i have purchased several whelen barrels jus to experiance tha FTF.
even bought 2 from unhappy owners with FTF's...
guess what !! notta one dida FTF after my son and i's research and handloading of
several hundred rounds each. i even sold one back to its original owner with tha
formula and prep it required to bea mitey fine, non "click" shooter.
and he is proud to own it today.
then we both bought a new whelen with syn camo's... and there perfect !!!!!!!!!!!
tha rest of tha story is slowly fade'n away in tha freezer...................
not nock'n yall's process, but sumthin ain't quite right here..........
BTW.... i have several 35 whelens in other custom shooters too
and are aware of tha problem yall speak of and it can be corrected.
brother cajun....i sent youa pm witha load from j2's book for whitetail .