Hello all. First let me say, my first shotgun was an old H&R/NEF and I slew many squirrels with it and never had an issue other than a sore shoulder. I now have the overwhelming desire to purchase an H&R Ultra Hunter in .308. It's inexpensive and no frills, and supposedly a decent gun from what I hear. My old 1973 Model 670 will not hold a group with any ammo but UMC, and I'm tired of blowing money trying to get it to (target crown, floating, and SEVERAL different loads). On top of the fact, deer season opened yesterday and I don't have time to save for another Winchester, and I don't want a cheaper synthetic gun. Thus the Ultra Hunter...laminate stock and blue barrel/receiver and I can get it for at cost! ($269.99). Before I make the plunge, I had a few quick questions:
What kind of groups can I expect out of the box? I'm not looking for SUB-MOA performance as I am a deer hunter, not a competition shooter.
Is it necessary to "break the barrel in"..I've never done it on any NEW rifle and never had any trouble.
Is floating the Handi necessary?
What loads does your Handi .308 like? (I will be purchasing factory loads as I do not tailor my own)
Just how bad is the recoil from a Handi .308 (worse than a bolt 30-06 with no recoil pad and a 22" barrel?)
I hear all this about cleaning with JB,etc...is good old Hoppes and RemOil not good enough for these?
Thanks in advance