This may have only come from a Sci Fi novel. Where an futureistic Android asked a human scientist a question about human behavior that it didn't understand.But it always made a lot of sense from the
aspect of certianly a fictitious, but a totally different form of intelligence other than our own.
Who was on the outside looking in on this very subject where it wanted an explanation about something it didn't understand .
"A direct quote from the book,take it any way you like"
" Doctor, there is something that I do not understand . And that is.In this society that you humans
have so carefully constructed where a large part of it is centered around the protection and the rearing
of your children. One that is so complicated that you educate those children for nearly a third of their lives on how to
deal with that society on even its most basic levels .
Can you tell me ? Why then do you terminate them while they are still developing within the womb of
your females ? "
Nuff said,not a real good example of our kindness. Or our understanding of life itself,be that artificial or biological by any means. It is said that one of the things that separates us from all other
species on this planet is. Our understanding and conception of death, so in taking that into consideration both in science and in faith.We have no viable or intelligent excuse for doing this.
It goes counter to everything we claim to be as a civilized society. With all the technology that we
have out there now that can be used to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is a very barbaric
solution to be used as a form of birth control just because someone couldn't keep it in their pants!
Or were to stupid or lazy to consiter the consequences of their actions.
Now,in that same novel do you want to know what that Androids answer was to this problem?
Based on what it saw as our own solution to this same problem as it related to our dear household
pets? Our right to choose? What gives us the right to stop a life only because at that time it wasn't
wanted? Only to later on choose to let one live? That's almost like looking at two of your children and
decideing which one is to die and which one will live! Only because out of selfishness you didn't want
the poor child that you chose to die. How is that going to look on your résumé when you meet your
maker, whatever you perceive that to be? So,in all consciousness what if it were you that was chosen
to die? Especially if it were your mother or father who made that decision for you?
Where the only explanation given to you was, that you were only alive because they had a wild night
out on the town? Rant over . Anna