The various gunsmithing epoxies are formulated for long-term stability and strength. They can be used for more than just a bedding job but repairs too. Also, shelf life is incredible. I've used Acraglas that is more than 25 years old, and it worked just fine.
A Brownell's Acraglas and Acraglas Gel Kit for example, is enough for one complete (long rifle) action bedding job, or two smaller jobs if you ration the components. By this, I mean that it is enough for one bolt-action receiver & barrel bedding with leftover wasted resin and flocking/dye, or you can halve the portion and do two complete rifles with nothing left over if you are careful.
Yes, I know that the professional gunsmithing bedding kits are sorta pricey (appx $20), but the hardware store two-tube epoxy mixes ($5) are rarely enough for a complete bedding job, plus because they set up much faster than Acraglas, the long-term strength is not there. The 5-minute epoxies are plenty good for small "touch up" bedding such as a Contender foreend, split stock repair, or loose two-piece stocks on a receiver though. I use them for quickie jobs where a second bedding might be needed, or if a customer is in a hurry to get his gun back into the field.