Smart man. I wouldn't take a chance either, because there is no good reason to take a gamble. If I sell anyone a mold that doesn't make them happy, I'll feel worse than they do, and will probably lose their business indefinately. So I make sure I sell what will work if at all possible.
Email me at and I'll give you some assistence here, with measurements or with bullet samples which you can test to be sure they work. Ditto to all readers who are concerned about getting a proper bullet. I specilize in giving the optimum bullet, and to do that need to have a swaged throat slug, along with proof dummies as follows.
I often send samples and have the customer seat at max length which will cycle through the action, and or at max length which will chamber. With two such dummy rounds I can supply a bullet which fits and cycles perfectly, and a fit to the throat and bore which makes them outperform any other offering you can find.