Author Topic: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education  (Read 2230 times)

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Offline lakota

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2012, 09:29:33 AM »
I beg to differ. Busing kids across town to another school is the government forcing kids to socialize with who the government wants them to socialize with.
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline lgm270

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2012, 09:45:05 AM »
Oh no! Are you going to call me a racist because I dont believe it is ok for the government to tell me who I have to socialize with? Get off your high moral horse before you get a nose bleed from the thin air up there.
The government is not telling you who to socialize with, so burn that straw-man.

Under Brown, the government not only told white children  with whom they had to socialize, but exercised state power to seize physically  the persons of white children and to distribute  them ,  like a form of school supplies, for the "benefit" of blacks.   

Brown   vested in black people a property right in white children, which right included the power of government force and coercion.   

Do you support vesting blacks  with property rights in white children? 

If you do, just be honest enough to say so and to explain why you think blacks should be  elevated to a superior legal status over white children. 

Offline Doublebass73

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2012, 09:54:34 AM »
This clip shows what a dismal failure forced busing was in Charlestown, Massachusetts in the 1970's:
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."

---- William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2012, 11:17:06 AM »
your kids do not have to fraternize with native americans, or indians, or asians, or arabs, or latinos,or "gasp" cajuns.
So why on Gods green earth, do they have to invite blacks to their party? ??? ??
anyone who pushes integration is just battling another kind of class warfare.  they think that putting little Johnny in a black school will magically endow the black kids with higher IQs.
if a kid is stupid in an all black class, he/she will be just as stupid in a class with 50% whites.


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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2012, 01:57:56 AM »
you may skip pass the truth in the message by attacking his poor choice of words but the message is true. The education of all children that have been forced by bussing to meet certian numerical goals have suffered. All parents should be upset about it. When the American stood by and allowed the education system to be changed from a learning insitution to a behavior management/brainwashing insitution we opened the door to what we are dealing with today .
What's wrong with America ? the concept of the American Dream has been removed and replaced with wealth redistribution .
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Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #35 on: November 29, 2012, 02:05:48 AM »
So racism is ok if the "message is true?" I think that the racism overrides and negates any message that was intended. If you can't state something without being racist about it, either you shouldn't be the one saying it, or it's wrong.
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #36 on: November 29, 2012, 02:22:08 AM »
This is not about racism.  it's about forced integration which has nothing to do with education.
every child is more comfortable in their own district where they are with their friends.
that goes for BLACK or WHITE kids.
it's time for blacks to "own" their problems and clean up their own backyard and stop depending on whites to pony-up for their demands.
a lot of these liberals who are perpetuating the hand-out system have never lived in a black community.
it's terrible that my wife has to keep a gun in her car to get past groups of high-schoolers blocking the street.
twice she has had to call 911 to get home, and once when they saw her lean over and open the glove compartment they scattered.
the liberals should come here and spend some time.
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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #37 on: November 29, 2012, 02:28:20 AM »
no spin doctor that is not what I posted . the message is true . His choice of words was poor.
Lets go deeper , I lived in a section of town that was next to a section that was all african american. My section was most white with some hispanic. This was in the 50's and 60's. We all got along fine. Along came intergration , before bussing. Well two african american children came to the white school I attended. One girl and one boy. The boy was in my class. There were state police and city police on hand at the school the first few weeks. There was never a problem. All got along fine. Truth they lived close and shopped in the same stores , played on the same playground etc. Keep in mind though at the time in many stores down town there were seperate drinking fountiand , bath rooms , places to eat etc. Things went on like this and 3 years later in middle school there were maybe 25 african americans in my school as they lived near. Well this is all going on when the white flite was going on. and it lasted for about 5 years . The bussing started. What always gets the attention is the students being bussed. What is most often not mentioned and what showes the real problem is the teachers also got mixed up. The problem was alot of the teachers in black schools were not qualifyed to teach. I had some I can assure they were most often trying their best but they had not been taught what they need to teach. The students were also at different levels. So instead of using the last 5 years to retrain teachers and bring up the skills of all teachers and students nothing was done other than to press on to BE EQUAL. So when bussing started equal ment all education was lowered to the ablity of the less educated student. And less educated teachers were ask to teach students that in many cases already knew the subject better that the teacher. And this has not been fixed to this day. Instead of bring back learning brain washing has taken over.
And in my opinion you make the case instead of looking at the message and learning from it you go right to the race card .
Here is a bit of advice , when the race card stops being played the race problem will go away. Nothing is more biggot than playing the race card. Nothing is more useful in stealing freedom from people than to turn them aginst each other.
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Offline guzzijohn

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #38 on: November 29, 2012, 02:41:33 AM »
From Shootall:
"The problem was alot of the teachers in black schools were not qualifyed to teach. I had some I can assure they were most often trying their best but they had not been taught what they need to teach. The students were also at different levels. So instead of using the last 5 years to retrain teachers and bring up the skills of all teachers and students nothing was done other than to press on to BE EQUAL."

Now you are getting to the root of it. In the vast majority of settings the all black schools were not funded and supported like the white only schools. In many settings black children could not attend the school in their immediate neighborhood because black children were not allowed. Brown vs BOE was a method of leveling the playing field, maybe not the best way but a way. apparently at the time it must have appeared to be a better solution than improving the black only schools.


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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #39 on: November 29, 2012, 02:45:06 AM »
you are 100% correct and instead of helping the Blacks the easiest feel good solution was forced thru.
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Offline dukkillr

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2012, 08:57:31 AM »

I am against the idea that whites should be vested with property rights in the physical persons of  black people.

Why are you in favor  of  the idea  that  blacks should be vested with property rights in the physical  persons  white children?
I've ignored this thread because history has told me there's no sense in offering legitimacy in the form of rational responses to what is essentially a racist diatribe masked as a thoughtful post.  I badly wish others would do the same.
But my self control ran out after you've repeatedly used fairly specific legal language.  Are you an attorney?  Have you seen that language used somewhere else?  Why would you talk about vested property rights, and how do those differ from un-vested property rights?  How do "physical persons" differ from "persons" or "people" and are there "non-physical persons"?
If I were guessing, I would guess that this type of language is copied from some other source.  Care to divulge?

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2012, 09:17:49 AM »

This is not about racism.  it's about forced integration which has nothing to do with education.
every child is more comfortable in their own district where they are with their friends.
that goes for BLACK or WHITE kids.~~ That is not only a lie but a damning lie.
There have been several shows up here on the Twin Cities about the "poor neighbor hoods" where people lived till they had enough to move to a better house. It contained people of all races and all ethnic groups.
The people that lived, there especially the former children that lived they interviewed, said they all got along extremely well. The area was as close to color and ethnic blind as man-kind can get.
When Johnson introduced his Great Society and particular persons got special government treatment, along with the fact that due to Johnson's program these areas were deliberately destroyed-- oh sorry, I mean improved by the government, these areas along with the integrated good will they had died

it's time for blacks to "own" their problems and clean up their own backyard and stop depending on whites to pony-up for their demands.--Well at least here you stop pretending not to be a racist. At the same time until Democrats lose control, they and more and  more minorites will remain whores to the Democratic Party.
 If you want to not be called a typical racist, blame the pimp, the government, of which Bush was as bad as any, not a race.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2012, 10:43:37 AM »
mr riebe, you know not of what you speak.
you remind me of LBJ.  typical liberal who hasn't had to deal with blacks on a personal level. I have.
the mothers of elementary children has accused me of racism for as little as telling a kid to take his seat.
democrats are the ones who have kept black poor and dependant.  they have created a welfare state for the purpose of getting votes with the promise of more handouts.
republicans were the first to offer blacks a chance for education which lifted up those who took advantage of it.
busing ended a few years ago and since then the schools are mirrors of their neighborhood which it should have been all along. 
I think it was shootall who said that when you stop playing the race card things will get better.
but that will never happen because of people who stick their nose in where it's not needed, and those same people are acting on some liberal book or magazine they read, but have no real experience in dealing with blacks on a personal level.
after I retired and was still able, I picked up some weekend punch-out work for a man with about 40 houses.  when blacks would move out of a house, the first thing I had to do was replace all the bedroom doors which had been kicked in. white tenants never did that.. they just about destroyed those houses.  most were section-8 single mothers but they nearly all had a man illegally living there.  I'll admit that there is some whites that way, but not nearly like the blacks.
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Offline lgm270

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2012, 02:17:52 PM »

I am against the idea that whites should be vested with property rights in the physical persons of  black people.

Why are you in favor  of  the idea  that  blacks should be vested with property rights in the physical  persons  white children?
I've ignored this thread because history has told me there's no sense in offering legitimacy in the form of rational responses to what is essentially a racist diatribe masked as a thoughtful post.  I badly wish others would do the same.
But my self control ran out after you've repeatedly used fairly specific legal language.  Are you an attorney?  Have you seen that language used somewhere else?  Why would you talk about vested property rights, and how do those differ from un-vested property rights?  How do "physical persons" differ from "persons" or "people" and are there "non-physical persons"?
If I were guessing, I would guess that this type of language is copied from some other source.  Care to divulge?

Sorry you lost your self control.  Sorry you think it's a racist diatribe for me to challenge the idea that blacks have property rights in white children.  We fought a civil war to overthrow a regime based on the idea that whites had property rights in black people.   

I wrote every single word of this entire thread.  I did not copy anything from anyone else,.  Most white people  hate Brown and instinctively know it's  evil, but  didn't think it through deeply enough to  identify its moral corruption:  The transformation of white children into property.

The idea that white children have some magical quality that will improve black learning is just nonsense.   Learning depends  on turning off the TV and doing homework, not  throwing a net over a white child and dragging him/her into an unpleasant situation.    The purpose of forced racial integration is not to improve black learning but to degrade and humiliate whites.

I am opposed to the idea that members of one race have property rights in the physical persons of another race.  Examples of having a property right in the "physical person"  are slavery and forced racial integration against white children.   

"Physical persons" means a possessory interest in them in that their  physical presence can be  forcibly compelled.     Brown  requires schools to utilize physical inventories of white children to be distributed among class rooms as though they were school text books. 

These are not difficult concepts to understand. Sorry you're having trouble with them.

Blacks are great believers in racial segregation when it suits them.  They have their Black Student Unions, Black Studies,  Congressional Black Caucus, black newspapers, Black Entertainment Network,  and racially segregated black voting districts that allow blacks to concentrate their votes and elect people like Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson Jr. etc.  If blacks were fully integrated, they'd never be able to elect another black "leader."  They'd file a civil rights action under the Voting Rights Act and scream about "diluting the black vote" and demand that elections be rigged so they can win.   

Our current President was a member of a Black Church, based on Black Liberation  Theology, and openly touting the Black Value System.    Blacks are huge racists and racial segregationists. 

Wake up.  Only white people are "color blind."  The operative word is "blind."

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2012, 08:20:26 PM »
mr riebe, you know not of what you speak.
you remind me of LBJ.  typical liberal who hasn't had to deal with blacks on a personal level. I have.
the mothers of elementary children has accused me of racism for as little as telling a kid to take his seat.
democrats are the ones who have kept black poor and dependant.  they have created a welfare state for the purpose of getting votes with the promise of more handouts.
republicans were the first to offer blacks a chance for education which lifted up those who took advantage of it.
busing ended a few years ago and since then the schools are mirrors of their neighborhood which it should have been all along. 
I think it was shootall who said that when you stop playing the race card things will get better.
but that will never happen because of people who stick their nose in where it's not needed, and those same people are acting on some liberal book or magazine they read, but have no real experience in dealing with blacks on a personal level.
after I retired and was still able, I picked up some weekend punch-out work for a man with about 40 houses.  when blacks would move out of a house, the first thing I had to do was replace all the bedroom doors which had been kicked in. white tenants never did that.. they just about destroyed those houses.  most were section-8 single mothers but they nearly all had a man illegally living there.  I'll admit that there is some whites that way, but not nearly like the blacks.
I have six half- black nephews and nieces by three different men.
Your remarks, or attitude, now looks totally stupid--brilliant.

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #45 on: November 30, 2012, 02:35:49 AM »
mr reibe, having half black kin, still does not qualify you to call me stupid. I've had to deal with the dregs of black society.
name calling just took you down to those same dregs.
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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2012, 02:53:00 AM »
All the Black vs. White debate is what those dividing America is trying to keep going. The real issue here is the education of America's children. Consider if from the begining what was best for all the children had been done we would not be in the Black White debate today. Well educated children grow up looking for jobs expecting to have a meaningful life those kept in ignorance are trained to look for a hand out and skin color has nothing to do with it.
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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #47 on: November 30, 2012, 03:50:51 AM »
I've had to deal with the dregs of black society.
poor you...
name calling just took you down to those same dregs.
WHOA - aren't you the guy talking about ragheads in another thread?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Time to Get Rid of Brown v. Bd. of Education
« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2012, 03:58:39 AM »
mr reibe, having half black kin, still does not qualify you to call me stupid. I've had to deal with the dregs of black society.
name calling just took you down to those same dregs.
"mr riebe, you know not of what you speak.
you remind me of LBJ.  typical liberal who hasn't had to deal with blacks on a personal level. I have."

I have probably forgotten as much about black people as you know;
I did not say you were stupid, your rhetoric sounds stupid.

You knew nothing about me but decided to pontificate on what I was, if you do not like the heat, keep your thoughts to your-self.