If, as I think that ms = milliseconds (1/1000 sec) that the velocities are not on the chart.
Velocities are there. The barrel is 24 inch long and the time it takes for the ball to leave the bore in ms, time and distance equals velocity does it not?
First the projectile is seated on top of the powder and the ignition plug also takes up space so the distance traveled is the effective barrel length or in this case 1.667 feet. For the Goex 2f, using your suggested calculation, a velocity of 661 fps is obtained (1.667/0.00252 seconds).
The correct basic calculation are:
acceleration = (Pc*Area)/Pm
velocity (Vi)=acceleration*time - Time = 0.0001 seconds for the pressure interval
Total Velocity = sum(Vi) in this case the Pressure Trace II records 300 pressure data points. So there are 300 Vi that are added together to get the total velocity or muzzle velocity. For the Goex 2fg example the peojectile exited the barrel at 2.52 ms so 252 data points were used in the velocity calculation.
Pc - Space Mean Pressure - Friction Pressure do to air drag and projectile friction with the barrel
Area - the area of the base of the projectile
Pm - the mass of the projectile
These equation are simplified from the actual calculations but are correct in principle.