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Offline howie1968

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Gun dilema Please attempt to help!!!
« on: February 12, 2004, 01:01:14 AM »
hey  guys  i  am  going  through  a  small  dilema, i  know  i  know  sounds  crazy   but  the problem  is   trying  to  decide  on  what  caliber  to  use.  before  i  knew  there  was  a  a  45-70 or   30-06  or  270  i  used  a  marlin open sighted 30-30 with  factory reminton 170 gr core lokts and  a 20  guage  with  standard slugs  at  that  time  i  thought  those  would  bring  anything  down  in  the  world.  i  never  had  a    gun  that  shot  faster  or  hit  harder  until10  yrs  ago.  and  the  countless  pigs  deer that  fell  to  these 2   guns  is  amazing  io  never  had  to  put  a  second  shot  on  them  normally  fell  dead  in  there  tracks  they  never  knew  i  was  around.   now  sometimes  i  think  if  i  dont  take  the  45-70  i  wont  make  it  out  alive  or  if  i  dont  take   the  270 i  cant  get  close  enough  i  can  honestly  say  when  using  those  other  to  guns  i  was  a much  better  hunter.  i  never  worried  about  velocity  energy   or  penetration  an  old  time  told   me  once  that  if  i  put  it  in  the  vitals  it  will die.   my  solution   was  to  put  all  the  calibers  i  own  into  a  hat  and   draw  3  out  of   3  i  drew  a  NEF 223.  when  i  bought  this   gun   i  got  a  steal  on  it  and  was  the  only  gun  i  possesed   i  killed  4  hogs  with  it  this  summmer.  it  was  not  ideal   but  at  the  time  it  worked.  then  i  got  the  45-70   and  wow   that  was  impressive  the  only  thing  to  take  a  step  or  2  was  a  spike  buck  every  hog  shot so  far  has   dropped  all  complete  penetrations except  one  large  barr  hog.  but  when  sighting  in  the  other  day  it  is zeroed  at 100   i  shot  at  150  and  found  it  was  dropping  4  inches   my  old  scoped  30-30  shoots  flatter.   i  have  a  remintgon 710 270  that  shoots  sub 1  inch  groups  at  a 100  yards   that  i  hunted  some sheep  with  and   it  hits  hard  with  150  gr  bullets  and  fairly  flat  out  to   200  which  the  limit  on  my  capabilities  as  a  shooter.  i  generally  hunt  the  thick  woods  and  bottoms  on  the  1  lease  and  open  oat  patchesn    and  oak  flats  on  one lease  i  want  to  use  1  fire arm   for 1  yr   for  everyhting  except  sqirrels  and  rabbits   please  let  me  herer  your  advice  and  resoning    thanks  in  advance
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

Offline Bushnell Boy

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« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2004, 09:26:36 AM »
I looked at a bunch of ballistics on different 45-70 ammo and all of them dropped at least 4 inches at 150 yards. If you don't hand load you might try to find somebody who does and maybe they can fix you up with a hotter load. If you can't find anyone Hornady will custom load ammo for you but its pretty expensive.
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I took the one less traveled by,
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Offline GBO MGMT

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« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2004, 10:44:52 AM »
The .45-70 is one wicked deer and hog killer. But being realistic it really is a 150 yard hunting gun. Ask no more of it and it will do you just fine. Try to push it further and you are going to be disappointed.

The .270 Win. is like wise one fine deer and hog killer. Using a properly constructed bullet placed correctly there isn't a hog or deer in the US it will not take cleanly. It is mild on recoil and very accurate. An excellent choice.

BUT given you live in TX and hunt hogs year round and might run into the big ones from time to time what would I chose? A .30-06 using premium 180 grain bullets like the Nosler PT. Matter of fact I very often do when hunting hogs. Killed my last one with just that combination. R700 LSS Mtn. Rifle and handloads using 180 Nosler PT.

There is nothing wrong with staying with your .270 Win. I'd use 150 Nosler PTs if it was me in it and not worry about distance or game. Just put that PT in the boiler room and the game will be yours.


Offline howie1968

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thanks graybeard
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2004, 10:51:51 AM »
i believe you are  right, considering  the  recoil the  range  at  which  i  am  likely  to shoot    how  does  the 150 core lokt  compare  to  the partition?  never  shot  a  partition  out  of   the  270   but  have  the  243.  once  agasin  thanks  for  your  help
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

Offline Lawdog

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« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2004, 01:30:20 PM »

The Core Lokt doesn't come close to Partitions in performance.  I have seen many a Core Lokt fragment on hitting a rib where a Partition still punches through.  Partitions are the bench mark that all other bullets are measured to.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline Fla Brian

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« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2004, 09:35:30 AM »
If you want high performance .45-70s, and you don't handload, check out:

There's nothing like a stout .45-70 for dropping Mr. Nastypig.
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« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2004, 09:47:45 AM »

You need to get yourself an Encore!  Get three barrels for it and then you will be able to hunt everything on the planet.  And you might even make it out alive!

Seriously, a majority of hunters feel that the 270 is the most versitile gun in the world.  It brings home the bacon time after time.  For you the 270 would be the best choice.

You can pick up a box of ammo anywhere in the US. Factory loads are very good.  The 270 can be hand-loaded to fantastic proformance.  

But why only shoot one gun?  Isn't that the joy of having a few extra guns?  I take three guns deer hunting with me.  

Encore M-Loader 209x50
OLD Winchester 680 243win
Rem 700 300win mag

Have a great season!

Offline Ken in SENM

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« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2004, 09:34:16 AM »

It sure sounds to me like you were a lot better off before you got  "educated". Back when you thought you were perfectly well off with your 30-30, seems like life was pretty good. My dad spent his whole life with three guns. He had a shotgun, a rifle, and a .22LR. He just grinned every time I showed up to hunt with him and I had something different. If he was ever handicapped, I sure never saw it!!

Yes, if you limit yourself to one gun, there will be some compromises. There are always specialty tools that can be pretty neat. But some of us like the owning of the tools, and some of us like to use just a few and get really good with them. All that stuff we see in the store in the bait and tackle section is designed to catch fishermen. What it takes to catch fish sure wouldn't take up near as much space in the store!!!!!

You say you hunt in woods country, where visibility is limited and long shots are few and far between? I don't see where you have really improved on your old thirty for what you say you are looking for. I like firearms, and I have owned a pile of them. Of all those that I still have, there are only a couple or three that I regularly use, a shotgun, a rifle, and a rimfire.

Every bullet drops some, so if you shoot that same bullet in that same gun all the time, and if you shoot it at all the different distances that are available to you (out to the reasonable limit of distance that the cartridge and your own ability dictate), you should be able to cause whatever you shoot to lay down pretty quickly. There is no more devastating combination than an adequately sized bullet fired at a sensible speed by a feller who has absolute confidence that the bullet is gonna hit where it will do the most damage. The only other element necessary is for that feller to be hunter enough to get within that reasonable distance we talked about earlier.

Sounds to me like you have all the necessary stuff available to you. All you need to do is quit worrying about what you need and realize that you already have it, both between your ears and in your hands!! Go hunting, my friend ...... and don't let the rest of us give you any shine about how nuthin' you own measures up!! Wish I could be there to go huntin' with you!!!!

So long.... Pudge
So long ... Pudge

Offline howie1968

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« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2004, 09:43:00 AM »
and  that  is  what  i  am  goijg  to do  my f riend  on  our  lease  is  coming  up  this  weekend  depending  on  rain  and  we  will  hunt sunday night  together  i  have  some holes  baited up  with  sweet  feed  and  believe  it  or  not  the  hogs  bypass  the  corn  to  get  to  the  sweet  feed  i  will  use  my 45-70   i  lost  a  big  boar  the  other  day  with  my  270   i  rushed  the  shot  took  a  bad  angle.   ive  leaned  from  my  mistake  i  will   do  my  best  to  let  a  pig  walk  rather  than  put  another bad  shot  on  himk.   you  are  right   before  i  became  educated  i  thought  my  old  marlin 30-30  was  the  greatest   shot  thie biggest  pig  i  have  killed  with  it   shoulder  shot  dropped  in  his  tracks   but  the  gun  is  now  gone  and  i  am  left  with  my NEF 45-70  and remington 710 270  wich  is  a  great  shooter   thanks  for  the  advice
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

Offline Ken in SENM

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« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2004, 10:52:30 AM »

If you can hit a lick with that 45-70, it ought to do a very good job. Some folks shoot with their eyes closed if the rifle bites on both ends. I doubt if you do that. That big ole bullet does not have to be travelling at warp speed to knock down a hog! Good bullets that hold together well on tough targets and that are travelling along somewhere less than a ton of feet per second are mighty good stoppers.

Like you, I have taken some shots that I wished later I had passed up. As I get older, I try to learn from my mistakes and not make 'em again. Hope you have a really good weekend hunt. Sounds like fun.

That 45-70 is a good caliber. You know, you can send in your frame and get a 30-30 barrel for it?  I like lever guns, Marlins specifically. I am kinda shopping around for a good used 444. For some reason or other, that caliber appeals to me. It oughta make things tough for a hog if I can shoot it a lick. Gonna sell some stuff later this spring at a show, and maybe I can find one there.  But I have some NEF single shots too. I like them very much, and am thinking strongly of getting a 30-30 barrel for one of my NEF frames. But I need to thin out my cabinet, not get more!!

Good talking to ya. Let us know if you connect with a hawg this weekend.
So long ... Pudge

Offline howie1968

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« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2004, 11:14:04 AM »
my hunting friend  andrew    bought  a  guide  gun   has  ghost  rings and  a ler scope  awesome  gun   and  shoots  into  an  inch  at  100   my  favorite  load  is  winchester 300 gr hollow points   i  know  they  were designed   for deer   but  man   they  have  dropped  every  hog   right  in  the  tracks  send  me  a  pm  and  ill  send  a  pic  of  a  big  hog  i  hit  square  in  the  shoulder  with  one   it  broke  the  bone  and  penetrated  to  the  off  shoulder   one  day  ill  have  a  guide gun   but  for  now  my  NEF  will  work  just  fine  i  wish  i  had  a  35 whelen NEF   i  bet  with 250 gr    it  would  hammer  them   but  i  have  complete  confidence  in  that  beat  up  NEF
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

Offline Mad Dog

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« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2004, 02:52:57 AM »
Howie, why don't ya just sight the gun in to print 2" high at 100 yds.  This should extend your range a little farther, then just limit your shots to 150 yds. or under, hold "on hair", and let the hogs have it. :lol:

Mad Dog
Mad Dog

Offline howie1968

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mad dog
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2004, 03:19:21 AM »
I   think  that  is  what  i  will  do  most  of  my  stand  locations  are  within 40  yards  of  the feeders   i  am  going  to  do  some  shooting  today  and  see  how  that  does  ill  keep  you  posted.   what  part od  indiana  are  you  from?  i  used  to  live  around  Walkerton  and  i  assume  there  is  a  huntable  population of pigs  there  as  i  knew  some  farmers  as  a  young  boy  that  let  there  pigs  run  wild  i  rmember  seeing  some  tusked  pigs  when  i  was  about  10  yrs  old  there  is  a  small  town  called  LaPaz  and  that  is  where  i  seen  the   pigs   the  farmers  name  was  Bob  Dolph
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

Offline Mad Dog

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« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2004, 03:43:00 AM »
Howie, I'm about 65 miles south of Walkerton.  There are a few feral hogs in Indian, but not many, and all of them are on private ground for the most part.  There aren't any in my home county, but we do have some fine whitetails.  previous to this year[although I had my chance in Nov. '03], I got 2 bucks, 2 yrs. in a row, 1 8pt./221 field dressed, 1 11 pt./195 field dressed, both bucks scored in the low 140's.  Shot them both on the same property about 100 yds. apart, on the same ground I have hunted for yrs.  Did my first hog hunt in Texas, with a friend this last Feb.  We had a ball, weather was nice, ranch was great, and so was the owner, and his foreman.  We were just a little disappointed in the size, and number of hogs seen in the 4 day hunt, but in fairness to the rancher, the moon was out full and bright, and we usually quit hunting at nite by 9 pm.  This won't be my last hunt to TX., in fact I am looking for a different ranch, as we speak.  The hunt we were on, was about 28 miles NE of Del Rio.  I am currently looking at some places in the Pearsal, Eagle Pass, Pleasanton area.  You got any suggestions?  The one sow I killed was at 110 yds.  I shot her as she faced me, when she dropped her head.  The bullet was the winchester nosler partition gold 300gr., out of my .45-70 guide gun.  The bullet took out her lungs, went thru the diaphram, intestines, and out between her back two teets.  Needless to say, I was impressed.  I'm in contact with some other Tx. hunters, but If you know of a good place, let me know.

Mad Dog
Mad Dog

Offline howie1968

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mad dog
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2004, 05:10:51 AM »
yes  i  know  of  quite  of  a  few  great  places  to  hunt  hogs  i  live  in  deep  east texas   it  has  more  hogs   then people lol  i  know  of  several  places   that  charge 50  per  hog  and  we  bait  for  them  here  is  a  number  this  is  where  i have  killed  many  409-283-3909 ask  for  Bill Tolar   he  is  a  rancher  who  also  has  exotics   it  is  not  high  fenced  and  these  pigs  are  free  roaming  but  like  i  said  we  feed  yr round  and  you  can  catch  the  pigs  either  on  a  creek  i  beited  with  sweet  feed  or  at  the  feeders  as  it  heats  up   the  wallows  are  the  best  locations  to  hunt  i  know  this  land  well  and  have  all  the  key points  on  my  GPS    The  guy  is  real  simple  we  dont  use  4  wheelers    or  dogs   i have  killed a  pig  almost  every  time  i  hunt  there  and  i  do  some  guide    work  for  him   nothijg  big  just  as  simple  as  putting  a guy or  gal  in  a  feeder  driving  him  or  to  and  from  i  also  have  a  couple  of  people  i  know   but  they6  are  much  more  expensive  he  is  the  most  resonable  i  have  seen   he  just  offers  these  hunts  to  help  pay  for  feed  most  people  charge  per  hog     per  over  100 lbs   and  if  200  and  up  1.00   per  pound  over  there  are  all  size  hogs  and  i c an  send  some  pictures  if  you  would  like  send  me  a  your  email  and  ill  send  ya some  pics  or  ill  call  you  or  something
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

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« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2004, 05:41:57 AM »
I hunt with 2 45/70 rifles. one has a peep and the other has a 1.-5x duplex scope. With the duplex you can use the cross hair for 100 yd shots and the thick post under the cross hair for 200 yd. shots . It should be right on or close enough depending on the load you are shooting. I love the 45/70 .

Offline howie1968

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I agree
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2004, 08:19:19 AM »
I love  the 45-70  mine  has  killed  deer   bobcat  squirell rabbits  and  hogs   and  suprisingly  when  hit  the  rabbit  and  squirrel  in  the  front  shoulders  it  made  a  nice  neat .458 hole  in  them done  actually  less  damage  then  a  22 stinger  or  a  mag  crazy  huh?
Hi  enjoy  hunting  guns    teaching  my  2  daughters  about  hunting  and  boxing

Offline Mad Dog

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« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2004, 02:19:13 PM »
Howie, gonna get back to you in 2-3 days about your hunts in east Texas.  I talked to my buddy, and we are REALLY interested.  I got a bunch of work coming up the next 2-3 days, but will get back to you by the weekend.

Mad Dog
Mad Dog

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« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2004, 02:32:39 PM »
I have taken big boars with every caliber you can imagine. From a 22. pistol to a 16 ga. slug. I have killed more with a 22 than any other gun. As with any hunting its shot placement. A knife is the quickest and surest way to take a hog but thats done with dogs

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Re: I agree
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2004, 03:31:27 AM »
Quote from: howie1968
I love  the 45-70  mine  has  killed  deer   bobcat  squirell rabbits  and  hogs   and  suprisingly  when  hit  the  rabbit  and  squirrel  in  the  front  shoulders  it  made  a  nice  neat .458 hole  in  them done  actually  less  damage  then  a  22 stinger  or  a  mag  crazy  huh?

I heard tell that if you hit a squirrel with those lazy "cowboy action" type loads the squirrel will do a "Dr Strangelove".  (remember the end of the movie with the fella riding the bomb??)

Hey, to keep on topic....I'd take my guide gun and not look back.  If I had to go in the brush after a wounded boar that 45-70 and it's lightning quick action would feel alot better in hand than a bolt action deer rifle!  And I love my .270...........


Offline cwilson97

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« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2004, 01:30:50 PM »
Quote from: GBO MGMT
The .45-70 is one wicked deer and hog killer. But being realistic it really is a 150 yard hunting gun. Ask no more of it and it will do you just fine. Try to push it further and you are going to be disappointed.
The .270 Win. is like wise one fine deer and hog killer. Using a properly constructed bullet placed correctly there isn't a hog or deer in the US it will not take cleanly. It is mild on recoil and very accurate. An excellent choice.
BUT given you live in TX and hunt hogs year round and might run into the big ones from time to time what would I chose? A .30-06 using premium 180 grain bullets like the Nosler PT. Matter of fact I very often do when hunting hogs. Killed my last one with just that combination. R700 LSS Mtn. Rifle and handloads using 180 Nosler PT.
There is nothing wrong with staying with your .270 Win. I'd use 150 Nosler PTs if it was me in it and not worry about distance or game. Just put that PT in the boiler room and the game will be yours.

I plan on going on my first hog hunt soon, and also have a .270 Win.  I was thinking about using either the 130 gr Barnes Triple-Shock X-Bullet or the 140 gr Trophy Boned Bear Claw for hogs.
Do you think the 150 gr Nosler PT would be the better choice?

Offline Lawdog

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« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2004, 11:03:22 AM »

In the .270 Win. I would stick with either the 150 gr. Nosler Partition or the new 140 gr. TSX from Barnes.  My luck with Trophy Boned Bear Claw bullets wasn't to good(accuracy wasn't up to that I could get from Nosler Partitions) so I quit using them.  I loading 140 TSX's in my .270 WSM and will report on them soon.  Good Luck and Good Hunting.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline cwilson97

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« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2004, 05:35:35 PM »
Quote from: Lawdog
In the .270 Win. I would stick with either the 150 gr. Nosler Partition or the new 140 gr. TSX from Barnes.  My luck with Trophy Boned Bear Claw bullets wasn't to good(accuracy wasn't up to that I could get from Nosler Partitions) so I quit using them.  I loading 140 TSX's in my .270 WSM and will report on them soon.  Good Luck and Good Hunting.  Lawdog

Is the 140 TSX available in a factory load?  Federal offer's the 130 gr TSX but not the 140gr.  I used to handload years ago, but haven't done so for some time.

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« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2004, 11:31:17 AM »

You got me there.  I have no idea as I reload.  If they are not available now they should soon be.  Check the ammo web sites and they will have the information.  Small groups and tight lines to you.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline cwilson97

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« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2004, 01:02:44 PM »
Quote from: Lawdog
You got me there.  I have no idea as I reload.  If they are not available now they should soon be.  Check the ammo web sites and they will have the information.  Small groups and tight lines to you.  Lawdog

I just got an email from Ty Herring, Customer Service, Barnes Bullets Inc.
He states that Federal is only loading the 130 gr TSX at this time.  That said, would you consider the 130 TSX to be sufficient for hogs?

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« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2004, 09:43:58 AM »

If you are going to use the 130 gr. TSX out of a .270 Win. just make sure you DON'T aim for the shoulder.  Go for the heart/lung area and you will be fine.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline cwilson97

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« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2004, 11:31:20 AM »
Quote from: Lawdog

If you are going to use the 130 gr. TSX out of a .270 Win. just make sure you DON'T aim for the shoulder.  Go for the heart/lung area and you will be fine.  Lawdog

Will do! Thanks for the advice.  Maybe I'll have to dust off the ol' reloading gear and start cranking out handloads once again so I can have more options.:D

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« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2004, 10:05:13 AM »

Maybe I'll have to dust off the ol' reloading gear and start cranking out handloads once again so I can have more options.

Now you're talking.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.