I have to go with LaOtto on on this one. I own some Savages also, and for the same price I would be buying Savages, especially the rimless ones. If I had to put my life, or a loved ones on the line, I would want a Savage.
That being said, the Savages rarely go out and the Handi's go out all the time. I buy the handi's for what they are, what they are chambered in.
I want rimmed straight walled or slightly tapered cases in mostly large diameters that lend themselves to cast bullet shooting. They are more ME and less technology. I can shoot them SOOOooo cheap! They are just fun. I would buy another 3-4 in the right calibers----er--- CHAMBERINGS.
This eventually gets back to why we buy something , the purpose it serves. As stated here before, I only use most of my rifles for a few weeks a year, the shotguns a few months. For at least 8-9 months the only things fired are the Hornet and the 357 Mag, they are my utility guns. The others I just basically collect, just to say I have them, and they each have a particular niche and get their day in the sun every year
I also have enough to go around with the grandkids when the time for me to hang 'em up.