I have searched and read the FAQ and am quite confused. I have an HR Topper Model 98 - 20ga. My dad gave me this gun when I was about 9 or 10 years old. The serial number on the receiver is AS264554. According to the FAQ, it was manufactured in 1978. About a year later, he got a 30-30 barrel to go swap out. It was sold to him by the same gun store that sold him the original 20ga., and told him it was part of a (or the) kit. The barrel has Topper Model 158 30-30 Win. stamped on it.
I shot the shotgun barrel many, many times growing up. I put the 30-30 barrel on the gun and shot it about 1/2 doz. times. The rifle barrel hasn't been fired in 30 years.
My question is simply, is this a safe, acceptable configuration or were we mislead those many years ago?