I have two; one from the state and one from the feds.
I live in VA where open carry is not illegal, but it's very inadvisable, IMO. You WILL get stopped and questioned if you go all the places you might go undisturbed with you or weapon concealed. It's just asking for some kind of confrontation. The argument that "it's your right," has be talked to death. "Use and display your right before you lose it," it an insane argument. Carry it hidden and shut up about the fact you have it. If you go where something ugly is going down, the bad guys there will shoot first at those they can see have weapons. It's just silly. In addition, it makes you look like you like your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. You look like a show off at best and a terrorist at worst.
Now, all that said, I open carry in hunting season in the woods and fields because the big single actions don't lend themselves to being readily accessible under a heavy coat in the middle of winter. No one sees it 'cause ain't no one there.