Author Topic: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low  (Read 13352 times)

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Offline guzzijohn

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corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« on: November 30, 2012, 03:49:58 AM »

Where are the jobs and wages if profits are so good. Didn't the republicans say that if corporations are profitable that will create more jobs?

Offline ChungDoQuan

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 04:06:28 AM »
Yeah, they've been saying that for 40 years--- so far, it has not happened. And the beat (beating, actually, of the middle class) goes on...
If you give up, THEY don't have to win.

"'Cause what they do in Washington, they just take care of number 1. And number 1 ain't you. $__t, you ain't even number 2!" Frank Zappa

The greatest idea the right ever had is personal responsibility; the greatest idea the left ever had is social responsibility. Both take effort.

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2012, 04:28:07 AM »
Before comdeming business take time to look at what is going on. First lets agree some corporations do in fact treat their employees bad . I believe most don't though. So what is going on ? Lets play manager for a second. Sales are down and have been . After 5 + years you see some improvment in sales but nothing radical. Do you invest in more workers that you may have to lay off ? buy new machines that may soon sit shut down ? Or even give raises that may increase cost to a point that you can't sell goods if the market drops in the future . These are things that must be considered. Also in many situations taxes are a concern. Firat of all businesses are taxed on money kept in the business so it is often a better business souliton to give bonous to management as often they would be the ones who would invest back into the company when capital was needed. There is little doubt that many American workers deserve a raise and have not had one for several years . But is it better to continue along as it has been going since 07 and make sure the company can survive and keep as many working as possible or blow the future . At best management is gambling as in reality if they could get a jump on competition by having a biger trained work force on hand as things pick up would insure they had a bigger pcs. of the market. But do you want to work for a company that is consertive or reckless ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline scootrd

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2012, 05:14:51 AM »
Before comdeming business take time to look at what is going on. First lets agree some corporations do in fact treat their employees bad . I believe most don't though. So what is going on ? Lets play manager for a second. Sales are down and have been .  (sales are down and have been because the middle class who are the true job creators cannot afford to purchase even the products they make.  Even Henry Ford knew he had to pay his workers a livable wage so they could buy the cars they themselves were producing. ) After 5 + years you see some improvment in sales but nothing radical. Do you invest in more workers that you may have to lay off ?  (no you do the next best thing , to keep to profit margins high you outsource to cheap labor overseas, then you claim all your profits overseas and all your losses here in US so you pay little to no tax)
buy new machines that may soon sit shut down ? Or even give raises that may increase cost to a point that you can't sell goods (so on one had raises are bad but bonus are good (see your response below), gotta love the spin. if the market drops in the future . These are things that must be considered. Also in many situations taxes are a concern. (Approx half of US based companies pay little to no tax. Those that do pay well below the set corp tax rates. )

Firat of all businesses are taxed on money kept in the business so it is often a better business souliton to give bonous to management as often they would be the ones who would invest back into the company when capital was needed. (unequivocally not a true statement) There is little doubt that many American workers deserve a raise and have not had one for several years . But is it better to continue along as it has been going since 07 and make sure the company can survive and keep as many working as possible or blow the future . (of course the peasants should be happy to receive the scraps from the kings table and not complain) At best management is gambling as in reality if they could get a jump on competition by having a biger trained work force on hand as things pick up would insure they had a bigger pcs. of the market. But do you want to work for a company that is consertive or reckless ?

This has nothing to do with a conservative or reckless. This is not a training issue either. It has everything to do with an economic uncertainty , because ineffective congressional representatives cannot get their act together and provide some stability to our economy . They would all rather take their little obstructionist pails and shovels down opposite ends of the beach and play with themselves.

"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2012, 05:33:57 AM »
so...what is your point?

seems like a good time for all those poor workers to quit their jobs
and start a business  and  higher all those poor exploited people
away from those mean and  nasty people that are  now paying them

good time to start a business and create  JOBS
oh  wait.........if you do that  the democrats will set their sights on you if you succeed

best plan  is to tell the boss where to stick  it and go on welfare and food stamps
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2012, 05:42:33 AM »
so...what is your point?

seems like a good time for all those poor workers to quit their jobs
and start a business  and  higher all those poor exploited people
away from those mean and  nasty people that are  now paying them

good time to start a business and create  JOBS
oh  wait.........if you do that  the democrats will set their sights on you if you succeed

best plan  is to tell the boss where to stick  it and go on welfare and food stamps
LOL, good post... also with obama-care some companies will be laying off and a few companies who are operating on very small margins may just close their doors.
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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2012, 05:49:01 AM »
Before comdeming business take time to look at what is going on. First lets agree some corporations do in fact treat their employees bad . I believe most don't though. So what is going on ? Lets play manager for a second. Sales are down and have been .

 (sales are down and have been because the middle class who are the true job creators cannot afford to purchase even the products they make.  Even Henry Ford knew he had to pay his workers a livable wage so they could buy the cars they themselves were producing. )yes  Ford and his livable wage lets exzimine that better lets compare his lack of competition . He didn't hace to competed with imports , or income taxes  ;) people who worked for hin mostly didn't feel they had to have cell phones , vacations, sat TV, steak every night , eat out every other night , 400 buck tennis shoes etc etc. You must surely know the difference in livable and spoiled .

After 5 + years you see some improvment in sales but nothing radical. Do you invest in more workers that you may have to lay off ?
(no you do the next best thing , to keep to profit margins high you outsource to cheap labor overseas, then you claim all your profits overseas and all your losses here in US so you pay little to no tax) I was speaking from personal experince where it has been impossible to do as you suggest as it is for most businesses in America.

buy new machines that may soon sit shut down ? Or even give raises that may increase cost to a point that you can't sell goods (so on one had raises are bad but bonus are good (see your response below), gotta love the spin.not at all what I said , since you can't see it let me point it out , often those who own a company , Stoch holders are often upper management use the advantages to move money out of a company and hold it in their private accounts until it needs to be reinvested in the company . Why do this you ask because companies are taxed more if more profit is held in the company. I do see how someone with little business experince would not follow though. if the market drops in the future . These are things that must be considered. Also in many situations taxes are a concern. (Approx half of US based companies pay little to no tax. Those that do pay well below the set corp tax rates. )Great you see the results now try to understand the mechanics. I must ask at this point , you do know that corp's treat tax as a cost and include it in the price they charge customers right ? And anything they can do to reduce tax will reduce the price consumers pay . And if you live where sales tax is applicable that will be lower also if the price is held down. Consider that GM was given a huge tax break so stock would be worth more , at a time govt. was selling its GM stock . See how things work now ?

Firat of all businesses are taxed on money kept in the business so it is often a better business souliton to give bonous to management as often they would be the ones who would invest back into the company when capital was needed. (unequivocally not a true statement) now you are just plain not paying attention. Businesses pay tax on profit so the more funds in the coffers the higher the tax . See any expence reduces profit . so if you buy tires for a company truck you reduce profit , if you pay an employee you reduce profit , if you pay out a spif to a ceo you reduce profit . Read it a couple times it will sink in. If you had a clue as to how things worked you will realize the only untrue statement was your's. Why do you think small to large companies by things at the end of the year ? TO AVOID Losing it to tax if they don't spend it  ;) There is little doubt that many American workers deserve a raise and have not had one for several years . But is it better to continue along as it has been going since 07 and make sure the company can survive and keep as many working as possible or blow the future .
(of course the peasants should be happy to receive the scraps from the kings table and not complain) You might feel that way but good company leaders don't most feel that workers need to make money also to be happy with their jobs and not only hold production at good levels but to stay with the company and not cost the company to train new workers. I live in a right to work state and see a better relationship between worker and owner.

At best management is gambling as in reality if they could get a jump on competition by having a biger trained work force on hand as things pick up would insure they had a bigger pcs. of the market. But do you want to work for a company that is consertive or reckless ?  -  What no reconition of the risk managers face or risk investors take , should have figured.

This has nothing to do with a conservative or reckless. This is not a training issue either. It has everything to do with an economy not on solid footing because ineffective congressional representatives cannot get their act together and provide some stability to our economy . They would all rather take their little obstructionist pails and shovels down opposite ends of the beach and play with themselves. And nothing about the climate we now must work in ? The new health care alone will change how many do business and how competition will stack up in the work place . Consider when a company adds their 50th worker the laws on how they handle HC will change . In some cases companies will elect to not expand as they won't have the funds to do so. Others might start a new business.
As a suggestion , try finding out if there is an idoits guide ( i see these books for all sorts of things from math to lanuage ) to business and read it

If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline scootrd

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2012, 07:14:42 AM »
You Know Shootall ,
I honestly don't even want to take the time to address all these misguided statements.
Your condescending attitude is proof enough for me to understand any intelligent discussion would just fall on deaf ears.

Suffice to say,
Perhaps before giving a lesson in Business 101 or suggestive reading materials you yourself should learn how exec bonus compensation is addressed on a corporations ledger.  Usually bonuses are tied to a companies performance and meeting targets (unless your just robber Barron Hostess execs and the like). Exec bonus compensation is not given for "re-investment purposes later" give it a rest.


HC costs are part of an employees overall compensation package. So lets not play the Denny's Papa John;s game.  The cost of a corps employee  HC burden continues to shift more and more to the backs of the employees side of the ledger over the last decade. Through Obamacare ( if additional costs are incurred) they will be treated no differently and The employee will pick up any additional tab not the company.

A corp will always try and maintain a projected profit margin target. (and that's a good thing for all shareholders).  But none of your taking points are analogous to address cause and effect as to why Corp profits are highest and wages are lowest in decades.  The reasoning points you presented was disingenuous at best, and just factually wrong regarding cause and effect of OP's original post. 

I could easily sum it up in two words "Corporate Greed" and though that would be superficial at least it would provide a more honest and legitimate assessment than the one you provided.

Now to be slightly more fair corps are sitting on trillions in cash but wont invest in growth because these wing nut congressional leaders wont get their act together and provide stability to the economic marketplace

so again I point to our dysfunctional congress for a least a portion of our present woes.

Semper Fi
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2012, 07:23:23 AM »
Lets blame it on Unions.
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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2012, 07:34:35 AM »
why  don't the poor employees find a better employer??

why   did they CHOOSE to work for some one else instead of starting their own business??

why  don't they employ  people  like the poeple that employ them  and many more?

why don't they  offer higher paying jobs??.....they  expect  others to pay more!!

can some one answer these questions
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
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Offline scootrd

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2012, 07:59:54 AM »
wow a 2 second internet surf  to find a concrete example -

I firmly believe most folks really are not Ostriches , they are smart folks but just choose to  function as Ostriches, it's easier than addressing hard truths. 

June 29, 2012  | 
  This week, David Segal at the New York Times broke the news to America that not only was Apple -- the computer and gadget manufacturer formerly seen as a symbol of good old American ingenuity -- making its profits on the backs of abused factory workers in China, but also on poorly paid store employees here in the US.  Apple store workers, he wrote, make up a large majority of Apple's US workforce—30,000 out of 43,000 employees in this country—and they make about $25,000 a year, or about $12 an hour.

Lawrence Mishel at the Economic Policy Institute notes that that's just a dollar above the federal poverty level. This for a company that paid nine of its top executives a total of $441 million in 2011.  “The discrepancy between Apple’s profits/executive pay and its compensation to its workers is a particularly glaring example of what is occurring in the wider economy,” Mishel writes.

And he's right. Also this week, Henry Blodget at Business Insider posted three charts that show just how out of whack our economic system really is. Corporate profits are now at an all-time high, while wages as a percent of the economy are at an all-time low, and fewer Americans are employed than at any time in the previous three decades. Companies like Apple are squeezing their workers, leaving them to live on less, while lavishing pay and benefits on their executives.

The death of lionized Apple chief Steve Jobs seems to have opened a floodgate of reporting and criticism of the company's labor practices, but all this really proves is that Jobs and his empire are no better than, and no different from the rest of the US business elite. Just like everyone else, they're taking their profits directly out of workers' pockets.  “One reason companies are so profitable is that they're paying employees less than they ever have as a share of GDP. And that, in turn, is one reason the economy is so weak: Those 'wages' are other companies' revenue,” Blodget points out. And high unemployment makes workers willing to accept those poverty wages. When you're desperate for a job, any job is better than nothing.

Corporate Greed equates to kicking a man when he's down!!! but hey some of us were born to remain Ostriches.

Can read full New York Times in depth article here -
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant


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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2012, 08:07:31 AM »
so.....what  is the point  here??
when drugs are outlawed only out laws will have drugs
OBAMACARE....the biggest tax hike in the  history of mankind
free choice and equality  can't co-exist
AFTER THE LIBYAN COVER-UP... remind any  democrat voters ''they sat and  watched them die''...they  told help to ''stand down''

many statements made here are fiction and are for entertainment purposes only and are in no way to be construed as a description of actual events.
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Offline Cuts Crooked

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2012, 08:12:07 AM »
Then take your head out of the sand! You have the right to quit working for "Apple" and go where the wages are higher........if you are good enough. The ball is still in the workers court.

You don't like the companies practices, you don't have to work for them. Go start your own company, or work for another.

As long as you are willing to work for that, that's what you will get.

"whatever the market will bear" is still the best business practice. Better than socialism anyway!
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME


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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2012, 08:24:39 AM »
You Know Shootall ,
I honestly don't even want to take the time to address all these misguided statements. gave what I got
Your condescending attitude is proof enough for me to understand any intelligent discussion would just fall on deaf ears.

Suffice to say,
Perhaps before giving a lesson in Business 101 or suggestive reading materials you yourself should learn how exec bonus compensation is addressed on a corporations ledger.I have for the last 20 years   Usually bonuses are tied to a companies performance and meeting targets (unless your just robber Barron Hostess execs and the like). Exec bonus compensation is not given for "re-investment purposes later" give it a rest. No rest you seem to not realize most companies are small businesses and what I said is how most operate. Guess you missed my first statement that there are some bad compinies .


HC costs are part of an employees overall compensation package. So lets not play the Denny's Papa John;s game.  The cost of a corps employee  HC burden continues to shift more and more to the backs of the employees side of the ledger over the last decade. Through Obamacare ( if additional costs are incurred) they will be treated no differently and The employee will pick up any additional tab not the company. In reality all HC , vacation , holidays etc is paid for by employees working . Let me ask if the cost of healthcare rises who will shoulder the cost is not the only question. Where will the opertunity come from to pay for it ? The market place. So lets forget twinkes and dennys as I feel they are making a statement more than being constructive . When you go to market you more often than not have competition . In my business our product is material and labor. We bid for work aginst others who have the same cost. If one other bidder cuts his cost all other bidders will have to follow suit or they will not win any bids. There are laws as to material cost so the labor is the only place to gain advantage. So if one company stops HC we all will will be forced to do so.

A corp will always try and maintain a projected profit margin target. (and that's a good thing for all shareholders).  But none of your taking points are analogous to address cause and effect as to why Corp profits are highest and wages are lowest in decades.Because we have had a short burst of activity in the past few mos.   The reasoning points you presented was disingenuous at best, and just factually wrong regarding cause and effect of OP's original post.  Not really if you understand business principals. You keep talking profit , what do you believe the profit margin is in construction ?

I could easily sum it up in two words "Corporate Greed" and though that would be superficial at least it would provide a more honest and legitimate assessment than the one you provided. So how many companies have you run ? what was your corporate structure ? How did you handle cash flow ? How did you insure the people who worked for you would retain a job ? How many times did you pray a job would come along so you would not have to lay someone off ? Do you have a clue about the cost of training an employee ? the cost assoicated with laying one off ? ever paid unemployment tax ? We have not even touch on maintaining a line of credit or dealing with bad debt.
I have given you an opertunity to gain insight into how many companies have to function if you fail to consider it because of your preconived ideas so be it .

Now to be slightly more fair corps are sitting on trillions in cash but wont invest in growth because these wing nut congressional leaders wont get their act together and provide stability to the economic marketplace

so again I point to our dysfunctional congress for a least a portion of our present woes.

Semper Fi
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline scootrd

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2012, 08:27:19 AM »
Then take your head out of the sand! You have the right to quit working for "Apple" and go where the wages are higher........if you are good enough. The ball is still in the workers court.

You don't like the companies practices, you don't have to work for them. Go start your own company, or work for another.

As long as you are willing to work for that, that's what you will get.

"whatever the market will bear" is still the best business practice. Better than socialism anyway!

Those 'wages' are other companies' revenue,” Blodget points out. 
(This is what some here fail to grasp.)

Cuts ,
I'm not here to convince anybody of anything. I'm not going to argue with Ostrich like behavior.   
The ridiculousness of this whole circle jerk is if you compensate employees fairly , they have $$ to by other products in the marketplace, which in turn promotes economic growth.

The middle class are the true Job creators.
Keep squeezing them to below poverty level wages and in the end corporations are cutting their own throats.

I've stated my points to original OP, I've back my position up with factual data . The answer in in most simplistic form for me is unabashed corporate greed taking full advantage of a at present dysfunctional govt causing more unneeded economic unrest in a present day shaky ecomomy -  JMHO

Nuff said
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2012, 08:37:28 AM »
True enuff......the problem is self correcting.......if the damned government would stay out of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smokeless is only a passing fad!

"The liar who charms and disarms and wreaths himself in artifice is too agreeable to be called a demon. So we adopt the word "candidate"." Brooke McEldowney

"When a dog has bitten ten kids I have trouble believing he would make a good childs companion just because he now claims he is a good dog and doesn't bite. How's that for a "parable"?"....ME


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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #16 on: November 30, 2012, 08:40:38 AM »
you first note that the insurance etc. is part of the pay then state if paid a fair wage . So what is a fair wage ? What insures Americans would buy products made in America ? Are you suggesting we raise the cost of American products and force Americans to buy less expensive off shore goods ? How will that help the economy of America ?
Squeezing them ? in reverse keep buying off shore products and there won't be any jobs in America.
Why don't you tell us your plant to deal with HC , EPA,OSHA and all the other ABC departments that American companies face regulation from that off shore concerns don't have to deal with.
Why not quit spittig out soicalist ideas and BS and offer some real constructive alternatives ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Offline Defoe

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2012, 10:17:52 AM »

Why don't you tell us your plant to deal with HC , EPA,OSHA and all the other ABC departments that American companies face regulation from that off shore concerns don't have to deal with.
this goes a long way toward sending companies to china and mexico.  the plan of progressives is working.  now along comes the straw that broke the camels back, "obama care".
what's left will be nationalized.

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2012, 01:18:13 PM »
Where are the jobs and wages if profits are so good. Didn't the republicans say that if corporations are profitable that will create more jobs?GuzziJohn
Are you admitting the democrats that have been in power since 2006-2007 can't create the jobs they said they could? I agree sir. Sounds like both you and the Dem's are asking for jobs from the republicans. Why? Why do you need them? Why can't the Dem's who own corporations hire people? Or are you implying that Dem's do not own coporations, just republicans? See how silly your statement is when you think about it for more than a minute?  ;D
Democrats should not be groveling at the feet of republicans asking for them for jobs, they have been at the helm, they promised "government" would create the jobs, not republicans. Right?
How odd to hear Dem's supporters on this site asking for jobs from republicans. You should not need them at have the helm, you have the power, please tell us you have a better plan than begging only republican corporations for jobs.
seems like a good time for all those poor workers to quit their jobs and start a business  and  higher all those poor exploited people
away from those mean and  nasty people that are  now paying them good time to start a business and create  JOBS oh  wait.........if you do that  the democrats will set their sights on you if you succeed
Good old fashioned hard work and effort and goals. Just have to remember not to get pregnant too young, or go to jail, or do drugs, or party all night and sleep all know, all that left wing stuff that makes you rely on government, and when your left wing government fails, you'll have to beg those mean republican corporations to hire your worthless butt.


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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2012, 01:23:47 PM »
Lets blame it on Unions.

No lets blame it on the illegals, it is them who are holding down the wages.

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #20 on: November 30, 2012, 02:01:07 PM »
I blame the silly depraved electorit for all of it, you can't blame the idiots elected without blaming the massive amount of fools voting for them.
It's just weird to keep hearing the democrats complain after they have been in power and passed everything they wanted and spent what they wanted...they are like little brats who need a good spanking. The only plan they have is raise the debt, the democrats have not passed a budget in over three years, they borrow money from communist countries, they give our money to terrorists and communists, they run guns across our borders, they invest our money into bankrupt companies and get it funneled into their political banks, and not only does nobody go to jail, they get voted back in to keep it up. Then when things crash after they been in power and passed everything they want...they want a job from a republican corporation.... ;D ....I guess the Dem's businesses ain't paying enough.  ;)
The Dem's are in power, they have been for a long time, when does the left wing stop crying? When do they LEAD. When do they try something different if they fail over and over? When do they stop pointing fingers at everyone else and man up? When does the left wing look ahead instead of backwards? When do they actually buy a calculator?  ::)

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2012, 02:11:02 PM »
jimster, well put.    to bring things to a head, the republicans should just sit back and do nothing and watch the democrats self-destruct.

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #22 on: November 30, 2012, 02:44:47 PM »
I could be perfectly happy without annual raises... if there was not the constant devalueing of the dollar. I'm not sure but I would be willing to bet the owner / CEO of my company has done nothing to devalue the dollar.
I'll be honest here, will you? I am not doing a damn bit more (or less) work than I have ever done for this company. Should I expect to be paid more? Until the boss decides to put a higher value on the labor I perform I'm stuck. I do have the option to put my labor into the market and see if I get a better offer. Are you unable to do that? or simply unwilling? Easier to piss and moan about fair and unfair.
Sure it would be fair to give everyone a raise, as it would be equally fair to fire everyone and retire to Figi. What in the world allows you to believe the world or the boss owes you anything?
What needs to be the takeaway here is to open your own fortune 500 company and distribute the excess as you see fit and quit harping on what you find to be unfair.
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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #23 on: November 30, 2012, 04:10:35 PM »
Here's a novel concept - Meritocracy. Those who are smarter, work harder and have ambition - get more stuff.

The idea that some hipster douche - working retail for Apple with no degree should make more than $12/hr just b/c the company is doing well - is laughable. Take that $12/hr and get a degree as an RF engineer - then you'll make better money.

If you want to do better, get skill training. Get a degree. Learn how to market yourself. Learn how to communicate beyond LOL and  :P

But I guess I should give up some of my salary so some moron with skinny jeans and a pierced lip can afford to buy Black Ops 2 for Xbox 360.

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2012, 05:01:36 PM »
As my father would have put it, you talk like a man with a paper ass.
     If you have the time and the money and the brains, you might just do all of that. People who live paycheck to paycheck cannot just "change jobs". If you have any responsibilities at all, you stay where you are until you already have a better job lined up. If the job is across town and you have no car- or no insurance- which you have to have to license a car-you are stuck.  How about moving? Yeah- that is free isn't it? And coming up with rent, security deposit etc- when you get to the end of the month with $20, that is going to work.
      Of course you could just have a yard sale, cash in every thing you own for a bus ticket to the nearest migrant worker community- the fact that you dont speak spanish and look like Casper might cause you some problems. Then you could learn a good skill- like picking strawberrys- until the season is over and they load up 20 to the van and head to the next spot.
      Of course we should cut out any educational support , so you go massively into debt and try to get the bored instructors at the local college to help you wade through basically useless courses that will ultimately earn you $15 an hour instead of $12.
      I checked into getting a Masters degree a few years back (I currently hold two Bachelors Degrees, including a teaching certificate. It would have taken all of my free time for about 2 1/2 years and about 10K- $. The best I could have hoped for was about $300-400 a month raise. I figured that given the interest and  things that I would have to purchase or upgrade in that time, it would take me 3 -5 years to break even. So, from 6-8 years to complete the upgrade. All that in my mid 50's. I don't think so Scooter.

      I know many who have---- and are----doing just that. They are complete morons. No one in their right mind will hire a late 50's as a worker when they could get a 20 something for the same rate. They are faster, more flexible, more computer savvy, more healthy, more drive, fewer responsibilities, more mobile etc etc. Some of you here are as old as me, if you tell me you are ahead of a 25 year old on anything other than nose hair and frequent urination, you are either a liar or hallucinatory.
      There are 2 kinds of people who cling to this "ideal" of pull yourself up by your own bootstraps: People who have never been seriously down.........and people who were lucky enough to fall in a lagoon and come out smelling like a rose.

      You need to seriously need to consider the hydrological concept of gradient. At some point, the pressure will become great enough that it will equalize. You can either take steps to create a controlled flow, or you can just wait for the crack, followed by the torrent. 
1000 years ago Men KNEW the Earth was the center of the Universe.....500 years ago Men KNEW the world was flat....... 15 minutes ago you KNEW man was alone in the universe.... Just IMAGINE what we will know tomorrow !! "K"- from Men in Black.

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2012, 03:18:30 AM »
when the democrats shaft the companies, the real losers are the middle class who have invested in those companies either directly or through 401K etc.  and the higher price of their products affects everyone down the ladder.
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Give me liberty, or give me death

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2012, 03:37:56 AM »
when the democrats shaft the companies, the real losers are the middle class who have invested in those companies either directly or through 401K etc.  and the higher price of their products affects everyone down the ladder.
If corporate profits are at an all-time high, the companies haven't been "shafted" by anyone...They got the gold mine WE got the shaft....Unless you are a corporate executive, you are a part of the "WE"  oui?
12g shortie w/chokes,Tamer .410,12g "Buck" slug gun w/20g extra barrel, 12g smooth bore tracker I, 45/410 w/22vp matched set, 7mm-08, .308 20",

my avatar pic is my 1960 Rambler I bought in 1972 for $175..6 banger 3-on-the-tree...drove it for 5 yrs  22mpg.. was "hot-rodding" (LOL) one night...tore out 1st/reverse gear. Drove it that way for 2 yrs(with no reverse and only 2nd and high)  Had to really plan ahead when parking.
sold it for $125
Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.--Mark Twain

Politicians should only be allowed one term in office, then one term in jail.

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2012, 04:45:46 AM »
when the democrats shaft the companies, the real losers are the middle class who have invested in those companies either directly or through 401K etc.  and the higher price of their products affects everyone down the ladder.
If corporate profits are at an all-time high, the companies haven't been "shafted" by anyone...They got the gold mine WE got the shaft....Unless you are a corporate executive, you are a part of the "WE"  oui?

Cooperate executives are also not immune to this. I've been reading about a lot of this going on in
the WSJ. A lot of (YES) men and woman are getting the pink slip for the younger less paid kids who
have been nipping at their heels for years.

Cooperations are wanting the wages and salerys in this country driven back to pre 1990s levels.
And many of them are useing the economy as an excuse to do this, when their books reflect no real
reason to do so. I am no fan of Obama at all, but if you look at this and do the math a good percentage of this is not his fault. 

And as I have said here many times fair is fair, and I can find little if no evidence that's tangible that anyone is twisting these cooperations arms to do this. They are not being forced to hire illegals, or
bring in people from Pakistan or India , Africa,Mexico,and any number of Pacific rim areas to work
here. And many of them who really do want to work are finding out they were lied to about a lot of
things they were promised they would get by coming here.

Once here they get stuck in a rut, low pay and long hours keep them from going back home which a
large number of them want to do. It's hard to believe that $12.00 an hour will not get you through but it is just shy of allowing you to do so. With high gas prices, rent, insurance and food alone some of them say they are something short of $100.00 each month of making it work.Causeing them to have
to get money from relatives in the country they came from to get by here.

It's like this number was calculated before hand to do that, some of them are working two jobs the second one usually being a convenance store allowing them only four hours sleep each day. And it
isn't just them, it's happening to everyone now. The shocker is when after they had worked at the
convenance store awhile they get a raise there to $15.00 an hour. Guys a convienance store starts
paying better than the high tech job they have elsewhere where they work at harder.

What is going on with this picture ? One convenance store manager told me they are getting highly trained and educated people now. So his central office said by golly then lets pay them !
What does a convenance store chain know that big bussiness is ignoring or taking advantage of ?
I'm seeing LVNs and IT techs working at a covenance store as a full time job because they pay better and have real benifits! I really can't see how Obama has anything to do with that, he may not know
what to do the demographics are changing so quickly now.

Can anyone shed some light on this ?


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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2012, 05:17:09 AM »
Here is something you libs haven't considered.  You hire someone, you have to pay half the social security tax.  You have to provide health care.  You have to pay part of his UNEMPLOYMENT benefits, if he gets laid off.   Now, with the economy just barely sputtering along, everyone is afraid to hire anyone right now.  THEY DON'T KNOW HOW THE OBAMACARE TAXES ARE GOING TO PAN OUT,  for one thing.  Also, they don't know how much additional tax they are going to pay because Obama wants to tax the rich more.  Lots of unanswered questions if running a business.  I work with three SMALL business contractors installing pipelines.  They don't want to hire because of these reasons.  They need to hire one or two here or there, but it also EASIER TO HIRE A GREENCARD than an American, because of less benefits.  So, two of them have hired Hispanics, so they can lay them off when they are not needed. 
You liberals just have never ran a business and really don't know.  Bite the hand that feeds most Americans and pays the most taxes to the Feds. 
If everyone worked for the government or got government benefits.  Where would they get their money to operate?  Ahh, Soviet Union? 
America produced the richest, most powerful nation in history with the capitalist system.  Sure there were problems along the way, but by the 1950's most were worked out.  When the feds started meddling in everything, becoming the nannie state, giving money to the poor without a commitment from them to get out of poverty, etc, that is when we started having problems.  Check your history. 
Rockafella got rich providing cheap kerosene for lighting.
Ford got rich providing cheap cars for people.
It wasn't their fault, but they figured out how to provide cheap goods and services so MOST people could afford them.  Yes, they got rich, but, don't you think the hard work and good ideas should be rewarded. 
Jobs and Gates got rich providing computers and software at low prices so everyone could afford one. 
Where would we be without these thinkers, inovators, inventers?  Edison stayed awake for about 18 hours a day working on inventions. 
Singer, Colt, Browing, McCormick, Whitney, all invented things and got rich from their inventions.  If you do that today, you are evil, and took money from the poor. 
Liberals don't understand, GROW the economy, EVERYONE's boat rises with the tide.  The economy isn't a finite resource like liberals, socialists, and communists think.  If one thing gets in short supply, in a capitalist economy, a substitue will be found. 
For instance, I work in the natural gas industry.   Right now we have plenty of natural gas because of fracking.  However we can produce all the residential natural gas in America from cow manure from dairy farms and feed stalls.  This would cost about twice as much, but it will be doable WHEN we need to do it.   We also have a 30,000 year supply of natural gas in hydrates off shore in the Gulf and the Alantic seaboard.  It too is not yet cost effective, but it will be doable WHEN we need it.  I see this as the same with solar, wind, etc.  Coal is cheap, why not use it right now instead of shutting down the coal plants.  Cheap abundant energy will bring industry back to America, especially high energy use companies.  Obama doesn't want this.  He has this pie in the sky utopian idea of renewable energy, even though oil and natural gas are still being made in nature at the bottom of the ocean.  In his book, he wants gasoline to be the same price Europeans pay for theirs.  He wants coal plants to be shut down.  This will come in time when the price of conventional fuel goes high enough for the alternatives.  Right now isn't the time.  He wants government to FORCE it to be.  Why?  Capitalism will find a way, it will find alternatives.  Copper is high, so no new phone cables are copper wires.  So, they are installing fiber optic cables which are made from glass (sand) which is far more abundant.  Plastic water piping is also cheaper than copper now.  Copper can therefore be saved and used for wiring. 
You guys need some economic courses, from a conservative economist to get balanced. 

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Re: corporate profits all time high, wages all time low
« Reply #29 on: December 01, 2012, 05:23:10 AM »
when the democrats shaft the companies, the real losers are the middle class who have invested in those companies either directly or through 401K etc.  and the higher price of their products affects everyone down the ladder.
If corporate profits are at an all-time high, the companies haven't been "shafted" by anyone...They got the gold mine WE got the shaft....Unless you are a corporate executive, you are a part of the "WE"  oui?
so you think that corporations are here just to pay taxes???
those profits go to pay the stockholders who had enough faith in the company to loan them their money.  and the old people who count on those dividends in their retirement is fixing to get the shaft when your man jacks up their dividend taxes.
it makes me sick to see this constant class warfare..  if you liberals are so anxious to help the lazy and useless, start a parasite pot and put your own money in it.
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