The true conservatives were all run out in the primaries for one reason or another for reasons real or imagined. My man had a scandal started up about him. I do not know it it was real or not, but it got him out of the race for sure. I think he had a real plan to get us out of our bad economy and was very electable; at least until the scandals broke. But that is my opinion. The point is true conservatives can not make it. Mitt had to act conservative to win the primary, then back toward the middle to have any hope at the presidential race. There was a Senatorial race that the ultra conservative (Tea Party Candidate) got beaten because they said that they did not believe in abortion, even if was God's plan. He did not mean that it was God's plan to be raped, but it was God's plan to have a baby and it was a sin to kill it by abortion. The press said - see, he does not care about women other Republican candidates denounced him and a large percentage of the public recoiled in horror. The Liberals jumped on it with both feet. Of course this candidate did not win. The point is, real conservatives can not get elected because they are too "radical". However, it seems there is no such thing as a radical Liberal. To get elected these days, you need to lie. Obama said he would take care of our immigration problem. The Latino and Hispanics loved it. He did not put forth one change, but he got their votes, because conservatives tried to plug up the boarder. Obama did not do a thing to help them, he let the conservatives drive them to him. He lied about doing any thing to help them. That is just one example. Obama has lied and will continue to lie to stay in power.
A concerned Citizen