Author Topic: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?  (Read 1484 times)

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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2012, 12:33:14 PM »
So we should all vote for obama?

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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2012, 12:50:31 PM »
I have a friend who lost most of his was in GM bonds of some type.  Always before when the a company like this went belly up, these bondholders were the first to be paid.  His share disappeared when the government took over.
Would Mitt have profited if the government has stayed out of it?
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #32 on: October 25, 2012, 01:45:27 PM »
Romney has had his money in a blind trust throughout his political career. The entire thing is a red herring thrown up by Obama's handlers and echoed by his groupies.

Prove it. ;D
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2012, 02:53:28 PM »
Where would pragmatic fit into this deal? As I have said several times, you may not like the plan, your plan may well be better. If the plan presented is going to make you some money despite being less than optimum, why should you not take advantage?
It may be important to some here to cut off their nose to spite their face, don't change horses in mid stream, pick your metaphor. I'd sure as hell hate to make some sort of progress on this national debt. If ol' mittens makes him and everyone he knows filthy rich and wipes out this financial problem I'll happily buy him a glass of his favorite tea. Some of you idiots would rather die than allow someone to profit from their financial dealings, your principles won't allow someone to have a better life simply through being smarter than you. I'm hoping someone smarter than me will come along and fix this mess, I sure can't get it done.
All you folks with the great ideas get off of your half moons and fix it. Fixing it means you have to be sharp enough to get into a position of influance to do so. Whining about the man keeping you down is horseshit of the highest order and I ain't buying it. If you are smart enough to fix this nations problems then you ought to be smart enough to get yourself elected to a position of influance.
Carry on Eyeore have a wonderful day if you can.   
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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2012, 05:50:20 AM »
Pragamatics, huh?  Please EQ, while you're looking up the definition for hypocrisy do look up the definition for 'ethics' at same time.  The article in OP #1 explains what a Mitt presidency of the Plutocrats will look like.  It is a short course on Money Changing 101.  Get ready...
Again, I don't care how much money he makes for his friends as long as he is able to fix the problems perplexing this country. What would be wrong with eveyone having too much money? You act as though there is such a thing as too much money. I'm not expecting to elect the next Dali Lama or Mother Theresa's replacement ( both of them  proud to be destitute ). I want a man who can get chit done, I want a cold hearted bastard who is willing to do what it takes to bring America back to the rightful place she once stood among the great nations of the world. If it takes some compromise of your economic principles so be it, again, I don't care.
How is it you feel you have the ability to judge how much is enough and what is too much? If Mitt has ill gotten wealth then start the proceedings to send him before a judge. You may not feel qualified TM7 but surely someone hates him as much as you do and would start that dance if they could. I have seen nothing credible to warrant his arrest and conviction, especially that opinion piece you posted to start this line of thought.
If you are happy with the last 4 years your cadidate come election day is clear. So too it is clear who to vote for if you have enough of the present course of action from our President.
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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2012, 07:02:43 AM »
How as in legally obtained?
Mitt is not far enough along the socialist ladder to suit you I get it. You have enjoyed a small amount of socialism courtesy of one Barrack Obama. I have had my fill and want no more, thanks anyway.
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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2012, 11:58:33 AM »
Certainly not socialist enough to suit Deat Leader, nor socialist enough to suit those he is trying to appease in the Democrat party.
You honestly can't believe that TPTB will ever not be powerful do you? Power begets more power. Lets suppose an asteroid takes them out at their volcano base tomorrow TM7 what then? I believe the Who answered that question long ago. We will get to meet the "new boss, same as the old boss".
Russia is a very nice example of what I refer to.  From Czarist Russia up to the current thug it has always been the same for the people. They are want to breed a particularly brutal and corrupt government no matter the system. You might do well to support the idiots we have governing here in the States, lest we get a better quality Socialist put in charge.
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Re: Mitt Made $15 million + from GMC Bailouts which he didn't endorse, huy?
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2012, 06:09:12 AM »
To put it simply, it will be better because my life has been spent learning how this game is played. I pretty much know the rules and have positioned myself to be able to play along. I am not likely to win the whole pot TM7 but I have been doing nicely.
Had I spent my learning years getting a job within the government, social services for instance, I may share your views. In my position however I can think of precious few ocassions where an increase in gov't services ::)  has done anything to make my life better. I can think of precious few instances where my dealings with Gov't have left me thinking "gosh that went well, I would like to do this again tomorrow".
I might be like an old boar hog. Doesn't matter what the change is I don't want any part of it. Most trips end poorly for hogs, they rarely go to the county fair and return to fill straws for the rest of their lives.
**Concealed Carry...Because when seconds count help is only minutes away**