God put oil and coal in the earth for us to use. It doesn't have any other purpose, and it's not depleted yet.
Nuclear energy, IMO, is a whole other matter. Although He gave us the brain to create it, it's not a natural energy source. I think we have advance too far. You've heard it before, but never has it been more true: The End is Near.
Mike, you've got it. This is the thing. Fission of uranium results in man-made elements that are extremely deadly and there is no plan to dispose of them because it is too expensive, but even if they were willing to pay, where would it go? Nobody wants it in their state. So the plants keeps the waste rods on site in pools where they have to be cooled constantly. But the pools are aging and the company can't put too much money in them. But even if they did put money into the fuel pools, what would happen if there was an earthquake and/or tsunami or flood? The pools lose cooling water, the fuel rods catch fire and you send everyone within 400 km packing and 40 km becomes a permanently uninhabitable area. What reason could they logically keep on with nuclear power?
Look at all the plants in the eastern part of the U.S.? They are all near populated areas. They could be venting radiation and nobody would even know about it. Why should the company care? That would cost them money. Regulators don't care because after the government job, they go to work in the industry.
We need to speak up and hold those sons of !@#$%'s accountable! Quit acting like a bunch of lambs waiting for everything to be done for you. Tell your city counsel about the neighboring nuclear plant. Tell them you want them to tell the plant the city wants it closed due to what happened at Fukashima Daichi. That mayor and counsel can get together with other neighboring mayors and counsels and they can all make a joint statement saying they want the plant shut down permanently. That is how it can happen. I know 3 cities that shutdown 1 nuclear plant and it is still shutdown. We Californians can be tough. Red state voters need to get their acts together. If there was a spill in California like the Gulf Oil spill there would be an uprising.
HC , they just place the nuclear waist in sealed containers deep within the potash and limestone formations ,off a state road here in NM called 62/180 near Carlsbad .
It was called the " WHIPP " project years ago , i don't know what they call it now .
The WHIPP site I believe , but it all was run by Westinghouse . Around this area in SW New Mexico , there are a lot of nuclear support facility's cropping up . One of the new ones is the Nuclear Enrichment Facility named "URENCO ", just outside of Eunice NM on the Teaxas border.
In the works is a new one that is an actual isotope , or fuel rod manufacturing facility to also be located close to 62/180 . It's shapeing up to be sort of like a nuclear corridor around there .
URENCO is a major employer down there , so much so that in also taking in the local oil field operations ,there is now a major housing shortage in that area.
It's so bad down there that what they call "Man Camps " are popping up all over the place . For those who don't know what those are , they are camps of RVs that are used for transient workers from all over the country who are coming there for work . But if this sounds like a good thing to you, it isn't.
The local municipality's are complaining that they can not support the influx of so many people on thier utility's . Statistics are now showing that crime , drug trafficking , DWI arrest , prostitution , robberys , murders ,and divorce rates are climbing through the roof . It is to be expected that a large majority of these transients are people running from the law in other states . Due to the fact that the oil field is notorious about only wanting a warm body to fill any position . And a lot of times paying out cash money to get that .
Add to that mix a large Casino, lax liquor laws, a new large prison , an undermanned local LE , illeagal immigration , rampent meth abuse on the rise , and you can clearly see all of that has become a very volatile mix .