I have for the last few days been trying to rust blue my custom built Highwall receiver but it has been little more than exercise an in frustration! Fortunately most of my attempts were on scrap pieces of the same material the receiver was machined from but I just spent (wasted actually) all day making a mess that will have to be sanded off tomorrow. I am using Mark Lee Express Blue and the receiver is 4140HT steel, every attempt has resulted in a brownish/Copper colored surface that undergoes almost no change in color when boiled. It does have the soft coating after boiling that must be carded off but this coating is more brown than black, I followed the directions to the letter and then after failure I decided to experiment on the scrap pieces. I tried various surface temperatures and both light and heavy applications but the results were mostly the same regardless, the hotter the surface the darker the brown coating but it looked more like stain than rust- regardless it would not turn black when boiled in distilled water. Any ideas here before I just give up?
BTW, I honestly don't believe it's the fault of the Mark Lee solution because a search on the net brings up many satisfied users and nothing but success stories with not a single failure that I could find.