There is NOTHING in the constitution that says anything about separation of church and state. It says congress shall make NO laws reguarding religion, freedom of speach, the press, and the right to assemble. So we have FREEDOM of RELIGION, not FREEDOM FROM RELIGION. John Adams said the constitution was written for a moral and religious people, anyone else and it might not work. Congress has begun all it's sessions from day one with prayer. The Supreme Court has the 10 commandments over it's doors, yet we can't display them in public buildings? Also, the 10 comandments are in Judeism, Christianity, and Islam. It should be a point for all to agree on and make laws from those. The 10 commandments have two parts, one is our relationship to God, and the other to our fellow man. Jesus said they are all summed up in two commandments, love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and might, and love your neighbor as yourself. Seems pretty simple.
The separtation of church and state ment that the state could not force us to accept one state supported church like European nations. Brittan - the Church of England, France at the time, Spain, Portugal - the Catholic chruch, Greece - Greek Orthodox, Germany at the time - Lutheran.
America was settled by Lutherans in Pennsylvania as well as Amish and Mendonites, Catholics settled in Maryland, Puritans in Mass., Baptists in Rhode Island, Episcopals in Virginia and New York. Dutch Reform in New York also.
The founding fathers saw this, and they were all from different faiths, so they put FREEDOM in the constitution.
Any war coming will be socialists/communists/athiests against capitalist/Christians.