What is happening to those in America
(or their descendants) that have thrived upon the rape and murder of the past (proves instruction by a bigoted instructor)is merely a retribution and an act of grace in itself. Don't quite follow your meaning here. Your wording seems to indicate you are not necessarily"one of us", but perhapsforeign bornn.. and so, do not shoulder this "blame" you are so eager to place.. If so, that's fine..we are a nation of immigrants...but why bother coming here if we are such a bad people? As I've said before, my ancestors come from all corners of the planet. Some of them were hear on this continent charting the stars when yours still thought the Earth was flat. And like your precious great image of "apple pie America" going down in flames, so did the Aztecs and the Mayans as eventually do all great "civilizations"(if that's what you want to call them). On the other side of the family lines My lineage spans from the Persians and Macedonians who were engineering cities and mastering advanced mathmatics when yours didn't even have a written language. And in the same manner that they fell so shall the "Great Apple Pie"And now here I am, white skin, dark hair, multilingual, speaking and writing English (not in the Queen's perfection) but with no accent and better than many who have on first sight called me "beanner", "brownie", "wetback" and so many others. And even when I wore the uniform of this "Great Nation".My spirit was here before you foriegn invaders and it will still be here when you're "Apple Pie Empire" is long gone
Your time is over and this fate will fall upon the sons of America "seven fold" (just had to throw that biblical thing in there ).
(Just as if you knew the subject) Am I supposed to be ashamed to be a "son of America"? Of what entity are you a "son of"? What nation has such a sterling past that it can hold another to ridicule? Even if it is one of the Indian nations..remember, nobody, no nation is perfectOf Course not. The indians deserved what they got because they were too busy fighting among themselves to see what was going to be done to them by the "foreign invaders" of that day. But like it or not, this nation got where it is... yes; through great strife and struggle; and in it's own mind manifest destiny; but it allso got here through the systematic genocide and destruction of entire cultures. Exactly where abouts do you think you wore out your welcome? Was it with the small pox? Nah, Oh what about the extermination of the bison so that the cattle ranchers could make a profit. Naw, we cannot have a plentiful and regenerative supply of food for everyone that is FREE no less. Of course not. Wheres the profit in that? No IG, It's been a good run for the "new world" but there are financial entities in this world whose power and influence far circumvent any ones illusions of "the Great Nation". It's all about the "ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR" or the Yen, or Mark; or what ever it will become when the dollar loses it's trading status. It has been for a long time.I feel that you put to much faith in those( politicians ) who don't know or care that you even exist.
Accountability is at hand, but who sees it this way depends entirely upon the perspective from which it is perceived.
Accountability from who and by whom? Please answer this question... Please answer.. Accountability from who and by whom?**************************
Accountibility? Who? Unfortunately, the ones wearing the suits, who sit in their towers, and finance the wars and PR campaigns that get the rest of us ignorant shmucks to believe in the war...the ones who should be accountable will never be brought to justice. There is no "justice" in their eyes, only profit margins.
Perhaps those who who say "oh the slaughter of entire cultures was a necessary evil that had to be done because manifest destiny means that its all right in gods eyes, and these people weren't Christians any way, so that makes genocide even more excusable; and after all, it was a long time ago and I didn't have anything to do with it so I don't owe them a thing".
That is more or less the attitude that I perceive when the issue surfaces.
No great white "God" is going to come down and fix everything. For all I know it was "the god's that taught man how to enslave themselves with the art of finance to begin with.
As far as overall accountability goes, and to whom we will all be accountable...take your pick; Jesus, Allah, Yahwe, Buddah, Ying and Yang, or maybe to some really well dressed European banker. Hell I don't know. I really don't care.What ever happens, I shall do the best to adapt and move when necessary.
No, I'm not a foreigner to this continent. Far from it. But I know what it is like to have everything that I worked for taken from me. And it could happen again. But I'm not gonna cry about it because none of it was ever real to begin with because it has all been founded upon a crime and a LIE.
But like I said before, it was a fun ILLUSION while it lasted. And no, I'm not giving up...it's just that the "capital" was over run wayyy back, a long time ago (I'd say right around the time of the civil war and with the dawn of the industrial revolution). And I truly no longer know exactly who is on my side.
And I really just revel in the irony of the complaints of those who cry about "illegal foreign invaders" and all their other political woes. The irony that they all are going to soon have quite a lot more in common with the indigenous people of this continent. Funny thing is that they're only afraid of the brown ones from down south (truly the least of their worries...so narrow and short sighted).
Don't know when the last time you were in the San Gabriel Valley of LA County but the Chinese are ALREADY here by the
millions. Accountability... who... and from who? Somewhere on that nice little piece of land that you have (and for which you should be gracious instead of constantly complaining and spreading your poisonous rhetoric about the lefties and the Obummers and the homos and the....LORD! Who cares!) ...somewhere, there should be some rope. We all provide our own Judas ropes. And we all deserve them.
It's all happened before, IG. It will all happen again. And I don't think that we are meant to change it. But if were lucky and learned something this time around, maybe we won't have to come back again. You'll go on to other shores, and I'll (most likely) go on to ...hotter
shores. Sure hope it was worth it.
Peace to you.