Might, haven't seen him in about 15 years. He had a run in with the union when he was with my company. He didn't know the "rules" when he became manager. I had a run in with a guy right after I first started. I was inspecting and I am salary, so I helped a contractor load some small stuff on his truck. Guy saw me and threatened to file a grevance, but since I was new, he didn't. It was his job to help load stuff. He was gone at the time, and contractor needed to get back to work as his crew was waiting on some supplies. About half my company isn't union, most don't want to pay the dues, and supervisors are good to everyone. No problems. However, you have to respect each others jobs.
Reporter was probably from Huntsville and though they were all the same utility, but they have a seperate utility company from Decatur. Decatur was the one which had union problems. Pay wasn't the issue, probably not being union had to be supervised by a union crew and sign some type of union agreement which the director of the utilities didn't want to, knowing him, probably hates unions.