Oklahoma$9,369Barchart image
Oregon$10,517Barchart image
Pennsylvania$12,906Barchart image
Rhode Island$14,567Barchart image
South Carolina$10,237Barchart image
South Dakota$11,232Barchart image
Tennessee$8,695Barchart image
Texas$8,654Barchart image
Utah$7,217Barchart image
Vermont$17,847Barchart image
Virginia$10,095Barchart image
Washington$9,329Barchart image
West Virginia$12,780Barchart image
Wisconsin$11,783Barchart image
Wyoming$18,068Barchart image
District of Columbia$16,034
Puerto RicoN.A.
Virgin IslandsN.A.
   Definitions: Per-pupil educational expenditures adjusted for regional cost differences using the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Geographic Cost of Education Index. Beginning with 2006 data, the NCES Comparable Wage Index is used. Also, beginning with 2005 data, the U.S. average is calculated using an average of the states’ averages. For years prior, the U.S. average is calculated using a grand mean; which is the mean of the means of several state subsamples. More...
Data Source: National Center for Education Statistics, Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education accessed through
  South Dakota for instance, has a better education record than many states.  South Dakota spends $ 11,202 per pupil.  Virginia has a credible record compared to some and spends $ 10,095 per pupil..
  Right in Virginia's shadow, Washington, DC spends $ 16,034 per the DC students get a $5,939 better education than do Virginia students?
  Washington state spends $ 9,329 per pupil, while New York state spends $ 15,863 per student.. Does each student in K-12 New York get a school year worth $ 6,384 more than students in the state of Washington do?
   Let's be honest with ourselves... the amount of money spent has no practical relationship to the education received..
   Responsibility resides much more with the parents, teachers, administrators, unions and the students themselves...and those things don't require money to repair.  What is required is a movement back to the values which made our country great.. a social, political and spiritual revival if you will..   Money doesn't buy that!!
  Tragically, it appears most of our public schools are moving AWAY from these values, rather than TOWARD them.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline thumper113

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Re: Obama wants to control what your children learn in school.
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2012, 04:04:10 PM »
First, if you're just now worried about this you are many, many years to late.  Hillary Rodham-Clinton started the social education of our children while she was First Lady of Arkansas.  She worked with most other states on approved curriculum.  If you want to get ill, go find a history book and compare it to what you learned.  It's disgusting.

Second, as a senior network engineer I support many charter schools.  We've watched them come and go. 

You know the ones who have made it AND made a difference in the kids lives?  The ones with discipline.  The ones that held the students accountable for their own actions.  I have seen at least a half dozen "approaches" to education and the only charter schools truly succeeding are the ones that hold the student AND the parent AND the teacher responsible. 

These schools hold their teachers responsible for discipline and teaching.  You don't want to work, go someplace else.

I've seen kids go from lives that Jesse and Al would cry on stage over go on to VERY good academic careers.  One of the schools has a 99.9% placement in college or the military after 3 graduating classes.   I watched kids I had seen come in as little troublemakers leave as almost adults I would be proud to call my friend.  They have GREAT work ethics and realize nothing in life worth having comes easy.

But if you're worried about the social education, you're way too late. 

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