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Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« on: October 30, 2012, 05:04:41 AM »
 and missing $2.3 trillion+ DoD funds......FYI....TM7
.  Monday, 22 October Romney's Top Adviser, Dov Zakheim, Connected to 9/11    
Brandon TurbevilleActivist Post

At this stage in the campaign, the claim that Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are virtually identical in every way can scarcely be denied. From their positions on healthcare, the implementation of economic austerity, and perpetual warfare, the Presidential candidate and the President himself are mirror images of one another with the minute exception of the political presentation of those polices and the much-exploited physical differences hyped by the media.

However, while Obama’s expansion of war and wholesale slaughter is accomplished through deceit and other covert forms of treachery, Mitt Romney’s war psychosis is manifested much more openly. As I detailed in my last article, “
Open War Policy Revealed by Romney’s NeoCon Advisers,” Romney’s sprint toward a third world war of a potentially thermonuclear variety could scarcely be more clear, quite the rarity for Romney.

With this in mind, I have written two articles dealing with Romney’s foreign policy advisers and their own ideological leanings. After all, regardless of the potential resting in the office of the President, the fact is that a President’s inner circle of advisers, as well as his cabinet, are, generally speaking, the foot soldiers in whatever foreign entanglements the country is set to find itself in.

Unsurprisingly, Romney’s foreign policy team is made up mainly of Neo-Cons left over from the boy Bush Administration, as well as other raving war hawks, Zionists, and imperialists.

In this regard, I encourage the reader to access my articles, “Open War Policy Revealed by Romney’s NeoCon Advisers,” (linked above) “Romney’s Foreign Policy Advisers Exposed As Globalists,” and “Mitt Romney’s 13 Globalist ‘Working Groups’ Exposed” for a summary of these individuals and their organizational memberships, affiliations, and past careers.

Yet, out of all the advisers listed as part of Romney’s foreign policy team, one member, Dov Zakheim, bears special notice, not least of which because he is considered to be the top adviser working amongst the publicly acknowledged branch of the team.

Zakheim also bears special mention because of his special place in 9/11 NeoCon fame, although his role in the events of that day are rarely discussed.

As many may be aware of, on September 10, 2001, Pentagon Chief and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference where he
announced that 2.3 trillion dollars had simply gone missing from the Pentagon. Such an announcement would have been a major scandal had it not been for the tragic events that unfolded the next day, which forever overshadowed the missing money – yet another fortunate coincidence for a group of individuals who experienced an unbelievable amount of fortunate circumstances on or around 9/11.

9/10, interestingly enough,
as Veterans Today reports, “was the first and last time that any significant political figure has ever chosen to announce major bad news on a Monday.” While this author could not confirm if this statement is actually true, VT is correct in the point that it is highly irregular behavior to announce information that would put the reigning administration in a bad light on a Monday, the biggest news day of the week. It is well known both in the halls of government and the mainstream media that evidence of scandals are always revealed on Fridays (particularly the evenings) so that the story gets lost over the weekend of partying, vacationing, entertainment, and varied schedules of news consumption amongst the general public. Thus, Rumsfeld’s announcement was an abrupt departure from public relations tradition.

The relevant factor in this context is that
Dov Zakheim was the Comptroller of the Pentagon during the period that this enormous sum of money went missing. (It should be noted that Susan Lindauer, CIA whistleblower, claims the sum was actually 9.1 trillion dollars.)

Of course, the missing money was being tracked. Certainly Rumsfeld and Zakheim would not announce the loss of trillions of dollars without simultaneously announcing that an investigation was already underway.

However, on 9/11, yet another fortunate coincidence (from the standpoint of those individuals responsible for the missing $2 trillion) occurred.
According to Barbara Honegger, a retired Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey, California, the accountants who were working on uncovering the evaporated trillions were killed in the attack on the Pentagon. To this writer’s knowledge, the missing money has never officially been found.

The events surrounding 9/11 which indicate the falsity of the official story can, in no way, be summed up in this article. However, one more interesting and coincidental circumstance in relation to the events of 9/11 and Dov Zakheim must be mentioned.

Before becoming Pentagon Comptroller, Zakheim was CEO of
System Planning Corporation International (SPC International), a company which specializes in the development, manufacture, and production of defense technology for the US Military and US Government as well as other major corporations. The “About SPC” section of the SPC website states:
>Our customer base includes federal, state and local government agencies, major defense contractors, architectural and engineering firms, and other commercial enterprises. These clients’ demands have always been diverse, and as a result SPC boasts tremendous capabilities across many disciplines.Furthermore, the site states:

Initially, SPC staff focused on research and studies in the areas of arms control; nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare; advanced technologies; ballistic missile defense; and continuity of government. Soon, SPC branched into the manufacture of by Text-Enhance" href="wlmailhtml:{EAC3E0A2-5343-4189-9BF0-49BAC88FCD99}mid://00000027/!x-usc:" target="_blank">electronic systems, prototyping and manufacturing radar systems to precisely measure the radar cross section (RCS) of the new generation of stealth platforms. As a result of this work, SPC emerged as a major leader in the low-observables community.SPC is not just one more subsidiary wing of DARPA, nor is it merely an enterprising corporation with lucrative government contracts and connections. SPC boasts on its own website of having improved

radar measurement technologies for U.S. stealth bombers; created the first patented cargo tracking device—GlobalTrak®—for the intermodal trade industry; assessed emergency preparedness plans across the nation; hosted State Department events for ambassadors and world leaders; and provided staffing support and technical expertise for DARPA programs and system/technology offices.The website lists several areas of expertise taken up by SPC including, Advanced Systems Technology, Air Warfare Systems, Conference and Event Planning, Creative Solutions, Cyber Security, Fire, EMS, and Emergency Preparedness, Program Management, Radar and Measurement Technology, Security Design and Integration, and Supply Chain Security.

Of special interest to this topic of conversation, however, is a little known system under the “Radar and Measurement Technology” classification known as the Flight Termination System (FTS). The FTS, designed by SPC’s Radar Physics Group, is a system which is used to destroy target drones or other aircraft in the event of a malfunction or a miss during military or weaponry testing. The FTS is, essentially, a war game technology that is designed to act as a backup in the event of the failure of the weapons being tested. Simply put, if the weapon is unable to shoot down the aircraft or drone, or if there is a reason why the aircraft cannot be landed safely in this event, the FTS would be in place to bring that craft down so as not to allow an off-site disaster resulting from the aircraft.

Yet the FTS is only one component of the technology as its main function is to terminate the aircraft. The FTS also consists of the
Command Transmitter System (CTS) which functions as a remote controlling technology.

The SPC website describes the CTS as providing “remote control and flight termination functions through a fully-redundant self-contained solid-state system . . . . .”

Even more so, the FTS contains components that involve “custom control, interface, and monitoring subsystems.”

Thus, the FTS is a fully developed system that is capable of monitoring, remote controlling, interacting, and terminating aircraft. Not only that, but the system can be used on commercial and military jets in addition to the standard drone aircraft.

Some description of the FTS, its capabilities, and tests conducted on it can be found in the report entitled, “
Enhanced Flight Termination Systems Study” produced by the Range Commanders Council, posted on the Army’s own .mil website.

In addition, as the 9/11-related encyclopedic website states, the FTS can be used on a wide range of aircraft which include large passenger jets.

According to, documents formerly posted on the SPC website confirmed that both Eglin Air Force Base and Florida-MacDill Air Force Base have been official customers of SPC and the FTS technology. Florida-Macdill, as claimed by 911Review, was part of a Boeing/Pentagon tanker lease agreement which saw at least 32 Boeing 767 aircraft transferred to the US Military.

As stated by
911Review, “The Boeing lease deal involved the replacement of the aging KC-135 tanker fleet with these smaller, more efficient Boeing 767s that were to be leased by Dov Zakheim’s group.” Thus, there is now the suggestion that the US military was in possession of Boeing 767 aircraft outfitted with the FTS/CTS technology, manufactured by Zakheim’s company.

Also related to the SPC/Zakheim/9/11 connection is the fact that the organization contracted to aid and oversee the investigation into the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993,
TRIDATA Corporation, is actually subsidiary of SPC. Thus, TRIDATA would have gained significant knowledge of the makeup, structure, and other relevant information to use in the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center in 2001.

In the end, we have an individual currently serving as a top foreign policy advisor to a serious presidential candidate who was also a member of the
Project For A New American Century, the organization that, one year before 9/11, lamented the absence of a “new Pearl Harbor” in order to further their goals for an America more to their liking.

This same individual was then the Comptroller of the Pentagon when 2.3 trillion dollars came up missing, where the investigators appointed to sort out the discrepancy were killed on 9/11, and the story itself was announced in a very questionable manner the day before one of the largest events in American history.

Furthermore, this individual was the former CEO (and thus had very close ties) to a Corporation which itself is closely related to the shadow government, military-industrial complex, and intelligence agencies and that also developed and produced technology that could control and terminate with drones and civilian jet planes, a technology which many revisionist historians have suggested was used to guide the planes into the World Trade Center 1 and 2. This individual, through his relationship to SPC and TRIDATA, would also have access to pertinent information regarding the World Trade Center which would have been necessary in order to execute the controlled demolition that took place on 9/11.

It should also be mentioned that Zakheim was also a
Senior Vice President at Booz Allen Hamilton, a firm notorious for its connections to the US Intelligence community. Based in McLean, Virginia, BAH has an official global staff of around 18,000 people and has numerous connections with the major intelligence agencies such as the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), National GeoSpatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), National Security Agency (NSA), National Counterterrorism Center, the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and most of the Pentagon’s combatant centers. These, of course, are only the publicly admitted official connections that have made their way into the light. We can only assume that BAH is even more connected than they are letting on. In fact, it is safe to assume that BAH is nothing more than a wing of the American Intelligence community.

Regardless, to have, at one time, assumed a position of such importance in a company so connected to domestic and international intelligence, would no doubt be considered an enormous advantage if one were planning a false flag attack on the scale of 9/11.

Anyone with this many ties to such a horrific crime and acts of outright treason must be, at the very least, viewed with much skepticism in terms of his true motives. In addition, any candidate who requests or accepts Zakheim’s advice and management in his run for the Presidency or, even more worrisome, his Cabinet, must likewise be subjected to intense scrutiny and criticism.

For brevity’s sake, take a look at the list below to see a
further sampling of Dov Zakheim’s affiliations and memberships.

Council on Foreign Relations

The Vulcans

International Institute For Strategic Studies

Heritage Foundation

Center For Strategic and International Studies

Under Secretary of Defense

CNA Corporation

Global Panel America

Chatham House

Royal Institute of International Affairs

Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences

American Jewish Committee

Northrop Grumman

McDonnell Douglas

London School of Economics

[font=]Read other articles by Brandon Turbeville here. [/font]

Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of three books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, and Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident. Turbeville has published over 175 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville's podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) ...  [font=][/font]  [font=].[/font]

Offline Mike in Virginia

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 12:46:27 PM »
I tried that link connecting DOD advisor to 9/11.  Nothing there.  Where do you get this stuff?

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2012, 01:53:36 PM »
I tried that link connecting DOD advisor to 9/11.  Nothing there.  Where do you get this stuff?
he consults his shaman every morning before logging on.
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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2012, 10:40:00 AM »
Why would a dual citizen be in a top DoD position anyway?

I don't know.  Why would a kenyan be in the White House?
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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2012, 09:27:44 AM »
     Just more of TMs own agenda that has been failing him for yrs.  Jim

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2012, 12:43:00 PM »
TM7, how ya doin?  Are you making any progress toward the truth you believe in?  No hostility intended.  I'm just wondering if the information you post is posted somewhere else, and if there are others who have solid information, where might I find it?  I mean actual factual stuff; not just random Internet sites where people we've never heard of post information.  I personally can't believe 9/11 was an inside job.  I just can't.  But I'm always open to evidence.   Someday perhaps you'll post a list of solid facts we can check that show the reason(s) you believe as you do.  I think it would be interesting and I think you'd have more credibility.  Maybe make a bulleted list of hard facts.  I'm only saying this because lots of what you post here is ignored or bashed.  There's just no way for anyone to accept it the way it's presented. 

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2012, 10:24:55 PM »
    Damn i wish you would have posted that 2 weeks ago. Just kidding. It would not have changed my mind at all. Sent my absentee ballot in already and i voted for Romney.

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2012, 06:05:15 AM »
Thats all the proof gossip I need. I am changing my party to Dem and voting obummer. NOT


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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2012, 12:02:35 PM »
TM - you put some effort into that.  Thanks.  I'm gonna take a good look at it.  You already know I'm ignorant, but always willing to look at things from different perspectives.  I must admit I've not heard of Devy Kidd, but that's just part of my ignorance.  I can't go through it tonight (too much craziness at home now), but I will get to it. 


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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2012, 12:26:10 PM »
we will have to keep an eye on  him 


whats your point?

you think we need 4 more years of obumer??

please answer my questions here
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.


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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2012, 05:00:51 AM »


only  one ot the 2  choices  has  hopes   of running  in 2016

 and will  not  have the ''flexability'' obumer   discussed with the russians

its  romnee  or this guy
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
no one is encouraged to do anything dangerous or break any laws.

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2012, 07:43:32 AM »
TM, I've been trying to go through that material, but I can't go on.  Ms. Kidd is a Democrat.  I  made it to the part where she said Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction.  She is of the firm belief that the U.S. is behind every evil that exists.  I can't figure how you became such a devout follower of her.  Her photo indicates she's a fairly normal person, but her attitude is pretty dark, and her beliefs are so permanently fixed that she may have dropped away from reality so far she'll never get back.  Don't go with her, TM.  You are not as far gone as she.  Come on back away from the edge.  I know there are others who don't trust our gov't, but it's the only one we have and it's better than any others.  It's flawed to be sure, but not so much as Ms. Kidd would have us believe.   
I have to  wonder if Ms. Kidd is your only source.  You are not unintelligent.  You can look other places for answers.  I'm worried that you have filled yourself with that lady's opinions, and like a Mormon, you have injested it into your very soul.  I hope that's not the case.  I'm not being sarcastic or smart mouthed when I tell you to back away from her and check things out for yourself.  The Internet is not the only source of information we have.  There's so much crap on the Net (you may say that about my crap) that you don't have to believe one person's articles as untainted truth.     

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2012, 09:24:29 AM »
TM, are you saying that if Devvy wrote it, it is true?  I probably asked for too much in my request for facts and you tried to give me too much.  I don't want to follow all those links; I'm just to lazy.  What do you know as an absolute certainty that might sway a person to believe as you do?  I have to think you don't have anything solid.  I suppose others think it was an inside job, and lots of people believe no WMD existed, but I sure haven't seen any factual evidence.  I remind you again that someone told me not to be baited, but I keep  getting sucked in because you post stuff that is not backed up by anything at all, and I end up politely asking for something clear.  I reckon I'll just stop responding.  I mean it's difficult to play nice all the time when your posts are so weak and watery.  I'm gonna ask this one last time for something solid.  If you won't or can't give it, then you don't have it.  I'm certain you believe what you say, but you really ought not say it without some hard facts behind you, because you have to know going in that most people believe the rag heads attacked us and it won't be easy to change their minds with just opinions and links that go to other opinions.   

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2012, 02:55:54 AM »
I would not hold your breath waiting for any facts. TM7 has posted links and info with the 2.3 trillion missing quote from Rummy over and over again and that is a blatant intentional misquote. Rummy actually said 2.3 trillion in transactions couldn't be accurately tracked. He never said 2.3 trillion was missing...period... didn't happen. It has been pointed out a number of times and it stilll just keeps popping up in his post.
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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2012, 04:16:35 AM »
Here is what he said:
"According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it's stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible"
He doesn't use the term "unacounted" so not sure what your point you are trying to make. Your post would lead people to believe that Rummy said a large sum (2.3 trillion) of money just dissappeared and that is not what he said or even close to what he said. He was speaking of financial and acounting systems that were decades old and outdated that was costing tax payers money by sheer inefficiancy.
Here is a link to the entire speech should you choose to read it. I doubt you will and I have no doubt you will continue to use "2.3 trillion in missing fund" as a taking point for your theories.
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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2012, 04:57:32 AM »
I am not mincing anything! You are intentionally misquoting what he said to make a point that you can't make by telling the truth.
The 2.3 trillion in transactions he is speaking of is probably the overal spending of the DOD for a four or five year period. He was speaking of the waste inherant in an outdated accounting system. That is just my educated guess.
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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2012, 07:38:43 AM »
I am not declining to answer anything or argue anything other than the fact that you are intentionaly misquoting what was said in order to further your own argument.
Read the speech and answer your own question! You are the one who thinks 2.3 trillion is missing not Rummy. You are the worldly oh so smart one here. You tell me how a goverment agency whoose budget is 500+Billion a year coould have waste when they are using outdated accounting and tracking methods. That is what he was speaking about not some mysterious world wide conspiracy to take over alll the worlds goverments by the Jews or GW.
When it comes right down to it he never used the word "missing" and no amount of blustering by you is going to change that. If the truth hurts your argument maybe you shouldn't be making it to begin with!
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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2012, 02:10:18 PM »
TM, I know it's no loss to you, but I might have been the only person alive who was willing to listen to your reasoning, and now I'm done.  You've got nothing at all to support your position, yet you keep posting opinions and links.  Your audience of one has left the building.   

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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2012, 07:33:38 AM »
You are like a broken record.
Let me try this again......Rummy never used the terms "missing" or "unnacounted"!!!!!!!! You are the one using those terms. And you are using them in that fasion because the truth does not make your point for you.
No I am not trying to rewrite the english language........I don't have to......I can read.......but being able to correctly read and repeat the words I see does not appear to be a trait some find commendable.
Bottom line if you are going to quote someone do it correctly and accurately! Try cutting and pasting! Why don't you have that 5th grader that can connect dots check your post for misquotes.
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Re: Romney's top DoD advisor, Dov Zakheim, connected to 9/11...
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2012, 01:51:52 AM »
"contempt of forum"  ;D ;D  now that will keep me up nights!!!!
You just keep on posting every conspiracy theory you can find on line or in print as you have been doing and I will continue to express my doubt and any stuff I can find to refute yours and we will probably continue to do this for the foreseable future.
A man without a stick will get bitten, even by sheep.