"People just like us"......... that is the problem. There are a bunch here that would fire on people that perform abortions...... that is constitutional. There are those that would continue to prosecute and persecute people who use drugs----even if the state says it is legal. There are people in the military who don't like homosexuals.....and homosexuals that are not inclined to put up with any crap from people whom do not like them. There are black nationalists- and white supremacists. This Idea of the "Super Soldier"- Captain America- is just that, a comic book fantasy. Those soldiers are trained to obey orders, and the power structure is not dumb, they will send urban born and educated soldiers with a cosmopolitan outlook to Redneck areas where they will have no real problem with controlling a bunch of inbred semi-intelligent hoosiers that they hold in distain. They will send rural born and educated with conservative backgrounds to citys where they will have no hesitation to open up on the "boyz in the hood", that they consider to be welfare cheats, illegal aliens- OTHERS, not actually Americans.
Have you ever read "Lord of the Flies"? Civilization is a veneer, not solid wood, and just under the surface is a whole different world just waiting for the cover to rupture to be revealed. Once it is, and the first round of some type of violence begins , all bets are off, because now EVERYONE is all in, they ALL see themselves as "saving America" by "pacifying " it, they will ALL be willing to "destroy the village in order to save the village". They (police and military) are a weapon, to be used by whomever holds the controls at the moment, they can and will find or rationalize whatever they need to be operational. A tank does not care who drives it, nor a plane on whom the bombs dropped from it fall.
This is clear with many of the 3rd party folks here. We know that both devout Democrats AND devout Republicans in that situation would find the FIRST imperative to "restore order", and both would do pretty much whatever it took to achieve that. THAT IS THE GREAT LIE- that they are concerned about rights and freedom, they are both all about control, just in favor of different masters.
Did you hear the one about the Ape hunter? He asked his friend to go with him, and when they arrived in the jungle he got out of the car and got out his equipment. He had a baseball bat, handcuffs, a Pit Bull, and a very large revolver. The friend asked about the unusual assortment of gear. Well, the man explained, the dog runs the chimp up the tree, I go up the tree after him with the ball bat, I knock him out of the tree, when he hits the ground the dog grabs him by the testicles until I come down and put the handcuffs on him.
What is the revolver for? the friend asked. If I am the one that falls out of the tree...... shoot the dog.