After seeing the news this morning, and seeing that there was alot of emails going back and forth,before,during, and right after the attack. Obie knew exactly what was going on. My guess is, he had stand down orders, from his boss's, and they were hoping for the best. But, in true typical muzzy fashion, they did what they do best. Kill unarmed citizens. IF, the news media, meaning ABC,NBC, and CBS, has any guts or conscience left, they'll pressure him on this. But, I doubt they'll do any real pushing, as they have their orders too. Nixon resigned over something that wasn't nearly as bad. But, I guess for some of you, short of raping a 12 year girl in a wheelchair, Obie can do no wrong. This is why this country has to go thru a transformation, and, I believe it'll be a costly one. In lives as well as money. gypsyman