Author Topic: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...  (Read 889 times)

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Offline yellowtail3

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We hear these fairly tales repeated as fact, often and shameless, by folks who have more enough brain power to know better - there are exceptions - but not enough character to let the facts get in the way of a satisfying ideological rant.
The 44th president has long been the target of misinformation, smear campaigns, and outright, bald-faced lies
I've spent the last four years covering the Obama presidency and tweeting about it on a daily basis from the White House briefing room. And the Twitter messages I get — thousands of them — tell me that there are folks who will believe absolutely anything regardless of whether it is a distorted or a bald-faced lie, and regardless of whether factual information is staring them in the face.
I neither support nor oppose President Obama. I disagree with about half of what he has tried to do. But I do support trying to determine what is accurate and true and what is not. With that in mind, I deconstruct, based on four years worth of observation, the top five bogus myths about Obama:
1. Obama has played more golf than any president in history
This isn't even close to being true. Now, there's no question that he plays on a regular basis: 104 rounds from January 2009 through Aug. 4 of this year, the last time he played, according to Mark Knoller, the longtime White House correspondent for CBS Radio. That puts him about in the middle when compared with other duffers-in-chief. It's less than Bill Clinton, and a lot less than Dwight Eisenhower, who played more than 800 rounds over eight years — four times as often as Obama plays.
And why is it an outrage if the president, who heads one of three branches of government, golfs 104 times in three-and-a-half-years, but the head of another branch of government, the Speaker of the House, plays four times as much? You heard correctly: John Boehner once told Golf Digest that he plays upwards of 100 rounds a year. Seems like a double standard, no?
2. Obama has taken more vacation time than any president in history
This isn't even remotely accurate either, but first, some context from Nancy Reagan: "Presidents don't get vacations — they just get a change of scenery. The job goes with you." The responsibilities, the pressure, the officer with the "nuclear football" — it's all with a commander-in-chief at all times. No exceptions.
But how much time away from the White House has President Obama spent, and how does this compare with predecessors?
POTUS Tracker, compiled by The Washington Post, shows that from January 2009 to October 31, 2012, Obama spent all or part of 72 vacation days in a variety of places, mostly Hawaii in the winter and Martha's Vineyard in the summer. That's about 10 weeks away in three-and-a-half years, hardly extravagant. Through May 18, according to data from CBS's Knoller, he also visited Camp David 22 times, spending all of part of 54 days there.
What about his predecessors?
· In 1798, President John Adams left the capital for seven months to care for his ailing wife Abigail; his enemies said he practically relinquished his office.
· Thomas Jefferson and James Madison routinely went away for three- and four-month stretches.
· Abraham Lincoln, during the Civil War, was blasted for spending about 25 percent of his time away from the White House.
· Dwight Eisenhower took long summer breaks in Denver and spent almost every single weekend at Camp David.
· John F. Kennedy rarely spent a weekend in the White House, staying at family homes in Palm Beach, Hyannis Port, and the Virginia countryside.
· Lyndon Johnson spent 484 days in five and a half years at his Texas ranch.
· Ronald Reagan was away for 436 days, usually at Rancho del Cielo (his mountaintop retreat in California) or Camp David.
· Bill Clinton, who didn't own a vacation home, loved to party with his elite friends in Martha's Vineyard and the Hamptons.   
· George W. Bush spent 32 months at his ranch (490 days) or Camp David (487 days) — an average of four months away every year.
Time off doesn't mean goofing off. President Bush, for example, met with a variety of foreign leaders at his ranch. President Obama held a G-8 summit at Camp David. Just like you might check your email while sitting on the beach (you fool, you), presidents never really unplug. But if anyone deserves a vacation, it is the person who serves in the world's most stressful and demanding job.
3. Obama shows his true colors by not going to Arlington National Cemetery
Sadly, the days we set aside to honor those who have worn the uniform of our country — and made the ultimate sacrifice — have become highly politicized. There is an expectation that presidents should go to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial and Veterans Day. Certainly, any commander-in-chief should mark these sacred days in such fashion. But paying tribute to those whose final resting place is in any other of America's other 130 national cemeteries is no less honorable.
That being said, the tradition of going to Arlington itself on Memorial Day is fairly new. Most presidents never, or rarely, went. Let's look at the past six decades:
· Eisenhower: Twice in eight years
· Kennedy: Never in three years
· Johnson: Once in five years
· Nixon: Never in six years
· Ford: Twice in two years
· Carter: Never in four years
· Reagan: Three times in eight years
· Bush Sr.: Never in four years
· Clinton: Eight times in eight years
· Bush Jr.: Seven times in eight years
· Obama: Three times in four years
Bush Jr. and Obama really have perfect records as far as I'm concerned. The one year Bush wasn't at Arlington he was at Normandy, honoring the heroes of D-Day. The one year Obama wasn't at Arlington he was at a National Cemetery in Illinois, where the heroes who rest in peace are no less deserving of our respect than those who rest in Arlington.
4. Obama has never visited Israel as president, which shows he doesn't give a damn about it
It's true that Barack Obama, as president, hasn't visited the Jewish state. b:
· Nixon waited five-and-a half years to visit
· Ford never went
· Carter went once in four years
· Reagan never went in eight years
· Bush Sr. never went
· Clinton went six times in eight years
· Bush Jr. waited seven years to visit
That Obama hasn't gone, therefore, means two things: 1) Jack and 2) Squat. It's true he and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu don't like each other personally, but the more important issue is whether he's committed to Israeli security. Hardline Defense Minister Ehud Barak, a hawk who, with Netanyahu, has been the driving force behind a possible attack in Iran, says:
I can see long years, administrations of both sides of the political aisle deeply supporting the state of Israeli and I believe that reflects a profound feeling among the American people. But I should tell you honestly that this administration under President Obama is doing in regard to our security more than anything that I can remember in the past.
Then there's Dennis Ross, who has spent a whole lot of time with five Republican and Democratic presidents, not to mention their Israeli counterparts.
I've worked with every Israeli prime minister in the past 30 years, and there have always been ups and downs. But you don't really see the kind of language we're hearing now. It must be the polarization. I can't explain it otherwise.
If you think you know better, Mr. Armchair Expert, than Israel's own hardline defense minister and the guy who has worked with Republican presidents, Democratic presidents, and every Israeli prime minister over the past three decades, I'm all ears.
5. Taxes under Obama are at an all-time high
If you buy this one, congratulations: You've failed not just history, but economics as well. Between the combined burden of federal, state, and local income taxes, Americans are parting with the smallest share of their income since 1958. The Bureau of Economic Analysis says we pay 23.6 percent of what we make, down from an average of about 27 percent during the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
What makes you think that any president is responsible for what state and local governments take from you anyway? Never mind that Congress controls the federal purse strings, and never mind that cuts in income tax rates and payroll tax rates have been in effect for several years now. Of course, this could all change come January, unless hyper-divided Washington can somehow find a way to cooperate and avoid taking the economy over the fiscal cliff. But for now, the notion that taxes are gobbling up more of our hard earned income than ever is, to use a word we've heard often during this long and often dishonest campaign, malarky.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline woodsie57

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2012, 05:36:43 AM »
Yep,these reasons are not the ones that cause informed folks to oppose Obamas policies. During O's term,the avg American family's lost almost 10% in income,pays $2000 more per yr. for gas,and $2000 more for health ins. premiums. Electric rates are just starting to feel the effects of the new EPA policies,and in Obama's own words will "rise significantly"as a result. As Joe Biden said, the middle class is getting killed these last 4 years.These are the reasons why some are less than thrilled with Obamas results, it's not his travel schedule.

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2012, 05:43:47 AM »
Yep,these reasons are not the ones that cause informed folks to oppose Obamas policies. ....These are the reasons why some are less than thrilled with Obamas results, it's not his travel schedule.
Maybe, but the lies are what generate the most posts here, or so it seems.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Defoe

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2012, 06:00:01 AM »
We would be better off if he had played golf every day and stayed out of the oval office.
if Romney doesn't win and get rid of obama-care, capital gains tax increase and confiscatory corporate tax increase, we'll end up with a hammer & sickle on our flag, instead of stars & stripes.

I heard there was a russian sub off our coast to pick him up if he loses. ;D

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2012, 06:15:26 AM »
Me thinks you watched too much Hannity.

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2012, 06:16:14 AM »
We would be better off if he had played golf every day and stayed out of the oval office.
if Romney doesn't win and get rid of obama-care, capital gains tax increase and confiscatory corporate tax increase, we'll end up with a hammer & sickle on our flag, instead of stars & stripes.
I'll bet you $46,000 that you're wrong on that last bit. Set a date, and we'll see.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2012, 07:04:15 AM »
Conveniently or on purpose the article failed to address the number 1 TRUTH- He was born in Kenya!

Offline mcbammer

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2012, 07:47:08 AM »
theres  no  lying  in  politics. :o :o :o :o :o

Offline ironglow

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2012, 08:22:19 AM »
  All the issues you raised via Brandes are of a moot nature.  Brandes seems to be concerned that Obama is accused of too many vacations.  As Wharfrat pointed out, many of us would rather Obama take off 365 days per year,,except leap year..  That way he would not have done nearly as much damage to the U.S. as he has done..
  Next, the founder of the site called.. The Left Wing...or rather.. The West Wing; is concerned that many of us might question the depth of the Obamas' patriotism..  A few points;
1) I never saw JFK offer a 'crotch salute" to the flag
2) Never at a patriotic celebration in Washington, have I heard Barbara Bush utter;  " All this for a  ____   _____  flag!"
3) Never was  R Reagan endorsed by foreign dictators such as Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and some muslim terror sponsors. etc
4) Never in his own writings did GW Bush boast of a college life where he  sought out muslim radicals for friends and communists for professors.
5) Never heard Harry Truman complain about his grandmother being a bit "too white"..
6) Never saw a president who numbered among his friends, those who killed cops, bombed govt offices and later said he "didn't bomb enough"..see Obama's friends, Ayers & Dohrn..
7)  Don't recall any other president who claims a card-carrying communist as his "mentor"..
 8) Can't recall any other president shifting the mission of a "muslim self-esteem society."
9) No other presidential candidate has ever had a Che Guevera poster on the wall of his Houston campaign office..

10) Never saw any other president embark on an "apology & hand-kissing " tour of the middle east..
  Should we not question his patriotism?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline yellowtail3

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2012, 08:37:56 AM »

Ironglow, were you already aware that those five lies conservatives like to tell about Obama, were lies?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline briarpatch

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2012, 09:30:31 AM »
Things about and against the o. How do we know what is true and what is not? How do you know what you posted YT3 is true?   Problem is we dont so we all just post what we read.
One thing for sure, what we all see him doing is a good place to start.
I have formed my own knowledge base about the o and dont need anyone to to tell me what he is or never was.

Offline ironglow

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2012, 10:01:24 AM »

Ironglow, were you already aware that those five lies conservatives like to tell about Obama, were lies?
     If the stories were told exactly as the writer said, they could be falsehoods, but as I said..for the most part they ater and answer few of us asked the question about.   In retrospect, most of us are pleased that he was away from the oval office..less collateral damage that way!
   It would be difficult faulting Bill Clinton over too much recreation outside the oval office...since so much of his fun &games actually took place IN the oval office..
   Of course, taking potshots at the other guy's presidential choice over time off is an old game:
  In the above cited article, one should note that GW Bush was also accused of same, but once the war started, he declined to hit the golf course any more, saying he would not be playing golf..while our troops are engaged in fighting...  Here's the excerpt:
    Bush played 24 rounds of golf during the first 2 ? years of his presidency, but then, six months into the war in Iraq, decided to stop. "I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal," he said in an interview in 2008 with Yahoo and
  It seems since bush had set such a prescedent as to give up golf while combat continued, that Brandus would have mentioned this gesture in the article..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Defoe

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2012, 10:21:31 AM »
Lies get told by both sides, but everything that Ironglow posted is the truth.
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I said Montreal.

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2012, 10:51:53 AM »
The OP said:
"I've spent the last four years covering the Obama presidency and tweeting about it on a daily basis from the White House briefing room."

The OP forgot two words, just two teensy, weensy little words in the above statement.  Here, I'll put them in for him.  This is what he really meant to say.

I've spent the last four years covering FOR the Obama presidency and tweeting RUBBISH about it on a daily basis from the White House briefing room.

There!  Now it's fixed!   ;)
I must have missed the tweet where the OP tweeted: Terrorists are attacking the embassy in Bingazi.  The POTUS knows, but is to busy hanging with Boyncie (SIC?) and Letterman to adress the issue.
BTW, I'm Army retired.  I would take a bullet to protect the POTUS, ANY POTUS!  That's my sworn duty, active or retired.  I don't take taxpayer retirement $$ w/o rendering service.  Now, I do question if this POTUS knows his duty. 
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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2012, 10:56:47 AM »
The OP said:
"I've spent the last four years covering the Obama presidency and tweeting about it on a daily basis from the White House briefing room."
The OP forgot two words, just two teensy, weensy little words in the above statement.  Here, I'll put them in for him.  This is what he really meant to say.
I've spent the last four years covering FOR the Obama presidency and tweeting RUBBISH about it on a daily basis from the White House briefing room.
There!  Now it's fixed!   ;)
   The only amazing thing about this how in the world they could gather enough retards who are will ing to make the same mistake 4 years later..  :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2012, 11:13:29 AM »
 5 EASILY DEBUNKED LIES.. #4 "obboe has never visited the jewish state.". Next paragraph. "while its true obboe has never visited Israel" ?  lol. 
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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2012, 11:24:57 AM »
YT3..I would add tax revenue from corps lowest ever and BHO actually shrunk Fed budget.

Now, tm7, you just claimed in another thread that I never back up my posts with any facts (by which you seem to indicate links to other sites).  Above, you stated that "BHO actually shrunk Fed budget".  This is an out and out falsehood (seems you forgot to check "your facts" before posting this whopper).  The average total federal governmental expenditures under GWB was about 2.5 trillion dollars per year, and the HIGHEST expended in any one year was 3.1 trillion dollars.  The average total federal governmental expenditures under BHO was about 3.2 trillion dollars per year, and the LOWEST expended in any one year was 3.1 trillion dollars.  In other words, the Fed budget did NOT shrink under BHO, but rather GREW by almost 3/4 of a TRILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR.  Those are facts, and you can view them yourself at GPO (government printing office) site under historical data for federal outlays.
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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2012, 11:28:30 AM »
IMHO, Just off the top of my head I'll name three kinds of people that want BHO to stay in office. #1- Parasites that want to live off the government. #2- People that want to see this country fall apart. #3- People that don't care if this country falls apart. If BHO and people like him keep running this country it will continue to fall apart until it's too late to save it. Probably stepped on some toes here but there it is.
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And 5 EASY lies of omission told by liberals..........
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2012, 11:53:26 AM »
1.  Obamacare is not a Bill of Attainder -- PPACA targets the the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association syaing it will revoke tax exemptions if it does not use at least 85% of revenues for clinical expenses.

2.  Obama will preside over the largest tax increases from one year to another in American history -- Obama will have the honor of presiding when the Bush tax rates expire, over $500 billion dollars in taxes.  Also, Obama presides over the increase of the US corporate tax rate from 25% to 39%.  Also, capital gains tax rate will increase from 15% to 43%.

3.  Obamacare was never a tax.  Kinda hard for liberal democrats to dodge that one -- the SCOTUS called it a tax.

4.  Obama has not given Muslims preferred treatment at White House functions.    Obama has held formal occasions to honor Muslim leaders and Muslim holy days.  Conversely, he snubs Israeli leaders.

5.  Obama has not added to the debt.  Obama has increased to date by 45% during his tenure in office.

Obama's legacy is not one of "truth, justice, and the American way".   Remember, the three most important letters in "liberal" are L-I-E.


We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

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Offline Tommyt

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2012, 12:18:07 PM »
 One thing Barry boy knows very well
If he Leaves
Bidden is there all alone
I imagine his thoughts are something like this 

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2012, 12:29:43 PM »

I get my daily laughs reading the R's vs D's commentary on the forum. Both sides have selective vision and hearing. R's are generally right about the negative things aimed at the D's, and the D's likewise about the R's.

Both can easily see the truth about the other, but it goes over their heads when aimed at them. ;)  Just try and keep it civil folks, it will all be over soon and the country will still be here when it's over. Just a little less free, and wealthy as a nation regardless of the victor., and the loser will blame those of us, that saw through these deceivers and voted for someone worthy of our vote or elected not to vote not at all.
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Offline SwampThing762

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2012, 12:34:28 PM »

I know that the temr "liberal democrats" has previously been directed towards certain GBO members, but not on this occasion.  I aim it at the liberal democrats in society at large.

We learned the true nature of Islam on 11 Sept 2001.

Show your appreciation for more bacon.

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Re: EASY debunking of five common lies conservatives tell about Obama...
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2012, 01:09:07 PM »

I think my truthfulness is being questioned, but I'm willing to put up or shuttup: Here's one of the coyotes, now let's see you on yer mammoth tusk expedition (with the tusks)

Uh.......I don't see any coyote?
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME