I urge everyone to go see Obama's America 2016. It is done by an Indian-American (from India). He does a thorough investigation as to what makes Obama tick. It is the only logical explaination I have seen. He is not a Muslim. He is not a True Christian. He is someone who was taught about colonialism by the western powers as evil. He views 3 evils of colonialism, military take over, Christian missionaries changing people, and capitalist merchants exploiting the resources of colonial areas. He thinks America was colonialist in their anexation of Hawaii. Europeans colonialised Africa, parts of Asia, etc. The indiginious peoples, Obama thinks because of his communist father, thought communism, and fighting to throw off colonial powers was the only way to be free. He thinks America is rich because of exploiting the world. This is what his real father believed (from Dreams From my Father) to what Rev. Wright taught. So, he doesn't give congress a budget, spends over $1 trillion over revenues each year, and is cutting back on our military. He wants to take from the "rich Americans" and give this money back to the exploited people of the world. He hasn't looked at Japan, modern China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and India are doing by "copying" American Capitalism and freedom. He only sees poor African nations and Islamic nations as being exploited. Even though many former colonies are worse off today than under colonial rule, and even though Opec sets the oil prices. He MUST GO No mater who goes in. Hillary Clinton would have been better than Obama as much as I dislike their politics, at least it was American left, not FAR LEFT MARXIST ideas.