I have you in my prayers. While I can see for some it is easy to believe like you do, as you said you will have to answer to him. My prayers are that you are one, some day, that can stand before Christ on the judgment seat and hear, "Well done good and faithful servant".
While you (and Thorough) might think you have had no personal quarrel with God, rest assured the sin of Adam, for which He holds all men accountable, me and you, was enough to place Christ on the cross. He paid our price of death for us and offerd it to us as a giflt, but WE have to accept that gift as he offered it to be able to enjoy the benifits He offers with it.
We will ALL have an eternal afterlife for sure. The question is whether we spend it with Christ in Heaven or with Satan, in Hell. It's pretty straight forward.
The movie, "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson, does a good job of letting us see what his voluntary sufferings were like for you and me. The Jews are afraid the world will see them as the killers, but they miss the point. They were and are simply Gods chosen people and Christ had the greatest place in His heart for them. All of mankinds sin killed Him, but God just chose the Jews to carry it out.