I also will vote for Johnson. I see a clear difference between Romney and Obama. And between Ryan and Biden. I have no great love for Biden, he was one of the architects of the assault weapon ban, while Ryan is a hunter. On the other hand, Ryan believes that a biological process going on in your own body should be subject to government monitoring and control, Biden believes it is YOUR business. Despite claims to the contrary, neither Obama nor Romney want to do anything constructive about wall street. Wealth continues to be concentrated at the top, a bad idea. The theory of trickle down economics is idiotic. Anyone who has ever raised an animal or grown a plant knows that. You kill the fattest hogs first. Then the smaller ones have more to eat and grow until it is there turn. NOTHING grows forever, there is an optimum size for everything, past that point there is diminishing returns. Obama wants to provide health care for everyone , something we basically do already through emergency rooms but at astronomical costs. He screwed up because he handed a boon to the insurance companies by increasing patronage but not controlling costs. They say he would control access. So ? Access is already controlled. Romney would just double down on the present system of rationing ,,,,,,the poor get crappier care or minimal care at the ER. Anyone who would provide a heart for transplant to the one most able to pay rather that the one who would derive the most benefit from it should be used for organ donation themselves..... immediately.
Meanwhile, both O & R would continue the worthless war on drugs that serves as a college for criminals and an outlet for borderline sadomasochists who need steady employment in the prison system, while denying us a new and badly needed revenue stream. They also both will continue the surveillance programs, both electronic and with drones, both here and abroad.
People who might vote for Obama think since I own property and they dont, I should have to give it to them. People who might vote for Romney think since I own property but cannot or dont want develop it to maximize its value, I should have to give it to them.
Yup, there is a clear difference. Personally, I hope you guys get everyone so riled up that you start dropping in the streets with myocardial infarctions and anyurisims , meanwhile, I have the chips and dip ready to go. Hop to it boys.