I was hoping to retire in another year, but now I have to stay working so I can support the unemployed and under employed. It is a grand plan! I live in a state that gets it, but there are so many that do not, it is truly amazing how people want to hang onto what does not work for fear of a system that has worked in the past. Now the progressive liberals have another 4 years to do their bidding and Obama is not worried about re election. Hang on, it will be one heck of a ride, feel like we are just breaking over the top of a long, tall roller coaster. Problem is, I am not so sure it will go back up, just a long continual decline. I believe most people want to still be independent, but the ones that need jobs the most, support the liberal agenda. The young and minorities have the highest unemployment and are largely under employed, yet the majority support a government that that wants to hand out help rather than bolster the economy so business will hire them. We will suffer as Greece has suffered, it is just a matter of how long it will take. When we arrive and it is obvious we are now a decadent society the very ones that brought down the mightiest country on earth will cry foul the loudest.
Just some random thoughts from a concerned citizen