I am so darn tired of the "zombie" trend it's unreal. When I first heard the term thrown about four or five years ago, it was kinda funny- A bit of a euphemism for what the Objectivist/ Ayn Rand fans would call "Looters" in case of an apocalyptic scenario becoming a reality. But now, I've heard it a zillion freakin' times, and people have become way too hardcore for my likings with regards to a "Zombie Apocalypse" When the CDC does ads about preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse, you know it's a way the heck over done trend.
Now you have these morons on TLC, and Discovery and it WILL happen some time this month talking about how zombies COULD be real, and how a zombie apocalypse really could occur. They WILL have that moron Max Brooks on there to fan the flames, and spread the woo-woo scary living dead BS.
The hell of it is that the Right Wing zombies are ready to kill the left wing zombies, the left wing zombies are prepared to fight the Right Wing Zombies, and "zombie" is now a term reserved for anyone who does not think like you do or share your ideas and values. There's even a "Kill The Tea Party Zombies" video game. Google it up if you don't believe me. What bothers me the most is that it really does seem to be used to dehumanize your enemies, you know...like Nips, Zipper Eyes, Krauts, Ragheads, etc.
Yeah, maybe I take this crap a little too seriously. Sorry. My Zombie Apocalypse Funny Bone has been broken for a few years now.