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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #60 on: October 28, 2012, 07:37:23 AM »


like they look at me now  when i point  out some one is speaking in ''first person plural''
as  being a sign of a liberal

We think you're exaggerating! ;D ;D ;D

when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

Offline Anna

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #61 on: October 28, 2012, 07:51:50 AM »


like they look at me now  when i point  out some one is speaking in ''first person plural''
as  being a sign of a liberal

LOL , you have to be a part of the collective . Individualism is not allowed unless it serves only the
collective . Resistance is futile .

Offline dwalk

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #62 on: October 28, 2012, 08:07:30 AM »
Or someplace like the Siberian railroad, or the three gorge dam project . When China first started
buying tractors from Caterpillar for use at that dam, the techs sent over there to do the start ups on
that equipment were shocked at what they saw . In the form of slave labor, out of all the equipment
sent there very little of it made it to the dam. Most of it went either to other projects or was disassembled so the Chinese could make knock off copy's of it.

Mostly for military applications, back then the Chinese were seriously lacking in any electrical or hydraulic technology. But China is not the only country to have done this with CAT. Farther back than
that, Japan had done the very same thing giving birth to a company called Komatsu.
And if you look at one of the older Komatsu tractors, they are a spitting image of their CAT
counterparts. So with all that is said about Asian technology,somewhere if you look it all started with
American know how!

So much for all of that bee hive mentality called socialism. It may be the driving force in nature, but
only in its lower creatures. Mankind was never intended to become an ant colony or something that
resembles the " BORG " from Star Trek.  Where technology is only assimilated. It takes initiative
and the freedom to express self worth with ideas in order achieve what so many others only copy.
agreed...but...keep in mind, we got much of our rocket/missile, jet aircraft technology, paratroop concepts, m-60 MG from their m39-42 from the germans at the end of WWII. we even got some submarine technology from the Japanese; they had operation submersible "Aircraft carriers".
it's not we weren't working on them, but we got huge increases from them
don't squat while wearing your spurs...will rogers

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #63 on: October 28, 2012, 08:26:47 AM »
Agreed , but much of that German technology was already in play before they became Nazis .
Rockets did not come about at Pena Munda , they came about years before that right here in Roswell
by a man called Robert Goddard .And the Japanese got much of their submarine technology from the Dutch and so did the Germans.All from within country's that were capitalist. Granted we may have taken concepts from others,but who was it that took those concepts and made them better like with the airplane ? The capitalist .

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #64 on: October 28, 2012, 09:59:02 AM »
mcwoodduck, it could not be explained any better than your last post.

what in the world is driving the idiotic liberals to cast aside such an obvious truth??
Because it sounds good to take from the rich and give ot the poor and the less you have the better it sounds.
Remember communism never sounds good to someone doing well, but it sounds good that everyone has nothing when you have nothing.  Lennin to get communism through sold the idea to liberals who he called useful idiots.
useful idiots is right.  if obama got the communism he wants, his useful idiots would find themselves working in a government owned factory or living in a farming commune.  what a bunch of morons.
Actually if you look at history,  France (1790's) through the Revolutions of the 60's and 70's.
Once the usfull idiots are no longer useful they are often eliminated as they are professional complainers and since they are easily swayed it is easier and cheaper to eliminate them then let them start complaining about the problems with the new leadership.  Most were eductated and could refute with facts the lies of the party.  And the party can not have the supporters disillusioned and complaining about the paradise they wanted.  They often think they are smarter than everyone else and feel superior to everyone else.
Look at the current Democratic party.  Anyone one who speaks badly about the party, a member or the leadership is attacked in the media, the party and their sanity is questioned.  When they can not make a legal, logical or scientific argument they then attack the person. 

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #65 on: October 28, 2012, 10:08:27 AM »

agreed...but...keep in mind, we got much of our rocket/missile, jet aircraft technology, paratroop concepts, m-60 MG from their m39-42 from the germans at the end of WWII. we even got some submarine technology from the Japanese; they had operation submersible "Aircraft carriers".
it's not we weren't working on them, but we got huge increases from them

Umm The Gremans stopped using paratroopers.  We continued to use them and expand the idea.
The Germans found the Paratroopers ineffective and costly in equipment.
And yes Warner Von Braun took Goddards rocket work to the next level as well as guidance systems.  But little of that came from forced labor unlike the Soviets that took Germans captured back to Russia and made them work for the USSR.  But they were not as successful as the free Germans in the West.
If you look at the Soviet industries they focused on developing new weapons but did not develope new products or technologies.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #66 on: October 28, 2012, 10:33:09 AM »
Communism creates lazy people who depend on the government either for hand outs or a paycheck, like the old Soviet Union.  Capitalism brings out the best and most creative aspects of people and creates harder workers.  If I work hard and make a lot of money working say 60 hours a week.  Why should I pay a higher tax rate just to pay some lazy welfare person who drops out of school, has a bunch of babies, can't find a decent job.  If they raise tax rates too high for "social justice" than the hard working middle and upper classes will get lazy and quit working so hard or move out of the country, close their business down, etc.  I know of two doctors who are going to retire early because of Obamacare.  I don't mind giving a hand UP or helping the truely needy such as elderly or disabled or mentaly impaired, but I think any able bodied normal person should not get one dime. 
Blacks have the highest dropout rate in school, and the least amount of higher education of the other races.
They have the highest percentage of welfare participation.  The have the highest percent of incarcerated people, 90% against their own race.  Why when we have had integration to help them, affirmative action, etc, yet they still have a 20-25% high school drop out rate? 
It is because of the welfare social justice mentality of the left.  Roosevelt in the Great Depression resisted calls from the far left to give welfare checks to the unemployed and poor.  He refused to do so, because he said, the people would loose the "work ethic".  He said spend the money on works programs to get the people back to work.  They built bridges, dams, roads, created national forests in some areas, and planted trees.  By WWII the unemployment went from 25% to about 12%.  Slowly it was coming back.  WWII eliminated all these programs because the men were needed for either military or factories making war materials.  Obama has done the opposite, give unemployment checks for 99 weeks, almost two years.  He gave out more food stamps.  He created more disabled people.  Just get out of the way and let the private economy produce the work for people. 
I personally know of a guy at my place of employment, who fell out of a tree stand, broke his back and became paralized from the waist down.  My company offered him a dispatch job.  He would have had to learn how to use the computer.  He was a construction worker.  He refused, and got out on disability.  There can't be that many disabled people, there are a lot of jobs people can do that are disabled, but it may require learning a new job.  We need to limit also, the number of kids a person can have on welfare to two max.  Then have their tubes tied on Obamacare. 

Offline Anna

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #67 on: October 28, 2012, 10:40:21 AM »

agreed...but...keep in mind, we got much of our rocket/missile, jet aircraft technology, paratroop concepts, m-60 MG from their m39-42 from the germans at the end of WWII. we even got some submarine technology from the Japanese; they had operation submersible "Aircraft carriers".
it's not we weren't working on them, but we got huge increases from them

Umm The Gremans stopped using paratroopers.  We continued to use them and expand the idea.
The Germans found the Paratroopers ineffective and costly in equipment.
And yes Warner Von Braun took Goddards rocket work to the next level as well as guidance systems.  But little of that came from forced labor unlike the Soviets that took Germans captured back to Russia and made them work for the USSR.  But they were not as successful as the free Germans in the West.
If you look at the Soviet industries they focused on developing new weapons but did not develope new products or technologies.

If your wondering I just listen mostly to my brothers and my dad . Being the only girl left around there sometimes I pick up on a few things now and then. Woodduck, you seem to be knowledgable in these things like what you have said about the old USSR. My dad said once that Kalashnikov didn't so much as invent the AK 47.                                                                                                                                    But he stole the entire concept of that rifle from the Nazis in what they had with the STG 44. What's your opinion of that ?

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #68 on: October 28, 2012, 11:32:32 AM »
I agree with your father.
The STG 44 is very similar to the AK 47 in the short ctg and the selective fire with a high capacity detachable mag.
But the main difference between the two is the AK 47, for lack of a better word is Dumbed down from the German gun.
It was made to loose tollerances so it was easy to make, easy to fit, and would function when dirty and gunky.
I have played with civilian and military AKs but have not had the chance to look inside or handle an STG 44 to tell you.
Kalishnakov was a genius for seeing that the rifle could be simplified and made cheaply.
The idea of a selective fire short cartridge was stolen from the Germans.
The idea of the short ctg  I think was taken from the US 30 Carbine that was functional and combat effective.
Going back to the Germans and the advancements that they had during the war was a difference in mentality.
The US seems to ask private industry for something they want or think they have a need for.  In Germany during the war they were willing to hand out $ to anyone who had a good idea for something and they built it. 
After all both Gernamny and the US were working on a Nuke and we were able to field one while they were not.


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #69 on: October 28, 2012, 11:36:02 AM »
This Senate Republicans have filibustered some 370 times in the past 2 years--- many times the historic record--- making good their promise not to support the president under any circumstances. Several times, when the Left agreed with them in order to pass a bill, the Republicans then REVERSED their own positions and refused to pass the bill anyway, for fear thst Obama would be seen as having done something good.

Come on man, get real.
The Reps have had controll of congress the past 2 years and as such they don't have to filibuster a bill to stop it.
They have enough votes to stop it out right.
Now if you would have said the first 2 years when the Dems were in controll and Reed wouldn't even let the Reps bill come to the floor for debate and Pelosi wanted to pass anything THE LIAR sent their way without even reading it (remember "WE HAVE TO HURRY UP AND PASS IT SO WE CAN SEE WHAT'S IN IT") then I might have agreed with you.
You go ahead and vote for your man and we will vote for ours and we will just have to wait and see how it all turns out.
It won't be a very long wait.

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That my two young sons may never have to know the horrors of war. 

I will stand for your rights as my forefathers did before me!
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To those in the military, I salute you!

LONGTOM 9-25-07

Offline Anna

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #70 on: October 28, 2012, 12:53:02 PM »
I agree with your father.
The STG 44 is very similar to the AK 47 in the short ctg and the selective fire with a high capacity detachable mag.
But the main difference between the two is the AK 47, for lack of a better word is Dumbed down from the German gun.
It was made to loose tollerances so it was easy to make, easy to fit, and would function when dirty and gunky.
I have played with civilian and military AKs but have not had the chance to look inside or handle an STG 44 to tell you.
Kalishnakov was a genius for seeing that the rifle could be simplified and made cheaply.
The idea of a selective fire short cartridge was stolen from the Germans.
The idea of the short ctg  I think was taken from the US 30 Carbine that was functional and combat effective.
Going back to the Germans and the advancements that they had during the war was a difference in mentality.
The US seems to ask private industry for something they want or think they have a need for.  In Germany during the war they were willing to hand out $ to anyone who had a good idea for something and they built it. 
After all both Gernamny and the US were working on a Nuke and we were able to field one while they were not.

Thank you woodduck,you sound just like my dad .  ;D  But as far as perfecting the bomb, I read where Oppenheimer said that if it hadn't been for the surrender of the U234.That they could not have
produced the bomb when they did.All the while the rush was on between the Red Army and Allied forces to be the first ones to reach Pena Munda. Could you imagine if Hitler would have had at least
six more months of the war? With Von Braun's V2 rocket and what the U234 was carrying, it is very
feasible that the Nazis could have created an ICBM and could have taken out London.
P.S. you and I are getting off topic so I will chat with you later . Anna

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #71 on: October 28, 2012, 02:25:01 PM »
It's all Bush's Fault!!!!!!!!!!! :P


I agree. So does the historic record. :)
history has been known to be wrong. more than once

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #72 on: October 28, 2012, 02:41:37 PM »
It's all Bush's Fault!!!!!!!!!!! :P


I agree. So does the historic record. :)
history has been known to be wrong. more than once

Methinks Chung missed the sarcasm. ;D
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #73 on: October 28, 2012, 03:56:12 PM »
It seems like he is missing a bunch of stuff....

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #74 on: October 29, 2012, 02:13:14 AM »

Like they say, read the label!  ;)
(By the way, Tom--- the filibusters were in the Senate!  :) )
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #75 on: October 29, 2012, 02:25:20 AM »
Look at the number of posts by Chung.  He is obviously a socialist-marxist liberal who hasn't lived in the real world of America. 
Obama is hellbent on bringing America to it's knees.  Look at his liberal mother who didn't like capitalism.  Look at his liberal grandparents who allowed Frank Marshall Davis, a known communist, to mentor Obama.  Look at Obama's real father a marxist himself.  Obama looks at America and thinks we have raped the third world to acquire our wealth.  Not realising that China, India, South Korea, Japan, Malaysa, Singapore, and India have all recently copied our style of capitalism and have and are prospering.  He wants to bring America down from superpower status.  He wants to downsize the military.  He wants us to only have 300 nuclear warheads.  He wants to tax the rich into oblivian so he can "spread the wealth around".  Not realising that GROWING the economy can increase the wealth for all.  He learned about the colonialism of the whites over all other races under Rev. Wright.  Look up Rev. Wrights church on the internet.  They want to take the wealth of America and give it to the third world.  America is the 1% he is talking about world wide, not just in America.  Obama believes this social justice nonsense.
Romney is far from perfect, but at least he is a much better choice for president. 

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #76 on: October 29, 2012, 04:14:34 AM »
DIXIE DUDE. Good post Sir as always. Seems to me like the dnc just graduated a flood of obama supporters recently. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #77 on: October 29, 2012, 04:22:23 AM »
Do some research on the sin of gluttony. Now think in terms of money as a substitute for food.  All those countries who have "copied" our form of capitalism are successful because they have restrictions on their capitalists. I believe in capitalism--- with sufficient controls (call it socialism, if you want, since that seems to suit you) to keep from happening what happened under GW. Unrestricted capitalism historically initiates collapse of governments. That's the rules.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #78 on: October 29, 2012, 04:40:44 AM »
It wasn't unrestricted capitalism, it was excessive government spending.  Also, the banks were threatened with lawsuits from the NAACP and others, like Jessie Jackson, if they didn't give loans to the poor to buy homes, even though they really couldn't afford them.  BUSH WARNED of the pending mortgage bubble in 2006 along with several prominent republicans like John McCain.  He tried to get restrictions on loans, but remember the Dems took over control of congress in 2006 and didn't allow it, with Barney Frank in control.  Regulations are fine, but too many cause businesses to stagnate.  My company has been strapped the last 4 years with environmental regulations, (pipeline construction).  Costs have skyrocketed and there are uncalled for delays in permitting.  This of course is all passed on to the consumer through higher natural gas prices.  Just to install over 1,000' of any pipe size, 2" to 200" requires a 68 page EPA permit.  Mostly just junk like GPS coordinates, USGS map, Range and township coordinates, etc.  Lots of lawyer mumbo jumbo etc.  Then you have to wait for them to approve usually a month or more before you can begin construction.  In the meantime we might have customers needing gas for heat, water heat, or cooking that have to suffer and wait. 

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #79 on: October 29, 2012, 04:43:32 AM »
Arrgh!! I can't stand it!!
 The place is called Peenemuende. If I had a German language keyboard I could have used the proper "Umlaut" for the ue in ............muende. That would have been a "u" with two dots above it.
"Umlaut" Trans. Changed sound.
the letters a, o, and u  have a different pronunciation when you put the two dots above it.
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #80 on: October 29, 2012, 04:53:58 AM »
The government is slow because the right has stripped it down to the point that there aren't enough workers to function. It's like public education--- they've taken away so much money people have to buy textbooks for their kids; the teaching ratio is 40+ to one, and then they complain that it's ineffective. The French Revolution happened because the capitalist aristocracy accumulated so much wealth without restrictions that the people could not sustain common trade. The October Revolution happened because of the same thing--- except the Czar and foreign capitalists from France, Germany, the UK, and the US were the unrestricted cap[italists. THIS country was formed in protest of the unrestricted capitalist practices of the British governors and the East India Company. Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, the list of socialist countries that formed in response to the inevitable debt incurred by not restricting capitalists is pretty long. I didn't make the rules; I'm just pointing out how the game is played.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #81 on: October 29, 2012, 04:59:55 AM »
It seems like he is missing a bunch of stuff....
hmmm, there's something famliliar about that fellow...
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Give me liberty, or give me death

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #82 on: October 29, 2012, 05:11:00 AM »
I think most of you guys are missin cdq's wisdom. Heck! I'll bet he's over 20 years old. He's been around! Most here don't realized that cdq is a self-made business man (maybe? :-\ ) that has been in business for over a year. I think? A one man business, but still a business. THIS GUY KNOWS! ;D
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Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #83 on: October 29, 2012, 05:11:28 AM »
That is all a bunch of BS.  There are plenty of workers, same ones that have always been there.  They told me they don't like all the new regulations either, but they have to go by them to keep their jobs. 
As far as teachers,  I live between 3 school systems with grandkids.  All of them have 20 or less pupils per class.  I grew up in one of these same towns with over 30 per class.  We didn't have air conditioning or computers either and they do now.  Kids at school here are given laptop computers in the 9th grade and no textbooks.  Stuff is on the computer.  Also, the French Revolution happened because of an uncaring monarchy, and they ended up with Napoleon and a bunch of wars, of course we ended up with the Louisana territory. 
You have been reading history through the lens of Marxism.  America had unrestricted capitalism for over 150 years.  The creation of the Federal Reserve lead to booms and busts with the fiat currency.  It also led to the government growing so big it creates inflation to pay back its debt.  Our unrestricted capitalism led to railroads all over the country.  It lead to automobile production that mobilised society beyond the horse and buggy.  Private ownership of property and the means of production is the most efficient means of production man has ever seen.  Yes you can have monopolies that must be regulated, and many oligarths should be broken up into smaller companies for more efficiency like the oil companies.  That is why we have monopoly laws.  Sometimes you have natural monopolies especially in utilities.  I believe if someone works hard, has his own business, he should keep his profits and not give it to lazy welfare queens.  Helping the elderly, the poor are one thing with safety nets, but we have created hammocks. 

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #84 on: October 29, 2012, 05:31:23 AM »
The government is slow because the right has stripped it down to the point that there aren't enough workers to function. It's like public education--- they've taken away so much money people have to buy textbooks for their kids; the teaching ratio is 40+ to one, and then they complain that it's ineffective. The French Revolution happened because the capitalist aristocracy accumulated so much wealth without restrictions that the people could not sustain common trade. The October Revolution happened because of the same thing--- except the Czar and foreign capitalists from France, Germany, the UK, and the US were the unrestricted cap[italists. THIS country was formed in protest of the unrestricted capitalist practices of the British governors and the East India Company. Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, the list of socialist countries that formed in response to the inevitable debt incurred by not restricting capitalists is pretty long. I didn't make the rules; I'm just pointing out how the game is played.
The governments that have replaced all of those capitalist systems were abject failures. Think about that for a while Britain, France, Spain, Greece, Italy, all once powerful now they are on the ropes. Several of them were once world powers, Empires by God. They decided to squander that wealth and power by sitting on their asses and letting others do the work they once did for themselves. That is where we are headed.
You and those like minded want us to finance lazyness and penalize productivity. We have supported the poor here and abroad, given until it hurts our economy. Those businesses you hate are taking production elsewhere places where they are finding themselves appreciated not demonized. There will be little reason to rise up against the captains of capitalism, they will be long gone soon enough moved to countries that respect what they bring to a nation ( Jobs ).
For Christ's sake we are borrowing money from China to give to the poor. I'll abide no lectures on how the wealth of this nation is a bad thing, and the nation is a conglomerate of its people. You keep on shoveling coal into the engine on the gravy train there chungdo. Remember this though without coal miners and mine owners the train will one day have to stop.
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #85 on: October 29, 2012, 06:00:19 AM »
Arrgh!! I can't stand it!!
 The place is called Peenemuende. If I had a German language keyboard I could have used the proper "Umlaut" for the ue in ............muende. That would have been a "u" with two dots above it.
"Umlaut" Trans. Changed sound.
the letters a, o, and u  have a different pronunciation when you put the two dots above it.

Lol, I guess bing got it wrong also. I looked it up on google and you are right on the spelling though. The main thing is how many people know the significant value of that place in history?
Not to many no matter how you spell it or pronounce it.But it is a prime example of just how close we
were to being on the reciveing end of the bomb and not the other way around.
So when people talk badly about us useing the bomb on the Japanese Empire they need to consiter this. If either the Nazis or the Japanese had of fully developed this weapon back then they would have certainly used it on us!                                                                                                         

Especially the Japanese, who didn't need a rocket powered delivery system. When they had plenty of
suicidal young men standing in line to die for the Emperor. BBF,this is what makes the surrender of the U234 such an interesting story. An event that is still shrouded in mystery and secrecy even today. Years ago when I was reading the reviews on the movie U571, it said that the original screenplay for that movie was about the U234, and had nothing to do with the capture of the enigma devise.
But the producers couldn't get the funding needed to put together such a huge and complex event on
screen. It makes you wonder just how far along the Manhattan project actually was before the surrender of that submarine? And what was actually on board that boat when it was captured.



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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #86 on: October 29, 2012, 06:19:28 AM »
The government is slow because the right has stripped it down to the point that there aren't enough workers to function. It's like public education--- they've taken away so much money people have to buy textbooks for their kids; the teaching ratio is 40+ to one, and then they complain that it's ineffective.
Let's see government workers, from local to federal have pay and lifetime retirement plans that exceed most, if not all lower middle income workers salaries.

If the governments want more money, reduce their pay and retirement to  equal the average that a worker making ten dollars an hour,  forty hours a week earns.

Gee those poor teachers, who cannot get fired, no matter how pee-poor they perform earn a full years wage by working for nine months. Reduce their pay to hourly wages, the money saved can buy books.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #87 on: October 29, 2012, 06:54:26 AM »

agreed...but...keep in mind, we got much of our rocket/missile, jet aircraft technology, paratroop concepts, m-60 MG from their m39-42 from the germans at the end of WWII. we even got some submarine technology from the Japanese; they had operation submersible "Aircraft carriers".
it's not we weren't working on them, but we got huge increases from them

Umm The Gremans stopped using paratroopers.  We continued to use them and expand the idea.
The Germans found the Paratroopers ineffective and costly in equipment.
And yes Warner Von Braun took Goddards rocket work to the next level as well as guidance systems.  But little of that came from forced labor unlike the Soviets that took Germans captured back to Russia and made them work for the USSR.  But they were not as successful as the free Germans in the West.
If you look at the Soviet industries they focused on developing new weapons but did not develope new products or technologies.
in 1921, the US Army, at then, camp campbrell kentucky, dropped a machine gun team from a ballon, by parachute, as a demonstration, with german army officers observing...the germans then went home and developed the technology..they developed what is know as the "static line" for parachute deployment...they successfully used paratroops in the invasions of crete and sicily but abandoned widespread use after 1943...yes we continue to use.
the germans were NOT allowed to have an air force by the treaty of verseilles in 1919 and as a result, developed a massive glider, otto skorzeny, rescued el duce from a mountian top prison by way of glider insertion of a "Special ops" team...but, the montgomery brothers launched a glider from small hill in what's now called south san diego in 1890...i lived less than a mile from the spot for 10 years...we later, used the same glider technology in the invasion of normandy and to a smaller extent, in other operations in europe.
the first usn fully operational, successful, submarine was in 1899...the germans developed the technolgy farther...before that it was the highly UN-successfull CSS Hunley...but it did intoduce the concept of subamarine warfare.
goddard did indeed experiment with rocketry...however it was von braun and his team that delivered the V1 & V2...not to mention the Komet, ME209, and the "Flying wing" aircraft that was operation at wars end. there was a bomber "On the drawing boards" that had the capability to fly to new york city, bomb it and return to germany, non-stop
my point is that they developed some technoligies farther than we did, at the time, we simply capitalized on their accomplishments.
there was a "Shoot-out" between the ST44 and an M4 on sports tv recently with the M4 besting it by less than 1 full second in the end. the german army did, indeed, see the need for the 'intermediate' range cartridgge, 'assault rifle'...thus the development of the sturmgewer 44. hitler nearly had heads taken over it as he considered the Mauser as the "Pinnacle" of infantry rifles; he was not informed of it's development. it was disclosed to him accidently. the AK surfaced in 1947...hince the AK "47".
i'm not disputing, or arguing with, any post about this...just pointing out (adding to) that we have borrowed, or maybe it might be applicable to say, recovered, and improved on technoligies we may have, to our knowlege, or belief, introduced, but allowed to stagnate for a reason, or reasons unknown.
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #88 on: October 29, 2012, 07:17:05 AM »
Are you sure it was a glider that rescued Il Duce. I recall it being a Fieseler Storch a powered STOL aircraft.
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #89 on: October 29, 2012, 07:31:14 AM »
Are you sure it was a glider that rescued Il Duce. I recall it being a Fieseler Storch a powered STOL aircraft.

BBF, I think your right. Didn't that aircraft take Mussolini to the Eagles Nest where Hitler was held up at the time ? Or that's what the History channels web site says about it .