Like I said somewhere. I see the real leaches in my state. One county alone gets over $14 million a quarter in total federal aid coming to their county. They haven't anything to show for it. Streets are potholed. Fire department has delapidated equipment. Schools are some of the worse in the state. High dropout rate, low college entrance scores. Drug use is rampant. Theft is rampant. More houses there have bars on their windows and doors, high fences, watch dogs. I do not go there to do business except early in the mornings. Never on Friday. 85% of utility bills go to women, because they list themselves as single. They get food stamps, section 8 housing, welfare, dissablity, free school lunches. The city gets all kinds of money for urban renewal projects that never get done, because it is 95% minority. Yet, these people have fancy cars and big screen tv's in their yards and homes. It is worse now than in the 60's through the 80's. There was a little more pride then, yards were cleaner, homes were kept painted. Everything is run down now. Lots of repoed homes. Vacant homes have had their water pipes and wiring striped out from copper theives. And you wonder why my state votes Red. Up north it is mainly isolated in the big cities, not the rural areas. Here it could be both.
Problem is we have thrown $4-5 trillion dollars at the problem since the 1950's and it hasn't improved but has gotten worse. Entitlement mentality set in. Instead of teaching these people how to fish, we gave them fish. Now our fish is running out. There should have been efforts to make them stay in school, learn, learn to run their own businesses. Learn how to do things for themselves. Another problem with education, blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites 100, asians 110. It therefore becomes harder for them to learn, it takes more time. Ambition and determination can overcome these low IQ's. You see it in sports, but not in school, or learning a trade, skill. With the entitlement mentality, they have no ambition, not determination to get out of poverty, and are destined to repeat what their parents did. Women who run the families, and men who are rolling stones. Not a good situation.
Dem's have not answer but throw more money at the problem, let big government take care of their every need, food, housing, health care, etc. Republicans haven't come up with an alternative solution, just preaching what works, but not teaching how to get there. Liberals have taken over education so kids don't learn entrepenerialship, or the skills to get good jobs. I throw poor whites who what we call lazy whites into the same catagory. Lazy doesn't get it.