since this little savage is not a collector and I can't focus on open sights anymore, but still wanted to shoot it I did some judicious filing opening up the rear notch,then found a nice aluminum spacer with a hole in it-used JBweld to attach it behind the notched rear sight, ground it down to fit, champhered the hole and sanded it all smooth then gave it a shot of flat black paint-and voila'-I now have a psuedo ''ghost ring'' [much like the Marbles''bullseye'' rear sight] that I can see-and by adding a dot of orange flourescent nailpolish on the front beed-I can now shoot my little savage falling block with my enhanced open sights.
I wouldn;t do this to a ''collector'' rifle-but it works pretty good on open iron sights if you don't want to scope the rifle,which is my only other option