Author Topic: Combustible cartridges again...  (Read 2242 times)

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Combustible cartridges again...
« on: November 15, 2012, 10:00:57 AM »
In my seemingly never ending quest for rapid reloading of my (C&B) revolvers, I have convinced myself that having powder, a greased wad and a ball wrapped all-in-one in combustible paper is feasible!   ;D
The only concern I had was the possibility of the grease (Gatofeo #1) contaminating the powder.   :-\  So I says to myself, self, what about a thin cardboard (eg. milk carton) wad between the powder and the greased wad!?   :o
I can cut them out with the same punch as I use for the felt wads and the grease ought to stick the two wads together enough to be held in place in the combustible paper.
I've got a case of cartridge boxes, each with it's own foam cartridge tray.  I figure I can load up 50 rounds or more, store them in the boxes, and I'll have ammo ready to load in my revolvers whenever I go to the range.   ;D
Now, if I could just think of a way to precap those soot burners...  :-\     ::)
Or should I not even worry about powder contamination?   ???
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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 10:17:49 AM »
you don't really have a problem.
just buy about 20 extra cylinders and load them while watching TV or something.
you can even pre-cap them, but be careful with'em.  it could get exciting if one of them chain-fired in your pocket.
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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 10:32:24 AM »
Skip the greased wad unless you are going to shoot more than 6 rounds soon after loading. Over time the oil in the greased wad will migrate into the paper and thus around the card wad and into the powder making neither one as combustible as before. These guns were designed to be fired 6 times and then cleaned and reloaded. If you needed more than 6 shots then get a second gun. Or just load with loose powder & lead then have the paper cartridges for a faster 6 shot reload. Much more than that and you will get fouling binding up the gun.
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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2012, 04:48:36 AM »
Over time the oil in the greased wad will migrate into the paper and thus around the card wad and into the powder making neither one as combustible as before.

I 'spose you're right...  :-\  darn...  :(
just load with loose powder & lead then have the paper cartridges for a faster 6 shot reload.

I do that for field use and have made up combustible cartridge, sans greased wad, 6 packs that I carry!   ;D  I was looking for an easier loading method at the range when doing extended shooting.   :-\
You see, I absolutely hate measuring powder at the range!  Guess I'll just stick with my little tubes made of nitrated paper holding a measured powder charge...  :(  Oh well, it was fun to think about!   ;D
be careful with'em.  it could get exciting if one of them chain-fired in your pocket.

No problem there either B.E.!  I haven't had to worry about that much fire in my pants for many a year!   ::) ;)
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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2012, 04:02:18 PM »
I have been using a tapered dowel, two cigarette papers glued together in a fan shape, overlapping 1/2 or so , varied as you wish, folded together in the middle to create a "band" of 3 layers, biting off the end of the  the powder can be spilled in with the "wad" of paper stuffed in between the powder and the round ball.
  I don't at all mind the procedure during football season, one can use
the plastic cartridge boxes to carry them with room for a capper.

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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 03:00:18 AM »
No problem there either B.E.!  I haven't had to worry about that much fire in my pants for many a year!   ::) ;)
;D ;D ;D LOL
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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2012, 08:28:39 AM »
how about a small disk/ball of a harder bullet lube?
It could be placed in the paper cone just before the round ball is placed on/in the top.
Duco cement will burn completely, but I have had no problem with the occasional drop of
white Elmers.
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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2013, 07:59:23 AM »
wax paper between powder and wad. the wax resists the grease (thats what it is supposed to do, resist grease) and being parrafin impregnated it actually burns really well
when i get some time i am going to experiment more fully with using wax paper to make cartridge out of instead of cigarette paper. It is somewhat waterproof, sturdy, and thanks to the wax burns completely leaving no residue

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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2013, 02:05:36 PM »
wax paper between powder and wad. the wax resists the grease (thats what it is supposed to do, resist grease) and being parrafin impregnated it actually burns really well
when i get some time i am going to experiment more fully with using wax paper to make cartridge out of instead of cigarette paper. It is somewhat waterproof, sturdy, and thanks to the wax burns completely leaving no residue

Waxed paper! Why haven't I thought of that?!?!?  :o   I've used cartridges made of cigerette paper in the past and have generally been satisfied with the results. Only thing I've noticed is a bit of residual ash and barely burned paper left in the chambers after awhile. Not a terrible thing, but if waxed paper does in fact burn completely, it just might be the ideal solution. I'll have to give it a try. Thanks Jaxenro!

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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2013, 03:10:07 PM »
If you think you need grease then why not keep the paper ctgs dry and carry a tooth paste tube of grease with you and load the cylinder with the dry paper ctgs and then top the cylinder off with grease to seal the cylinder face and prevent the combustable paper from chain firing. 
Sitck a load in the cylinder, rotate and ram, next round rotate and ram X 4 more and then hit with grease and rotate X 6 and then cap and fire. 
while I am sure the paper will be trimed off along with a small portion of lead the idea that a sliver of paper could cause a chain fire I would use the grease.

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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2013, 10:32:49 AM »
        How about a paper straw of appropriate diameter? It would be waxed, firm enough the powder would spill out as one tears the end off,  the empty tube could be the wad, or one could use a firm bullet lube to make a pill of lube that could be seated in the tube under the bullet as one constructs it.

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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2013, 06:17:49 AM »
when i get some time i am going to experiment more fully with using wax paper to make cartridge out of instead of cigarette paper. It is somewhat waterproof, sturdy, and thanks to the wax burns completely leaving no residue

Wax paper huh...  ???   Never thought of that!  I can see benefits now that you mention it.   :-\    Be sure to give us details of your 'speriment!   ;D
I kinda decided that since the measuring of the powder was the step that took the most time I would just use premeasured charges wrapped in nitrate paper.  Drop one in each camber followed by a greased wad and a ball and ram 'em down.
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Re: Combustible cartridges again...
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2013, 12:04:57 PM »
Remember that the flash paper has some propellant qualities to it.
A friend had a little 50 caliber cannon on his counter at his gun shop.  One day while I was walking  across the parking lot he lit the fuse, and about the time I opend the door and steped in the flash paper ignited and the ball of flash paper flew out of the mini cannon and headed right to me.  It was a little but of a shock to look up and see a fire ball comming at me.  The paper flamed out about a foot before it hit me.  but it did fly about 12 feet.   So figure they are worth a grain or two of powder.
I kind of wish they would make a pellet for the revolvers.  What about taking a bullet mold and spray it with a little air drying wax and then filling it with Pyrodex P to make a pellet?  Is it possible to make a pellet that can be crushed in the chamber by the bullet?  25 to 30 grains?