blimac: I think that is what I am going to do, have a straight pull repeater. I have to get down to 1900fps, not sure that will cycle the action.
My problem: We are going to the North Slope to shoot Arctic Fox. Arctic Fox are about half the size of Red Foxes. Winter has set in up there and the Foxes are out scrounging for anything they can eat. They come to the call three, four, five, even as many as six at a time. At $50.00 to $60.00 a pelt we want as many as we can get. A standard .223 will blow them apart. A .22 mag is the right velocity, but no one makes a semi auto .22 mag that I can find. A .22 mag bolt is slow, we are looking for a semi auto. Hence, the try to slow down my mini-14 loads. Next year I think I will look for a semi auto .17 Hornet. .17 HMR and .22LR are just not enough gun. I'm taking my old Nylon 66 but just for emergencies.
A plus to using the mini-14, if we see Wolves coming in we can change our magazines and load standard loads for the Wolves. Other wise I have to carry two guns.
Hunting on the North Slope is like hunting in Kanasas, only everything is white. Constant wind, blowing snow, and avalances at Addigun Pass. Was talking to a trucker yesterday, he had just came from the slope. 17 avalances from Coldfoot to the North side of Attagun Pass.