Author Topic: You all want HIM for president?  (Read 10750 times)

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Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #300 on: November 05, 2012, 06:13:21 PM »
Like in the 1790s?  ;D
Yes remember that the cause of the revolution was excessive tax acts inflicted on the colonies to pay for the excessive spending in england.
Grab your history book and look at what people went to war over.  5 to 7% in taxes as well as restricting personal freedom caused a war.
In the 1790's we had a revolt against the taxing of whiskey.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #301 on: November 05, 2012, 06:19:03 PM »
Do you understand a supply and demand graph?
Prices are on the vertical axis and quantity is on the horizontal.
Draw an X in it / is the supply and \ is the demand.
Have the graph show that at a price of 100 you have 100 units.
Assume 100 units = 100 workers to make them.
so let's assume
the lines are 1 to 1 ratio.
The taxes are 25% personal.
That we are going ot go to 30% taxes.
Price= taxes, plus profit, plus costs.
So as taxes go up prices will rise as well.
Now a corperation is a person under the tax laws.
So the corp in the graph sells 100 units a day employs 100 people, makes 10% in profit and pays taxes as a person and is owned by a single person.


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #302 on: November 06, 2012, 01:14:15 AM »
Like in the 1790s?  ;D
Yes remember that the cause of the revolution was excessive tax acts inflicted on the colonies to pay for the excessive spending in england.
Grab your history book and look at what people went to war over.  5 to 7% in taxes as well as restricting personal freedom caused a war.
In the 1790's we had a revolt against the taxing of whiskey.

the first shots were fired over gun control  ;) something to keep in mind
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline wganz

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #303 on: November 06, 2012, 02:01:28 AM »
All I can say, is if you manage to elect this soulless non-Christian, y'all deserve him.
You seem so indignant about his faith. Please share your story of conversion along with stories of your daily walk. Share the thorns in the flesh you have and the crosses that you have had to bear.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #304 on: November 06, 2012, 02:36:36 AM »
Check out this circle economic flow:
What this chart doesn't show, is the government is a parasite in the middle. 
They can tax the producer, the middlemen, the consumer.  The more they tax, the less goods and services produced, the more the product costs.  There is no free lunch. 
Government has to provide the basic things that people or producers can't produce such as:
Military defence, roads, bridges, canals.  Anything else the government does costs money for the producers and consumers. 
Education was once taken care of by parents and chruches.  America had no public education when our country was founded, yet our population was the most educated in the world at the time.  Chruches started the first colleges and universities, such as the Ivy league schools.  Government didn't get into education until the early 1800s and then it was locally controlled.  States built universities, but didn't get involved in basic education, that was still local.
Military defence started with a local militia of volunteers, not paid soldiers. 
Face it, government is way too big.  Too many unproductive people on the dole.  To many taxes on producing corporations already.  Tax rates should be flat all the way up and down the line.  So if you are a potential Bill Gates or someone, you start off in a garage, you pay x% tax, the more you make, you still pay the same x% tax.  Otherwise, I have known people to turn down a raise at work because it put them in a higher tax bracket and they would have taken home LESS money.  Taxes work both ways.  Tax the rich too much, they go to another country that taxes less.  Same with tobacco tax, tax ciggarettes too much, and people will travel to another state, or to an Indian Reservation to buy them.  Tax alcohol too much and people with start moonshining. 
If you took EVERY PENNY from EVERY millionare and billionare in America, it would only reduce the national debt by 10%.  Like Romney said, he was going to look at every government program and see if it is worth borrowing money from China to pay for it, if not cut it out. 
The federal government could operate at far less money with the same services by turning a lot over to the states.  Another way is to let the national guard handle emergency relief since they are always the first on the scene, are more highly organised, have generators, MRE's, water, blankets, clean up equipment.  FEMA is a joke.  They ran out of water the other day.  A woman with 3 kids in Alabama can make more money with section 8 housing allowance, welfare, and food stamps, plus the kids eat free at school, than she can working minimum wage.  Freebies should not exceed what someone working minimum wage can make.  I have seen guys at work buy food stamps several years ago at half the face value because someone wanted money and had all the food they needed.  I think they should increase production of MRE's and hand them out instead of food stamps.  People would get tired of them and want to work, get an education to get a better job. 

Offline rickt300

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #305 on: November 06, 2012, 04:19:47 AM »
Like in the 1790s?  ;D
Yes remember that the cause of the revolution was excessive tax acts inflicted on the colonies to pay for the excessive spending in england.
Grab your history book and look at what people went to war over.  5 to 7% in taxes as well as restricting personal freedom caused a war.
In the 1790's we had a revolt against the taxing of whiskey.
Mcwoodduck, reason and facts mean nothing to a leftist. They waste the air they breath pushing lies and have no clue why it irritates those that actually think.
I have been identified as Anti-Federalist, I prefer Advocate for Anarchy.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #306 on: November 06, 2012, 04:32:30 AM »
That's right DD,,,during the colonial period in America the system was primarily 'communal', many people never saw cash; as did the planet operate for eons before the 'monetary system' became normalized.  The American Revolution was more about rebellion against corporate hegemony/monopoly.....against the Hudson Bay Company and East Indian Trading corp...who did indeed try to collect tax for the Crown.  Eventually, people will figure out this mutual corp-gov relationship, oppression, and rebell again.
Do not look at the lack of a Colonial Coinage or a lack of a federal mint to mean that there was no money. 
America adopted the Spanish Coins as our currency.  And yes there was a lot of bartering of items.  but things were not communal.  You did not walk down to your neighbors to milk his cow because you wanted butter.  You may have brought him eggs or a chicken for the milk.  It was not until the early 1800's that a mint was founded and many of the spanish coins were melted down and American coins were designed and produced. 


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #307 on: November 06, 2012, 07:21:16 AM »
their was coin , my uncle found a coin minted before 1776 . He was plowing with a horse drawn plow and turned it up in a tobacco field.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #308 on: November 07, 2012, 01:09:20 PM »
their was coin , my uncle found a coin minted before 1776 . He was plowing with a horse drawn plow and turned it up in a tobacco field.
I have silver coins from before 1776.  They are just not American coins. 
The Dutch, French, Spanish, and English coins were used in the Colonies