Author Topic: Saeco sizer punches for LBT bullet designs  (Read 587 times)

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Saeco sizer punches for LBT bullet designs
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:12:46 PM »
  For 32 years I've told customers that I could not help them with sizing punches for Saeco sizers, then for a while Saeco came out with an adapter for Lyman/RCBS punches, which they have now discontinued.

  I have now made an adapter fixture which will hold Saeco punches in my mold lathe so I can machine the end to fit any LBT mold design.  I will do this to customer supplied punches for $10 each.  If interested please contact me by email for details.  I may be able to order a good number fof blanks from Saeco if quite a few orders come in, and if so there would only be one shipping fee for the lot, direct to me.  If I can swing such a thing it would save each customer the hassle of ordering from Redding then mailing off to me.  Email me at

  It will of coarse word best with new orders, and so you know, any Saeco punch for a given caliber can be recut, regardless of the Saeco design it is cut for.  Best to buy for the smallest nose profile saeco has in most cases.  They cut the body diameter close to bullet diameter so there is plenty of metal to work with.
Veral Smith deceased 1/19/25