Amen SharonAnne, preach on. Mike, we are not argueing about terms so much as to find a way to talk to liberals in their types of terms. They use terms irrationally. Liberals are very emotional people. Bleeding heart ivory tower types like my professor inlaws, to the poor who listen to them. They use terms like "undocumented workers" instead of illegal aliens. They use terms like "revenue enhancements" vs tax increases which is what it is. They use terms like stimulus vs throwing money at the problem hoping it goes away. They use terms like "investment in our economy" vs lets tax and spend money where we think it should go, and redistribute the wealth on OUR projects.
We have got to start changing terms. I like the idea of standard capacity and low capacity magazines. Forget high capacity all together in our talking terms. Liberals don't know the difference anyway. It is not whether high capacity is right or not terminology, it is what we need to tell libs and news media.
We have got to start fighting back on EVERY conservative issue, otherwise they will run roughshod over ALL conservative values. For instance, conservatives value life and think abortions should be strickly limited. There are so many ways not to get pg today, abortion is a stupid solution anyway. There are pills, condoms, iuds, diaphrams, and abstinance (dicipline).
We value our belief in God, whether protestant, Catholic, Jew or otherwise. We have freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. The majority is/was supposed to rule in America, but we have allowed minorities like atheists, blacks, hispanics, and Muslims to use our laws against the majority and/or exploit the system. Atheists want to eliminate God from everything, including why the Pilgrams and Puritans came to America. Blacks want to keep using the poor me and I don't have a chance to make it in the white mans world constantly whether true or not, and it is more not true today than ever. Hispanics want to cross the border illegaly and not come to America legal. Muslims have taken over Dearborn, Michigan (I lived there as a child) and have loudspeakers declaring when it is time to pray and it annoys some who still live there. Only a mater of time till they have sheria (sp?) law there if not already.
People who once came to America became Americans. Italians, Greeks, Jews, Irish, Germans, and English. All adapted the customs, politics, and hopes of Americans. Some refused to let their kids speak their home tongue and made them speak English to adapt.
We have got to fight in every area to keep our values, strengths, and beliefs. Liberals, socialists, communists will run roughshod over us if we don't.