Danny - that was on the hoof, estimated by both the hunter and the butcher after meaurements taken in the field and a hanging weight of 220lb. The heart and liver were harvested with both being quite large. The remaining viscera was left for scavaging coyotes and should have provided for quite a family meal. EnCon estimated his age at 4 yrs 4 months
We felt this guy was a 'traveler', one who was passing through looking for a doe in heat rather than the 'resident big guy' but since he wasn't packin' any sort of identification, we will never know. We know however, upon examining his stomach contents that he had quite recently dined and filled up somewhere to the north, which is closer to the Mohawk river, a bunch further downhill and warmer, and loaded with corn and grain farms. He was just up sniffin' around and following doe trails when he got whacked.