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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2012, 04:42:09 PM »
Typical righty responses. Y'all DO realize you never seem to address the problem, don't you? Just like the Magic Mormon, righties always try to redirect to another subject where you feel comfortable rather than directly respond to the subject I brought up. I'll help you:


I don't care WHY; I already know that. Just type "yes" or "no." Or are you all so lost in your own mythology that you can't give a straight answer?

Well let's see, I seem to have heard that the jobs that Bain shipped over seas was done while Mitt was away from the company working the Olympics and that most of them were done years after he left the company.
I wasn't there so I can't say first hand, can you?
I hate to see jobs lost anywhere but some must go to save the company.
I guess they could have let the companies go under and lose all the jobs and that would be OK with you!
Maybe THE LIAR should have let GM go under and lose all those jobs also.
Maybe they reported on Jesse's arrest because Mitt hasn't been arrested.
I didn't hear about the arrest so I am asking, how many other stations reported on Jesse's arrest?
Anna it is much easier to swim the Rio Grand than it is to swim the Pacific.

That my friend is one of the main problems, it's to easy to swim the Rio Grand, all they have to do now is walk across!
The just of it is you don't like our guy and we hate what your guy has done to our country.
If you take a poll on here you will find you are vastly out numbered with conservatives and will get no pity from them when it comes to wasting our money on projects that will do nothing to help our country get back on it's feet.
You have already heard some of the companies that went bankrupt with our wasted money so let's talk about one that is still in business.
I think it was called General Motors, (now know as GOVERNMENT MOTORS).
They are still here with our money invested in it and doing better because they did what?, laid off thousands, outsourced some of the contracts for parts, dropped some of their products which cost more jobs and OH, wait just a minute, that is the same thing that Bain did to save those companies, the only difference is Bain didn't use our money!

Your question was

What profitable company did Mitt close and move the jobs to China?
The magic word is (PROFITABLE).
If a company is profitable then why would you close it and move the jobs someplace else?
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2012, 04:46:04 PM »
LongTom, you can't talk sense to a liberal.  they all act like emotional 13yos ;D
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Offline Doc Brown.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2012, 06:08:08 PM »
NO I do not , how dare you insinuate that we are not touching on any solutions ! What you fail to
acknowledge sir, is that the solution to this illness is to address the disease that has caused all of this
over the last four years . The post I have read on this thread have stated this very clearly , and that needs to be done before we can enact any cure. The problem here is that you have come up with no solutions yourself , only a barrage of name calling and finger pointing anytime someone doesn't agree
with your point of view . Sorry , someone needed to say it !

What disease did Obama create? Everyone seems to forget that George Bush with his big government programs and big spending got America into this trouble. What does the last 4 years have to do with anything.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2012, 06:47:25 PM »
Liberals hope that the U.S. general populace does not know, or care, that all the verbal flatulating about Bain is absolute BS.

Mean while, the press ignores how his promises before being elected were near all not only lies, but damning lies, while trying to float the Bain boat.

President Obama is just another self-centered, self-righteous cheap Chicago politician. Nothing he has done has been even a small surprise to me.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2012, 07:14:40 PM »
NO I do not , how dare you insinuate that we are not touching on any solutions ! What you fail to
acknowledge sir, is that the solution to this illness is to address the disease that has caused all of this
over the last four years . The post I have read on this thread have stated this very clearly , and that needs to be done before we can enact any cure. The problem here is that you have come up with no solutions yourself , only a barrage of name calling and finger pointing anytime someone doesn't agree
with your point of view . Sorry , someone needed to say it !

What disease did Obama create? Everyone seems to forget that George Bush with his big government programs and big spending got America into this trouble. What does the last 4 years have to do with anything.
You are wrong.  Bush did not start the problem it was started years before under clinton who cooked the government books and caused problems.  Then you had a Democrat congress that passed a banking law that caused the housing bubble and of course the collapse.  The current adminastration has been doing ewverything against Economic laws that would put people back together.
On an interview with CBS the host said that higher taxes would only hurt the economy and the president agreed but said it was about fairness (read that progressing the collapse of the country) 
If you do not understand that the economic policy of this president is to eliminate the middle class and create an under class  that will riot and will agree to change the system like they have done through out history.  You need to look at history and see what has caused revolutions.  Communism sounds aweful unless you have nothing and then everyone having nothing sounds good.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2012, 07:17:41 PM »
LongTom, you can't talk sense to a liberal.  they all act like emotional 13yos ;D
That is why Lennin called the liberals useful idiots.  You can sell them on ideas that sound great but never work in practice and they will blindly go along thinking they are superior to all that actually understand what is going to happen.
I am sure the teachers that thought communism was great in Cuba were suprised to find them selves against a wall to catch bullets.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2012, 12:24:16 AM »
Typical righty responses. Y'all DO realize you never seem to address the problem, don't you? Just like the Magic Mormon, righties always try to redirect to another subject where you feel comfortable rather than directly respond to the subject I brought up. I'll help you:


I don't care WHY; I already know that. Just type "yes" or "no." Or are you all so lost in your own mythology that you can't give a straight answer?
  OK Chung;  I'll answer your question;
   No, I don't support anybody moving manufacturing jobs from the USA to China..such as the General Motors ventures there in the last couple years.  Of course, Mr Romney understands international business better than You, I or B. Hussein ever will.
  Now a question for you:
       Do you support a prez who watches in real time, Americans in an American butchered by a foreign terrorist group...and does NOTHING to help spite of being the C-in-C of the mightiest military the world has ever seen?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2012, 01:46:47 AM »
I know if I owned a business I'd be looking to move it offshore. The purpose of a business is to show a profit for shareholders, or make a profit for the owner. The reason a business was started up was to provide a product or need that people will pay for. When it starts costing a business piles of money to meet draconian government regulations and taxes, their only choice is to move it somewhere these cost don't occur or close their business.

I work for a large energy company, and I see some of the costs to the company because of petty regulations imposed by a government that can't curb its spending. Thugs in fancy cars, and fancy clothes will come for a inspection and fine them big money for all sorts of petty violations. The company has to continue to meet more and more strict clean air standards for their natural gas fired engines that produce low pollutants as it is. This alone has cost them millions. It takes them months and months to obtain permits, along with wading through a bunch of red tape. The EPA is writing more restrictive laws all the time, and getting bigger and more powerful as those stack of laws grow. Companies will continue to move offshore as long as the business environment here is like it is. The purpose of a business is not to provide a bloated government with whatever amount of money they want.         
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2012, 03:03:38 AM »
 Quan. I have little doubt your a former acorn worker(bob?) now paid to paddle from site to site and cast stinkbaits to "bitter clingers" but whatever the narative I wanted to say thanks for once again providing stimulus to insure a very interesting read. The rest of ya'll provide hope for a better december. J
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2012, 04:05:33 AM »
Your Story is completely BOGUS.  Romney left Bain in 1999.  Why is this even a story?  He does not make the decisions for the company and does no day to day operations, etc.  Blaming him for it is ignorant and what you expect from the left wing spin machines. 

You need to ask yourself why so many companies move to China?  It's so they can compete.  If the regulation, taxes, and red tape wasn't so bad most would stay here.

You bash Romney for some of the companies that failed while they were trying to save them.  People that say that have no idea how venture capitalists work.  You go into struggling companies that are ready to fold up and EVERYONE loses their jobs.  They take it, cut out the fat and inefficiencies and then try to make it competitive so it can thrive.  They think they can make them run, otherwise they never would have tried to save them.   It's that simple.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2012, 04:11:23 AM »
Those of you crying China and Jobs do you understand the concepts of Disposable income, Supply, Demand, costs, Price and the relationship to taxes?
Higher taxes = Higer costs.  (taxes are a fuction of costs)
Higer costs = Higher prices (costs + Profit = Price)
Higher prices = smaller disposable incomes. (disposable income is what is left over all all needs are met and you start looking at wants)
Smaller Disposable incomes = Fewer wants met.
As you move down the supply and demand curve less profit is made. Actually the demand curve shifts to the right as prices rise. Less profit makes people get out of the market.
As profits are lost a reduction in costs are the best way to off set the higher taxes and fees. 
Cheaper labor and lower costs in building drove companies to china who wanted to cut costs and increase profits.
Before you libs yell about evil profits please remember that we tax profits and with out them you can have 100% tax and nothing would be collected.
Also remember as taxes go up disposable incomes go down and less is purchases.  Fewer items purchased and the fewer workers are needed.
If you want to blame anyone for driving jobs ot China it is NOT the businessmen it is the Government that raised taxes and fees to close plants in the cry of Clean water, air, or soil.  at the same time Communism is polluting and with out any safety standards.
Sometimes I wonder if the liberals understand that there are no Social Security, Medicare, personal income taxes, OSHA, EPA or unions in china.
As an example, One of the companies I worked with the president was telling us about a recient trip during the building of the olympic statium.  He saw one of his workers with a peice of cardboard with slits cut in it and a string to act as a welding shield.  He asked where the safety gear was he sent for the factory and was told it was needed for the olympic stadium to show that china was modern.  Do you thinkg the Communists care if the welder went blind?  Do you think they will take care of him? 

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2012, 04:18:55 AM »
What disease did Obama create? Everyone seems to forget that George Bush with his big government programs and big spending got America into this trouble. What does the last 4 years have to do with anything. 
     doc. You are a hoot, still blming Bush for husseins screwups?? Hussein is the biggest spender and borrower of money that we don't have that has ever been potus. Get real. Do you even own a gun??You gave me a good chuckle.  POWDERMAN.  ;) ;)
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What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2012, 04:25:29 AM »
Those of you crying China and Jobs do you understand the concepts of Disposable income, Supply, Demand, costs, Price and the relationship to taxes?
Higher taxes = Higer costs.  (taxes are a fuction of costs)
Higer costs = Higher prices (costs + Profit = Price)
Higher prices = smaller disposable incomes. (disposable income is what is left over all all needs are met and you start looking at wants)
Smaller Disposable incomes = Fewer wants met.
As you move down the supply and demand curve less profit is made. Actually the demand curve shifts to the right as prices rise. Less profit makes people get out of the market.
As profits are lost a reduction in costs are the best way to off set the higher taxes and fees. 
Cheaper labor and lower costs in building drove companies to china who wanted to cut costs and increase profits.
Before you libs yell about evil profits please remember that we tax profits and with out them you can have 100% tax and nothing would be collected.
Also remember as taxes go up disposable incomes go down and less is purchases.  Fewer items purchased and the fewer workers are needed.
If you want to blame anyone for driving jobs ot China it is NOT the businessmen it is the Government that raised taxes and fees to close plants in the cry of Clean water, air, or soil.  at the same time Communism is polluting and with out any safety standards.
Sometimes I wonder if the liberals understand that there are no Social Security, Medicare, personal income taxes, OSHA, EPA or unions in china.
As an example, One of the companies I worked with the president was telling us about a recient trip during the building of the olympic statium.  He saw one of his workers with a peice of cardboard with slits cut in it and a string to act as a welding shield.  He asked where the safety gear was he sent for the factory and was told it was needed for the olympic stadium to show that china was modern.  Do you thinkg the Communists care if the welder went blind?  Do you think they will take care of him?

OMG, am I spose to read all dat? How bout ya'll just give me my free chit.
Obama understands my plight, he is the man what set me free to be who I am. I'll be voting for him all day next tuesday, now thats some productive work. ;D 8)
Work, jobs, taxes? I ain't got time for all that, I gots to get in line down at the SSI building. Went to the clinic last week and they told me I qualify for some AIDS or sompfin like that, I'm gonna get me some AIDS from the gubmint.
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2012, 04:35:04 AM »
mcwoodduck, it could not be explained any better than your last post.

what in the world is driving the idiotic liberals to cast aside such an obvious truth??
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2012, 04:36:52 AM »
EQ,  that's just what they sound like. ;D
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Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #45 on: October 28, 2012, 04:37:29 AM »
I have not called anyone here names, though several on this board call ME a lot of things. And I don't point fingers at anyone in particular, though I do indicate the right, because, obviously, that is the way many of you lean.

Sensata, the factory Rmoney's Bain Capital owns, (controls 51%) as referred to in the original post, has posted yearly profits on the order of 16%. They varied from 20% in January to about 9% at the end of July this year. (I guess it's hard to sustain double digit profits when you're closing up shop!) Those are the SEC reported figures. Bain is closing this factory NOW, not during the Clinton years, as someone has indicated. This crisis rests firmly on the shoulders of GW Bush, pursuing outmoded capitalistic ideologies that are ineffective these days--- he has gone down in history as the cause of this recession. Those are facts.

Benghazi is a tragedy. Obama has already publicly assumed blame for that incident. The details are still being discovered and sifted through at this point. That has NOTHING to do with whether y'all support the Magic Mormon closing this profitable business and sending jobs overseas. That is an argument for a different thread. 

My own politics are as an independent voter. I've already voted, in fact. At this point, I personally feel like Rmoney would be a disaster. The fact that Obama has been able to do ANYTHING economically, with the Right pledging NOT to support him under any circumstances for the past 4 years, even to the detriment of the country,  tells me he is a capable leader, and the Right are a bunch of sore losers. That is my personal opinion, based on what both men have done, not what they say. For example, in the second debate, did anyone notice that Rmoney never answered the question about equal pay for women? Either he didn't know what his own administration paid women, or he chose not to answer for another reason.

This Senate Republicans have filibustered some 370 times in the past 2 years--- many times the historic record--- making good their promise not to support the president under any circumstances. Several times, when the Left agreed with them in order to pass a bill, the Republicans then REVERSED their own positions and refused to pass the bill anyway, for fear thst Obama would be seen as having done something good.

I hear the term "mainstream media" often. Do y'all understand what that term implies? "Mainstream" as in "majority." YOU are in the majority on most political issues, and your party officials KNOW that. I do know this: IF Rmoney wins, it will not be a straight up win. It will be another example of legal but crooked, something big money is expert at. AND if he wins, the economy will collapse. Answer my question or not, or just keep wandering the empty halls of right wing mythology and wondering, like schizophrenics everywhere, what's wrong with the rest of the world.  :o
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #46 on: October 28, 2012, 04:38:31 AM »
It's all Bush's Fault!!!!!!!!!!! :P

Smokeless is only a passing fad!

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #47 on: October 28, 2012, 04:40:08 AM »
Nice try with bringing up someones religion when you  got nothing genuine to write.
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Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #48 on: October 28, 2012, 04:43:14 AM »
mcwoodduck, it could not be explained any better than your last post.

what in the world is driving the idiotic liberals to cast aside such an obvious truth??
Because it sounds good to take from the rich and give ot the poor and the less you have the better it sounds.
Remember communism never sounds good to someone doing well, but it sounds good that everyone has nothing when you have nothing.  Lennin to get communism through sold the idea to liberals who he called useful idiots. 

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #49 on: October 28, 2012, 04:49:49 AM »
On the other hand, you cannot frighten poor people with poverty.  :)
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2012, 04:51:36 AM »
It's all Bush's Fault!!!!!!!!!!! :P


I agree. So does the historic record. :)
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2012, 05:02:12 AM »
I have not called anyone here names, though several on this board call ME a lot of things. And I don't point fingers at anyone in particular, though I do indicate the right, because, obviously, that is the way many of you lean.

Sensata, the factory Rmoney's Bain Capital owns, (controls 51%) as referred to in the original post, has posted yearly profits on the order of 16%. They varied from 20% in January to about 9% at the end of July this year. (I guess it's hard to sustain double digit profits when you're closing up shop!) Those are the SEC reported figures. Bain is closing this factory NOW, not during the Clinton years, as someone has indicated. This crisis rests firmly on the shoulders of GW Bush, pursuing outmoded capitalistic ideologies that are ineffective these days--- he has gone down in history as the cause of this recession. Those are facts.
You cna not cry about taxes and profits.  Profits are needed to generate taxes.  Remember that the money he is making on investments has already been taxed.  Also the investment money is actually taxed at a higher rate than personal income.
So if you owned a company (you built it!).  The company is taxed on the profits of the company at corperate or personal income rates.  As those profits are then given to the owner of the corperation it is then taxed again.  So 33% for the company and 16% for the owner as income and you actually have 49% federal taxes, not to mention the same set up in most states where the owner is actually paying more than 60% in taxes not to mention all the payroll taxes that are built into the price of the good or service. 

Benghazi is a tragedy. Obama has already publicly assumed blame for that incident. The details are still being discovered and sifted through at this point. That has NOTHING to do with whether y'all support the Magic Mormon closing this profitable business and sending jobs overseas. That is an argument for a different thread. 
But the president lied about the cause of the attack.  He told us his policy and the killing of Bin Laden ended terrorism and he blamed a movie no one had seen to cover riots.
My own politics are as an independent voter. I've already voted, in fact. At this point, I personally feel like Rmoney would be a disaster. The fact that Obama has been able to do ANYTHING economically, with the Right pledging NOT to support him under any circumstances for the past 4 years, even to the detriment of the country,  tells me he is a capable leader, and the Right are a bunch of sore losers. That is my personal opinion, based on what both men have done, not what they say. For example, in the second debate, did anyone notice that Rmoney never answered the question about equal pay for women? Either he didn't know what his own administration paid women, or he chose not to answer for another reason.
He had the fist 2 years of his administration with both houses of congress and anything he wanted he got.  We saw a huge transfer of wealth that put money in his donors pockets and did nothing to create jobs.  90 Billion later and we find out shovel ready was not actually ready.  The EPA and the green movement killed any project except solar and wind.  All he did was blame the earlier president for his failures.  We spent 90 Billion and were promised unemployment to go below 7% and we may see that as more and more are shoved off the unemployment roles as they are unemployed too long or give up looking.  Actuall unemplyment is cloase to 18% when you include under employed and part time.

This Senate Republicans have filibustered some 370 times in the past 2 years--- many times the historic record--- making good their promise not to support the president under any circumstances. Several times, when the Left agreed with them in order to pass a bill, the Republicans then REVERSED their own positions and refused to pass the bill anyway, for fear thst Obama would be seen as having done something good. When you see evil you do what you can to stop it.  When you see things that will harm you try to stop them.  And since we are talking about filibusters why do democrats never bring up the longest fiulibuster lead by Al Gore Sr. to stop the civil rights acts? 

I hear the term "mainstream media" often. Do y'all understand what that term implies? "Mainstream" as in "majority." YOU are in the majority on most political issues, and your party officials KNOW that. I do know this: IF Rmoney wins, it will not be a straight up win. It will be another example of legal but crooked, something big money is expert at. AND if he wins, the economy will collapse. Answer my question or not, or just keep wandering the empty halls of right wing mythology and wondering, like schizophrenics everywhere, what's wrong with the rest of the world.  :o
Main stream media has adopted the Democrat play book and when they take positions and not question the outcome but why the republicans are not giving in.  We heard when Clinton won with only 43% of the vote that it was a mandate for change echoed through out CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2012, 05:07:12 AM »
Quan. I have little doubt your a former acorn worker(bob?) now paid to paddle from site to site and cast stinkbaits to "bitter clingers" but whatever the narative I wanted to say thanks for once again providing stimulus to insure a very interesting read. The rest of ya'll provide hope for a better december. J
^i agree with this and would like to add:
but even if mr quan is a "former acorn worker" it is, indeed interesting to get his perspective and he is entitled to express it as are we ours; open, honest debate, SANS name-calling, derogatory remarks and overt character assassination, will make for a healthier political environment for all.
another aspect of "Open debate" and expression of opinion, that's fascinating, to me at least, are the "Man on the street" interviews. some are downright frightening to think that "People like that can actually vote?" it's perplexing to see college seniors who don't know who the VP of the united states is, or, where's Austria as opposed to Australia... where's the country of georigia...what is the magna carta...who takes command of the country if the president and vp cannot...what was the louisana purchase...when did california become a state...when was the battle of new orleans fought...who was the maid of orleans...where is the erie canal...this was all high school stuff and they do not know the answers.
they do know who MLK, louis farakhan, snoop doggy-dog are and who's favored to win the super-bowl...what the latest software for their Ipod is...know what the first amendment is, but have no idea what the second amenment is all about.
i could go on...but i think i'd better go back to my de-caf... ??? :-\ :)
don't squat while wearing your spurs...will rogers

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2012, 05:16:09 AM »
Quan. I have little doubt your a former acorn worker(bob?) now paid to paddle from site to site and cast stinkbaits to "bitter clingers" but whatever the narative I wanted to say thanks for once again providing stimulus to insure a very interesting read. The rest of ya'll provide hope for a better december. J
^i agree with this and would like to add:
but even if mr quan is a "former acorn worker" it is, indeed interesting to get his perspective and he is entitled to express it as are we ours; open, honest debate, SANS name-calling, derogatory remarks and overt character assassination, will make for a healthier political environment for all.
another aspect of "Open debate" and expression of opinion, that's fascinating, to me at least, are the "Man on the street" interviews. some are downright frightening to think that "People like that can actually vote?" it's perplexing to see college seniors who don't know who the VP of the united states is, or, where's Austria as opposed to Australia... where's the country of georigia...what is the magna carta...who takes command of the country if the president and vp cannot...what was the louisana purchase...when did california become a state...when was the battle of new orleans fought...who was the maid of orleans...where is the erie canal...this was all high school stuff and they do not know the answers.
they do know who MLK, louis farakhan, snoop doggy-dog are and who's favored to win the super-bowl...what the latest software for their Ipod is...know what the first amendment is, but have no idea what the second amenment is all about.
i could go on...but i think i'd better go back to my de-caf... ??? :-\ :)
See that is what is wrong with the country.  We went from a right of free speach to having to listen to the liberals and their nonsense and half truthes that make communism a hero. 

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2012, 05:20:57 AM »
The right to free speach does not guarantee the right to be heard though. ;)
**Concealed Carry...Because when seconds count help is only minutes away**

Offline dwalk

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2012, 05:42:44 AM »
BTW...i find it very odd mr quan has great difficulty in spelling mr romney's name correctly...or perhaps he's not speaking of the same presidential candidate we are thinking of...Mitt Romney... :( ;) ::) :)
don't squat while wearing your spurs...will rogers

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2012, 05:49:49 AM »
mcwoodduck, it could not be explained any better than your last post.

what in the world is driving the idiotic liberals to cast aside such an obvious truth??
Because it sounds good to take from the rich and give ot the poor and the less you have the better it sounds.
Remember communism never sounds good to someone doing well, but it sounds good that everyone has nothing when you have nothing.  Lennin to get communism through sold the idea to liberals who he called useful idiots.
useful idiots is right.  if obama got the communism he wants, his useful idiots would find themselves working in a government owned factory or living in a farming commune.  what a bunch of morons.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2012, 06:44:16 AM »
Or someplace like the Siberian railroad, or the three gorge dam project . When China first started
buying tractors from Caterpillar for use at that dam, the techs sent over there to do the start ups on
that equipment were shocked at what they saw . In the form of slave labor, out of all the equipment
sent there very little of it made it to the dam. Most of it went either to other projects or was disassembled so the Chinese could make knock off copy's of it.

Mostly for military applications, back then the Chinese were seriously lacking in any electrical or hydraulic technology. But China is not the only country to have done this with CAT. Farther back than
that, Japan had done the very same thing giving birth to a company called Komatsu.
And if you look at one of the older Komatsu tractors, they are a spitting image of their CAT
counterparts. So with all that is said about Asian technology,somewhere if you look it all started with
American know how!

So much for all of that bee hive mentality called socialism. It may be the driving force in nature, but
only in its lower creatures. Mankind was never intended to become an ant colony or something that
resembles the " BORG " from Star Trek.  Where technology is only assimilated. It takes initiative
and the freedom to express self worth with ideas in order achieve what so many others only copy.


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2012, 07:17:59 AM »


like they look at me now  when i point  out some one is speaking in ''first person plural''
as  being a sign of a liberal
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2012, 07:26:03 AM »


like they look at me now  when i point  out some one is speaking in ''first person plural''
as  being a sign of a liberal

We think you're exaggerating! ;D ;D ;D
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.