Don't know what you are afraid of efremtags. I think you are more afraid of the truth than what a few people typed here. Wonder where you get the idea that some of us think that government should dictate or mandate religious beliefs. I think you just made that up. Or just assumed it. I just stated that I think a politician that is a Christian has a better character than one that is non Christian. That is my belief, and I think its the absolute truth.
As for the term separation of church and state Jefferson only used it in his letter to the Baptist association of Danbury. The rest of the founders never mentioned it. It has been the liberals and socialists that have promoted it to remove God from our society.
As for our founders promoting and encouraging Christianity, they did just that, because Christianity was the foundation for our written charters and nation. If you don't believe that do some research on our history. Not by reading a watered down, rewritten history book that are the norm today.
Below is a link that explains how the separation of Church and state became a popular belief in today's society. It also has quotes from Jefferson, and what he meant in his letter to the Baptists, where the term separation of church and state originated from.
No need to be afraid of me. I'm not gunning for any of your rights. Obama is the one that you should be more afraid of, because you will lose more rights from people like him, than from people like me. Do you think Obama is not governing based on his beliefs? Every man elected by the people, govern based on their beliefs. I can certainly see that if you are somewhat drawn to the Islam religion and its history, I can see how you are attracted to Obama. By the way Christianity is not a religion.