Everyone has a right to their opinion, but discretion and common courtesy should accompany opinion as well.
I was disturbed to see a deliberate denigration against an established religion.
Really, is that necessary?
I am not a muslim, Christian, Jew, Bhuddist or member of any organized religion. However, I am a great believer in a Higher Being, afterlife, and that I one day will be held accountable for the things I did --- and more importantly, the things I failed to do.
Historically speaking, many of the followers of Christ have brutalized the world for more than 2,000 years.
The invasion of the Middle East by the Crusaders, the Spanish Inquisition, the slaughter of non-Christians throughout Europe for hundreds of years, the Vatican's blind eye toward Nazism and the death camps --- all of these are shameful, horrific examples of religous followers who believe their route to God is the only route.
Christianity would do well to remember that when you point a finger, four are pointed back at yourself. Does Christ's admonition of "Judge not, lest ye be judged," mean nothing to you?
I don't wish this to be a whole indictment of Christianity, or any relgion. I know there are good, fine, moral Christians out there, just as there are such people in any of the established religions.
And there are good, fine, moral atheists and agnostics out there as well.
Since the Sept. 11 attack I've seen all kinds of racist propaganda about non-Christians, most of it on the internet.
The founding fathers recognized the abuses, cruelty and murder often carried out in the name of religion, which is why they mandated a separation of church and state.
Most were, themselves, Christians --- yet they had the foresight and decency to allow others the right to think as they believed.
Please practice that same decency and courtesy --- both are social graces sadly lacking in today's society.