I know someone has already done this. can the rechamber be done by hand or must be done on a lathe? is the one thousandth difference in dia. a problem shooting factory jacketed ammo? Should i just search for a 35 rem barrel?
Morning CT!
I read you got (IMHO) the correct answers and made a good decision.
IMHO, reaming a 357Mag/Max to 35 Rem/356Win, BY HAND, is a bad idea.
Again just reiterating others comments before me, If you where to put the 35 Rem or 356 Reamer into the 357 chamber, you would only the the poliot in the chamber, possibly part of the neck. There is little to nothing there to"guide" and keep things square. BUT if you started with the 35Rem (Going to 356 or 35 Whelen) that reamer would drop in better than half way. This provides MUCH more support keeping the chamber reamer centered and the chamber round. Even on my re chambers, I do them in my floor mounted drill press. I Do NOT use power to turn the reamer, I use a centering quill and a vice to better keep the reamer allighned in the center of the bore.
As further proof to those who may search this at a later date, I reamed two 17HMR barrels to 17Hornady Hornet. By hand using my drill press method I mentioned earlier. Well its the same senero as the one your inquiring about. The 17 Hornets body is much larger than the HMR so there is no support. Its like drilling a hole for the first time, I made two bad chambers! One was useable and actually shoots VERY well, BUT will be hell on the brass causing it to fatague quickly. The second one was octagon!! It would not eject when fired, To save it form the garden, Larry reamed it to 17FB for me. (THANK YOU LARRY!!) Its now also a tack driver.
Here is a fired case from the bad chamber:

In summary, I agree, doing this by hand is a recipe for a problem. Have someone with a lathe and experience cut this one for you.