Author Topic: You all want HIM for president?  (Read 10814 times)

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Offline greenmtnboy

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #270 on: November 04, 2012, 02:35:55 AM »
   Those arent Facts there oppinions..  If I were in your shoes and had the time I could find just the opposite printed by various publications.  Not Proof by any means..   
   (Deleted by Mod for flaming)

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #271 on: November 04, 2012, 02:42:45 AM »
something dubious got posted as fact:
removed by moderator. 
I do not believe that Winston Churchill ever said that; it's a variation on something said by Georges Clemenceau, when told his son had joined the communists:

"My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then!"

Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #272 on: November 04, 2012, 02:45:05 AM »
Obama wants to cut the COST of Medicare by $760 billion. And, he has not done it yet, so that's not the cause of the changes so far--- you have your present insurance companies to thank for that, nobody else. Ryan wants to TAKE the same amount away from Medicare, and GIVE it to big Pharma and the insurance companies.

Is that the ONLY number you can find?
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline greenmtnboy

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #273 on: November 04, 2012, 03:00:19 AM »
  Another empty oppinion.  Come on  Get with it..  And after Tuesday CHUNG

Offline greenmtnboy

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #274 on: November 04, 2012, 03:07:22 AM »
I noticed this board was conveniently avoiding this little news tidbit. I'm just wondering how y'all justify the kindly Mitt making profits sending even more American jobs to China.

And the ridiculous FoxLies runs NOTHING on the fact that Rmoney's Bain Capital is outsourcing US jobs to China, but they're glad to report Jesse Jackson's arrest!

All I can say, is if you manage to elect this soulless non-Christian, y'all deserve him.

    Id much rather have this Man than the non American we have now. (Deleted by Mod)

Offline magooch

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #275 on: November 04, 2012, 03:28:57 AM »
What possible economic theoretical model could ever indicate that high taxes on anyone, or anything could lead to a flourishing economy?  It is simply stupid and anti-common sense.  Many other factors influence the state of our economy at any given time, but high taxes are never ever going to cause more business, more consumer spending and more investment.

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #276 on: November 04, 2012, 03:56:08 AM »
Taking a looong nap 'til Wednesday is looking better and better. ;) 
What is the point of Life if you can't have fun.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #277 on: November 04, 2012, 01:38:13 PM »
Well, you for sure can not show that higher tax rates on the top 2% have any effect whatsoever. Their taxes have only gone down since 1950, at least. And, starting around the '70s, most middle class and working class families became two-paycheck families, without stopping the decline of the middle class.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #278 on: November 04, 2012, 01:42:29 PM »
Obama wants to cut the COST of Medicare by $760 billion. And, he has not done it yet, so that's not the cause of the changes so far--- you have your present insurance companies to thank for that, nobody else. Ryan wants to TAKE the same amount away from Medicare, and GIVE it to big Pharma and the insurance companies.

Is that the ONLY number you can find?
NO! Obama took 760 Billion out of Medicare to fund Obamacare!  He stole form your grandparents and is making them deside between eating cat food and having medicine or eating.
And no Ryan is pointing out that Obama's budget was going ot steel it.  Funny how the Democrats actually steal somthing and then blame the Republicans for wanting to do it but never did.

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #279 on: November 04, 2012, 01:55:32 PM »

It's actually $716 billion, and it has not been done yet. All it is is a cut in what goes to the big money involved in health care over the next 10 years.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #280 on: November 04, 2012, 01:59:10 PM »
OK are you ready for a Supply and demand lesson.
Draw a graph that shows the supply line going from bottom to top and the demand going from top to bottom.
At the crossing of the X mark it 100 and 100.  The vertical line is $ and the Horizontal line is quantity.
Let's say at a price of $100 you will sell 100 units a day, and that you need 100 workers to make those 100 items.
as we all know taxes are part of costs.  So as Obama raises taxes on the Millionaires and Billionairs and that a corperation is a person under the tax law.  As you increase taxes three things happen.  Costs go up, prices go up and demand shifts.
So lets assume that taxes go up by 10%, raising prices by 5%  So in our example with a 1 to 1 ratio prices would go to $105 and only 95 units would be purchased.  At 95 units only 95 people will be needed to make them.  As unemployment increases demands shift as people stop buying wants on focus on needs.  Also remembert that all prices have gone up.  So your needs like fuel, power, clothing, and food have also gone up and that reduces your disposable income.
So taxes go up, prices go up and people loose their jobs.  So now you have a shift in demand where the slope is 2 to one.  So for every $ prices rise demand drops by two.  So now we have only 90 units wanted at the price of 105 and only 90 people will be needed to make them.  So as you raise taxes, you raise prices and demand shifts resulting in more people loosing their jobs.
Now we have to include oppertunity costs.  Let's say the 100 units are done at a 10% profit and that taxes are 25%.  So 100 X 100 X .10 Profit X.25 = 250 in taxes and 750 in profit to the owners of the company.
So now with a price of 105 we sell 90 units, same profit and taxes are now 30%  So we have 105 X90 X.1 x.3 = 283.50 in taxes and only 561.50 in profit to the owners of hte company.  Cutting the profit cuts the income of the owners and cuts the taxes on thier income.  Also you have ot deal with oppertunity costs.  So they own the building where they make the do hickies and the can get $600 a day in renting the building out so they close the company making the things and fire the remaining 90 employees and rent out the building. 

Offline two-blocked

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #281 on: November 04, 2012, 02:07:24 PM »
Here's yout tax rate vs. economic growth chart
 what this graph suggests is that marginal tax rates don’t determine growth in either direction

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #282 on: November 04, 2012, 02:16:05 PM »
Now let's look at the Rich people.  If you take their money and give them less disposabloe income. 
They will do what you do and cut back.  they will fire staff members, do they no longer need a pilot, gardener, personal assistant, maid, driver, chef, or other services they may have.   
Now you too hire adn fire people on a regular basis.
So the rich will not have their life style. They will still go out to dinner at great restaraunts.  They will still order a fantastic bottle of wine and great food.  But instead of a 100 bottle of wine they will order a 50.  Instead of the 30 lamb chops they will order the 20 pork chops.  Dinner will be great and they will still tip 20% but the waiter that is used to a 200 check and expecting 40 for the dinner in a tip is now haivng a 120 dinner check and getting a 24 dollar tip.  how is hurt here?  The rich guy or the poor waiter, buss boy and bar tender? 
And explain how the rich actuall pay the poor through the government?  If you increase Donald Trumps taxes by $5million he is not going to send everyone on welfare or food stamps a check for 25 cents.

Offline ironglow

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #283 on: November 04, 2012, 02:33:15 PM »
Well, you for sure can not show that higher tax rates on the top 2% have any effect whatsoever. Their taxes have only gone down since 1950, at least. And, starting around the '70s, most middle class and working class families became two-paycheck families, without stopping the decline of the middle class.
  Just FYI..confiscating everything the top 2% have, will not solve the huge debt Obama has run up!   Washington does not have a TAXING problem, they have a SPENDING problem...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #284 on: November 04, 2012, 02:36:24 PM »
So,I've shown you (some of) mine. Is there anything to substantiate the claim that lowering taxes on the richest people in the country actually benefits the middle and/or working class?


Thought so.

Follow the evidence. Belief does not count.

You have shown ten year averages that actually show nothing.
By your rhetoric, it shows that under Carter and Obama things went to hell.


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #285 on: November 05, 2012, 02:28:29 AM »
what righty policy failed us ? it as democrats that screwed up loans , savings and loans , forcing loans that could never be paid back etc .
+1.  So far the left are the ones that want to redistribute wealth.  And doing that they are screwing up the economy by making people do what they would not normally do.  Also do you realize the transfer of wealth mean you too.  You have or had equity in your house and now what?  you were getting 5% or more on a CD and now it is less than 1%  while costs are going up 5 to 12% due to the tax increases.
The higher prices equal less you have for a disposable income ( what is left once you meet all of your needs {food, shelter, fuel, clothing}) and the less you have to grow your wealth by investing, saving, or buying assets.

40 years of corporatism and deregulation, pushed by the right, has crippled the middle class. Bush's tax cuts for the rich pushed it over the edge. That agenda is completely right-wing, the party of corporatist protection that's all about individual profits and public risk. The Right also steadfastly refuses to admit that GW messed things up as much as he did, and that they have messed things up so badly that it will be at least 16 more years to fix the economy, and the blame is mainly theirs. That is why, in the time I have left on this world, I will never support a conservative. Period.
Actually I can show you economically where Government regulations hurt compitition by, raise prices, Limiting products, and that these regulations help the existing corperations by limiting new entries into the market.  Creating the opertunity for market monopoly. 
What you are saying makes NO economic sense.  The asme as taxing the rich will help the poor.  Taxing the rich as the opposite effect hurts the poor and actually creates a greater gap between the Rich and the poor.  Higer taxes reduce wages and lower the prices of goods and the Rich will be the only one that can afford things.

So, show me. Let's see the numbers, with sources, please. History shows the greatest economic growth happens when taxes are high on the top 2%, which is what Obama wants to do--- Rmoney wants to tax YOU and ME, and give the top 2%  (including himself) even MORE of a cut in taxes.
I believe the greatest profit and expansion in this country was when there was little govt. and little or no taxes.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #286 on: November 05, 2012, 02:33:38 AM »
Like in the 1790s?  ;D
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

The Founding Fathers had complete access to the Bible, but they came up with the Constitution as our governing document.


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #287 on: November 05, 2012, 02:47:30 AM »
on into the 1890's + when free ment free , long before the nanny state  ;)
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline ironglow

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #288 on: November 05, 2012, 03:22:49 AM »
on into the 1890's + when free ment free , long before the nanny state  ;)
  ...But some people are such children, that they actually want a nanny state..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline rickt300

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #289 on: November 05, 2012, 03:39:52 AM »
Well, you for sure can not show that higher tax rates on the top 2% have any effect whatsoever. Their taxes have only gone down since 1950, at least. And, starting around the '70s, most middle class and working class families became two-paycheck families, without stopping the decline of the middle class.
The middle class pays taxes too Chung! In reality (and Constitutionally) government is supposed to be supported by import taxes which would make things manufactured in this country more competitively priced against products made in slave countries like China. I feel you pay no taxes or you would not revel in them being the answer to everything.
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #290 on: November 05, 2012, 04:29:31 AM »
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #291 on: November 05, 2012, 05:20:23 AM »
on into the 1890's + when free ment free , long before the nanny state  ;)
  ...But some people are such children, that they actually want a nanny state..

yes but they would not know freedom and self reliance if it jumped up and bit them on their back side !
Not the only alternative , cut off the free ride , down size govt. Let people fend for themselves things would right themselves.
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline rickt300

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #292 on: November 05, 2012, 08:33:44 AM »
Post made by ChungDoQuan
No bank in the US has EVER been forced to make a loan. Deregulation, pushed by the right, ALLOWED them to make high risk, high interest loans. Since further deregulation allowed investment banks to buy up those bad loans from regular banks, defaults, which should have been expected, were concentrated into the top 5 banks in the world. Though they could have just sucked up the loss,and remarketed the loans, but instead were allowed to bill the FHA (The deregulation left FHA insurance intact, though it gave the banks the ability to make loans the FHA would not normally insure.) The big banks refused to allow money to circulate without a bailout.
Deleted for personal flaming Go ahead and research the Community reinvestment act. There were definitly repercussions if a bank failed to give a minority a loan he could not pay back. notice too that Bill Clinton signed into the act writing loans to low income minorities was to be preferred. Also credos to Leftist hero's Chris Dodd and Barney Franks. And that taxpayers (Righty Whiteys) would back these loans federally. Meaning if you don't follow that supposedly the bank could make no risk loans to any low income minority unable to pay it back (non White) so not only is this criminal it is racist. We all know what happened when the loans failed, the banks got a bailout (technically paying them back the money the Left wanted them to loan) and the housing industry failed. So the Great Lie about bank deregulation being at fault should be laid to rest. The fact is that banks were NEVER deregulated.
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #293 on: November 05, 2012, 08:49:25 AM »
what righty policy failed us ? it as democrats that screwed up loans , savings and loans , forcing loans that could never be paid back etc .

No bank in the US has EVER been forced to make a loan. Deregulation, pushed by the right, ALLOWED them to make high risk, high interest loans. Since further deregulation allowed investment banks to buy up those bad loans from regular banks, defaults, which should have been expected, were concentrated into the top 5 banks in the world. Though they could have just sucked up the loss,and remarketed the loans, but instead were allowed to bill the FHA (The deregulation left FHA insurance intact, though it gave the banks the ability to make loans the FHA would not normally insure.) The big banks refused to allow money to circulate without a bailout.
Hey buddy, do a little research before you run off at the lips. Go ahead and research the Community reinvestment act. There were definitly repercussions if a bank failed to give a minority a loan he could not pay back. notice too that Bill Clinton signed into the act writing loans to low income minorities was to be preferred. Also credos to Leftist hero's Chris Dodd and Barney Franks. And that taxpayers (Righty Whiteys) would back these loans federally. Meaning if you don't follow that supposedly the bank could make no risk loans to any low income minority unable to pay it back (non White) so not only is this criminal it is racist. We all know what happened when the loans failed, the banks got a bailout (technically paying them back the money the Left wanted them to loan) and the housing industry failed. So the Great Lie about bank deregulation being at fault should be laid to rest. The fact is that banks were NEVER deregulated.

Reserch you need to do some. I built some of the houses and heard the buyers saying they knew they could not pay for them but it was so easy to get a loan ............. Check what the requirements were as to the Banks obligation .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline rickt300

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #294 on: November 05, 2012, 08:56:23 AM »
My comment was not pointed at your part of the post SHOOTALL, in fact i am in agreement with your last post.
I have been identified as Anti-Federalist, I prefer Advocate for Anarchy.


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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #295 on: November 05, 2012, 08:57:44 AM »
My comment was not pointed at your part of the post SHOOTALL, in fact i am in agreement with your last post.

Sorry , Good !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #296 on: November 05, 2012, 09:09:43 AM »
I've been following this thread and  see interesting and valid points as well as fairly decent arguments (although in my opinion short sighted- par for the course; but I'll get to that).

I see the argument for free capitalism as it (has the potential to) promote many good things such as cures, technology (with the intent) to free up time for which one might use for intellectual self fulfillment and well lets face it, just plain old fun with the family.

This is all good in theory of course, but for my part, what I see more of is the blind and seemingly obsessed pursuit of more and more and more$$$$$ in order to obtain a great many things that may be considered on a fundamental level (and I hate to be the one to preach morality and humility) shallow and decadent. Honestly people, weekly manicures and pedicures for the ladies (they have hands of their own don't they? That extra house (or two) on the river along with the big toy boat that doesn't feed anyone or make any money when it's not being used. Many of my contractor friends have sold those boats at a loss along with the riverfront property and even the fancy pad with the (100K in custom touches) right next to the golf course.

Truth is there is no profit to be made in CURING anything. But there is a lot of profit to be made in TREATING symptoms rather than identifying and eliminating causes(and thereby enacting a cure). There is no profit to be made from pouring all of our effort and resource into educating our children (and in theory creating a more civil and crime free society) because crime and the administration of "justice" is to profitable an industry. JUST AS IT IS IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRY. Ultimately, like it or not, capitalism places a dollar value on everything including every man, woman, and child.

There are some who would go as far as to say that a capitalist who is a good moral christian is the answer but I just don't see the principles of capitalism, or economics in general walking hand in hand with the principles of the teachings of Jesus (at least as I perceive them and not necessarily as others might). I'll wait for the man to come down and do his own governing before I trust the interpretations of any one who claims to have the understanding of such things. Just another mouth piece to me. But, like forest said, "that's 'bout all I've got ta say 'bout that".

[size=78%]I[/size]t's nice while it lasts, but the fact of the matter is that there is only so much room at the top in a pyramidal system of power and finance. Sure, it's the American dream to strive for the top and to have all the fancy toys and so forth, but is it realistic. And those in power once corrupted, do not relinquish such power willingly.

And yes, I know. This rhetoric does indeed cross into dangerous waters with notions that flirt with socialism. I am no advocate of this either.  But when we live in a society where those who have reached the social economic apex have obtained so much power and influence in the form of finance and money (because most politicians have a breaking price) that they can control almost everything that one sees on TV or reads in the paper (which is, lets face it, the base of information upon which the great majority formulate their political and buying decisions as well as their perception of what the world is like outside of their home town); when they can use such wealth to coerce the decisions of lawmakers, judges, law enforcement, etc; have not a great many things gone wrong in the machine.

In theory, and when social conditioning in the form of religion, (unrealsitic) television, and schools that fail to teach objective analysis, reasoning and logic lose their fidelity and sell to us all the great American (but realistically shallow and unattainable ) Dream, it all seems beautiful and peachy. But to me, only to me I guess, it seems as though a great many things have gone sour.

I'm not talking about one sole administration or peoples personal moral issues. I'm talking about what we value and strive to attain and what amount of our souls we will are willing to sell (But again, another philosophical question subject to individual perception and relativity).

Case in point: Southern California for me, as a kid was wide open from Pomona all the way to the Arizona border. It was beautiful open country, high deserts where a teen could hunt and plink and fish to his hearts content. Further south towards Irvine and Laguna hills, one could hunt deer and cotton tail. In the 50s, my grandfather used to hunt deer not 15 minutes east of downtown Los Angeles.

Those were the days of my childhood. I left for the service at an unusually young age then went into the reserves for a while. I eventually went back to active duty and stayed gone for six years. My whole world had changed in that time. Many of my favorite spots were still accessible but the development was just starting. I was now seeing a great many people settling in places where I would at one time rarely see a soul during the week (when I was ditching school  ;D ).

Instead of completing my degree, and blinded by the good money in the concrete trade in which I was already a journeyman, I went to work  nine and sometimes eleven shifts a week (I was younger and stronger and fresh out of the Navy) during the boom. I took my tuna trips and drove up to Kings Canyon every now and then but for some reason I just didn't see the raping and the plundering of which I was a part.

Today, the pristine Irvine meadows is all developed with housing tracts. Laguna and Anaheim hills which used to be open plains full of wild life is now custom million dollar homes, many of which are now unoccupied. You cannot drive from Pomona(25 minute East of LA) to The Arizona boarder without seeing some kind of development and the freeway is riddled with commercial billboards. All the natural access points into Desert Hot Springs are now closed off to the public as much of it is now privately owned by corporate interests.

There is still plenty of "recreational gold" in California as Hewell Houser would say. But it's all tourist ridden or elitist run, making access quit imposing for the average income family such as mine was back in the 70s and 80s.

I guess all I'm trying to get at is when the machine of progress and good economy is running full steam, at what point do we stop and say enough? Many of you in middle and rural America may feel secure on your acreage in the areas that you may think are untouchable for now. But I say to you that the appetite of capitalism for wealth power knows no limits.

And people as adults are no different than children when it comes to new toys that they may not actually need except to show off for the purpose of attaining a higher social rung than their neighbors. So what do we do? Just keep producing  products that are no longer made to weather the test of time; but to wear out after a given time so that one must go out and buy another one thereby continuing the destructive production cycle.

I'm not saying that either one of the two political whores now being sold to us by the powers that be are going to fix anything. I'm just wondering just how many, if any of us really are capable of seeing whats to come down the road if everything was the way we (as individuals or as political parties) had our "cake and it it".

Maybe I was an Indian in a past life, I don't know. Always fancied myself as a sailor/[size=78%] [/size]explorer though (but without the sheep and cabin boy thing :o :-X ).

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #297 on: November 05, 2012, 10:36:02 AM »
Finisher,,,that's always been a problem with capitalism...relies on constant growth one reason they keep the borders open to pump up the system. The second bigger problem is a private FED bank loaning us money that we pay off with that money...doomed to collapse,,,and other fractional banking BS.
BTW,,,I've traveled a bit in California and have to say for the most part it is inhabited by pretty happy live and let live souls and not some of the dour characters and attitudes I've seen eleswhere.  Calfornia has it all, or had....mountains, sea, islands, forest, rivers, desert, wildlife, climate..really a beautiful place.
Since the Californians took over it is nearly uninhabitable by the rest of the human race. It's a shame because as you say, it is a wonderful place.
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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #298 on: November 05, 2012, 10:38:00 AM »
Finisher,,,that's always been a problem with capitalism...relies on constant growth one reason they keep the borders open to pump up the system. The second bigger problem is a private FED bank loaning us money that we pay off with that money...doomed to collapse,,,and other fractional banking BS.
BTW,,,I've traveled a bit in California and have to say for the most part it is inhabited by pretty happy live and let live souls and not some of the dour characters and attitudes I've seen eleswhere.  Calfornia has it all, or had....mountains, sea, islands, forest, rivers, desert, wildlife, climate..really a beautiful place.
It's all still there for sure. Just a little busier than when I was a kid. I hate traffic.

And a friendly place for sure, never had any problems with anyone that I didn't usually bring upon myself. But people unknowingly project their attitudes in their body language and face.

I could take you to some awesome restaurants and museums in some of what people think are bad neighborhoods (well they are rough  ;D ) But for me, it's all part of the experience. I can get out of the car and start up a conversation with just about anyone.

 Not so quick to do that here in the Rogue. Never seen so many pissed off looking people. THEY TRULY MUST NOT KNOW WHAT THEY HAVE. Oh Well.

Yep I'm a California Dog. Just don't dig the gun legislation. In fact that is one of the only MAJOR reasons I have never been a Democrat.

Oh yeah, just because there are more restrictions there doesn't mean people don't own and carry them. Most are just smart enough to not get caught, and a friendly disposition to diversity goes a long way in avoiding confrontations. Sure, a lot of crap goes down in LA, but proportionately, in comparison to most metropolitan or even smaller cities (but for some reason, crime statistics are rarely ever reported in a PROPORTIONATE context), and when you consider that there are 25 million people living in LA proper alone, it really aint that bad unless your just a "tool" to begin with.  ;) ;D ;D 8)

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Re: You all want HIM for president?
« Reply #299 on: November 05, 2012, 06:09:03 PM »
BTW,,,I've traveled a bit in California and have to say for the most part it is inhabited by pretty happy live and let live souls and not some of the dour characters and attitudes I've seen eleswhere.  Calfornia has it all, or had....mountains, sea, islands, forest, rivers, desert, wildlife, climate..really a beautiful place.
I have lived here in CA since 95 and have moved around the state a little.
In southern CA as you described, happy poeple to a point.  I find on the feeeways and meeting people the ones that have the Obama stickers and magnets are the most unhappy.
The problem with California is the excessive taxes  and the corrupt government that is running the state into bankruptcy.