Are you serious. Most pediphiles are hetero. "sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object". Why would you think a hetero. could not be a pedophile? Here is your sign. Show me the studies where children are impaired by homosexual can't..... Boy are you full of bull.
Show us the studies to back YOUR claim.
Not a specific study, but:
Google will find more info.
My real point is: Gay people are actually less likely to victimize a child in the way some of you think they do.
Is acting on gay impulses wrong? According to the bible, yes. Still, gay parents can provide a better alternative than many straight parents and/or the government.
There are many formes of mental illness. Some, we can live with, and some are so horrendous in nature, we can't allow in a normal society.
IMO, anyone who commits cold bloodied murder is insane.No normal person would take the life of another human in cold blood.Molestors of children are insane, and a danger to our young.Personally, I think Homosexuality is a form of insanity. It's not normal! Can this person help being queer?I don't know, but I do know it's not normal.if a Homosexual man decides to take advantage of male children, he is a Pedophile.If he steps over this line, he should be removed from society.
If a heterosexual man rapes children, then he is a pedophile, and should be removed as well.They are both criminally insane.One just happens to violate male children, the other female.
Since I believe Homosexuality to be a form of insanity, I would never allow children to be placed with a Homosexual couple.If they were rational thinking people, they wouldn't want to subject a child to their lifestyle.
People who write our laws are even more to blame if they allow this to happen.JMO! For what it's worth!