I can't comment on the lenght as I don't have any experience with these specific models, and have always liked longer than standard lenghts anyway, but would suggest that you reconsider buying online. The way I see it, assuming you go through a FFL and not an individual sale, you have to do the form 4473 anyway, making the only difference between purchasing from your dealer and transferring though him/her that you send the payment along with your FFLs phone number vs bring it with you. I have done both, and honestly prefer to buy through my FFL to keep my favorie shop in business, but my FFL also refuses to deal in used guns so several of those in my collection have been bought online and I have never had a problem. I've used gunbroker, so that is the only one I can comment on, but make sure you ask any questions you have as most of the people there will try to answer your questions if you ask them. Last gun I sold there to fund my Ruger Mk3 .22, the buyer asked several questions, and I sent him about 20 extra photos to show him more detail than the 4-5 photos I could get up on the site before he decided to purchase. I have had the same exact courtesy/help from a couple other people when I was trying to buy their guns in the past, so consider this to be fairly common, especially with old guns where it's all in the details as opposed to a brand new gun like this last .22 I bought was. So I say go out and find what you want, and the extra hoops to transfer it in should be very insignificant to the point of the worst part being the extra time it takes your payment to get to the seller and the gun to be delivered to your FFL.