My personal preference is Ruger model 77, then Winchester model 70, but lots of folks do well with remingtons and Brownings.
Question: why buy new? You can find a good used Ruger or Winchester for around $400, sometimes less if you look hard enough! And you have all year to buy one since deer season is over, right. Go to your local gun shop and ask to see a variety of rifles and find which one "feels right". Then you can know better what to look for. Sometimes some gun ranges will rent you rifles which would be even better so you could make a good choice, one that is right for you...
Also, if $$ is an issue, as it always is for me, then why do you need a bolt action? Have you looked at some of the single shots? Check out the New England Firearms/ H&R guns. They make a nice and economical single shot offered in all the calibers mentioned and you could probably get a new one for around $250-just check any of the online auction sites. I bet if you took a poll, most successful hunters will tell you that they almost NEVER need more than one shot anyway and a single shot will force you to be a better hunter, making that 1st shot count! And if you are hunting heavily wooded areas you probably will rarely have a chance for a follow up shot anyway, right? I know in the past 5 years of chasing deer in the open areas of west Texas, I have only needed a follow up shot once, so a single shot would have been just fine! If you are wanting a fancy single shot check out the Ruger model #1 or the Model #3(no longer in production, but available used and VERY nice little guns!!) Another bonus to the NEF/H&R"s is that on some models the barrels are interchangable, I think-so you can go from the rifle barrel in on caliber to another caliber and I even think you can switch to shot gun barrels on some-but don't quote me on that. Hopefully someone with more experience with these guns will clarify...
Wow, I think I just talked myself into selling my Savage 99 in 243 and picking up a NEF in 25 06!! Or maybe a Ruger #! in 25 06...
Anyone wanna trade?
Good luck with what ever you decide!